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Author Note:

Just a warning, there is going to be some foul language in this chapter. i don't usually say these, but i really needed to capture the caracter.

xX*** Clara's POV ***Xx

After i looked away, the man laughed at me and started talking.

"Wise girl" he said after laughing "being submissive in these situations is what lets you stay alive. being brave gets you killed." he said and i could feel his gaze on me for a few minutes before he began speaking again.

"I dont suppose you know who i am do you?" he asked and i shook my head no "oh really?" he asked in mock surprise "my name is Brandashar, although, i'm often called Anguis when amongst the poyal court"

It meant the snake in latin, and I knew that title, but i just couldn't remember why. but after only a few moments, i knew where i had heard of him. I had learned about him in one of Lefahns lessons. Brandashar was widely known in the royal court for his ploitical influence and ideas. he was also known for his charms with the ladies of the court. it was rumored he could catch the heart even of the most devoted wife. it was also known that if the "lost princess" weren't found or never existed (since my birth was apperantly a conspiracy theory) that Brandashar would become the heir to the throne.Apperantly he planned on becoming king.

"Well, now that you know who i am, i'm going to ask you some questions, got it?" he asked.i nodded but didn't say anything "got it?" He asked again.

"Got it" i replied. my voice was so mousey that it was barely audiable.

He leaned back in his chair and began our interrogation " okay, i'm going to start with a few answers of my own" he said and then began listing them " your name is clara, you have been in foster care after foster care in the states since you were born. You were there for protection because of your identity that you knew nothing about. you were captured by the aspidochelone one day, and now your here with me. do you have any questions?" he asked implying that i shouldn't ask him anything.

But I did have a question "how do you know the aspidochelone?" i asked using Lefahns title. i didnt want this man to know anything he didnt have to.

The man smirked at my question then answered it "i met him a long time ago. i was about twenty five at the time, already an important figure in the government. He was eighteen at the time, and had somehow managed to sneak into this party that only the elite were invited to" he paused a minute before continuing "it was obvious how much he didnt fit in. he had cloths that yet fancy, were out dated, and no one knew who he was. but nobody paid attention to his cloths or his social status. they were all interested in his clever ways and differing views. every one liked him. everyone that is, except me."

"So then what do you have against him?" i asked. Brandashar got out of his memory induced state to glare at me.

"I was getting to that" he said and continued with his story "anyway, back to where i was, somehow, he knew who i was and what my purpose of being there was. you see, i came from a family that has always been wealthy and high in social status. well, since i was born, i was groomed for leadership. my parents goal was for me to be the CEO of some large company, but i wanted to be royalty! i wasn't made for simple tasks such as running a silly company. no, i was destined to rule empires." at that point Brandashar was practically yelling. he took a few calming breaths and continued again.

"Anyway, the aspidochelone had somehow figured out my plans and was trying to destroy my reputation bu spreading rumors and telling people i was lying. all of which were true, but thats how one gets to power. Have you ever read 'the prince' by Niccolo Machiavelli?" he asked. i actually had once in highschool for extra credit, but i didn't feel like telling him all of that so i just nodded.

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