The Bar

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Lefahn had changed into a nice black suit with a crisp white dress shirt underneath "how do i look?" he asked me exiting the closet.

"Wait a minute" i said and ran into his closet until i found a navy blue tie that matched my blazer. I quickly tied it around his neck for good measure.

"Oh" he said, his ego bruised a bit "forgot that part"

"It's alright, i didn't think you dressed up that much" i said laughing. Lefahn fake gasped, but then grinned.

I didn't expect it, but he pulled me to him and kissed me gently and slowly. it felt like there were butterflies in my tummy, and my feet felt like they were stuck to the ground.

When he pulled back and saw that i was utterly speechless, he grinned "i'm sure the blonde lady" the name of the ship "is in port. we should get going."

"O-okay" i said and followed him outside. i could see the sun setting over the land, it's pink rays blending with lavender ones making a beautiful silhouette behind the mix of rubble and sky scrapers.

He grabbed my hand, and we walked down a makeshift railing to get to the dock. it was so different compared to the last time i was here. this time i was in fashionable cloths that i could only have dreamed about in the past, and i was holding hands with the hottest man on the planet. it also didn't smell as bad as when i had been here the first time.

I held onto Lefahn tightly as we passed some sketchy people who i thought were for sure going to do something, but were simply staring at us in..... awe?

I looked around, and saw that all eyes were on us. It felt so strange after being looked over my entire life in this city. it was awkward, and felt almost wrong to be stared at this way.

I latched on to Lefahn's elbow, and pressed myself to him as close as possible as if i could just disappear if i got close enough to him. He laughed, but let me do what i wanted until we reached a road that i was very familiar with, so i knew there would be no one here but us.

I relaxed a bit and walked more normal so that i wasn't as pressed up to Lefahn as i had been.

"You need to learn how to be the center of attention" he said "after all, you'll end up on the red carpet for sure, and i know people will take pictures of their beautiful queen" he said kissing my cheek.

"Whatever" i said and elbowed him in the side.

All of our playfulness ended when we reached an extremely familiar building:

My old apartment.

The building had gotten significantly more filthy than when i was here last. probably because i was the only one who tried to make it look almost acceptable, even though the paint on the walls was peeling, and shingles on the roof were missing.

As Lefahn and i entered, old Mrs.Mcdeilly stood by her mail box frozen with her mouth in the shape of an O. I saw her eyes gleam with greed and want and jealousy just before she ran up to me putting her dirty hands on my sleeve.

"Please please give me some money. my grand babies are deathly sick, and we have no money to pay for doctors bills" she said and i could see her force a tear out of her eye.

I saw Lefahn reach for his pocket where i knew he had his wallet. i jabbed him in the side to tell him not to give her the money.

I knew for a fact that Mrs.Mcdeilly had no children of her own whatsoever, and i knew that she would never take care of children. she also had no real need for money because she was the landlord to this crappy place.

I remember her forcing money from poor families like the one she claimed to have. i remember her demanding more money from Amara and i because our neighbors hadn't paid enough. I also remember her her making sly suggestions at what she thought i was like: "oh, with all those men who come by here, i'd guess you'd have more money, guess your just cheap" or "you'll never amount to much if you keep being with different men every night"

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