in the office

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Insert 1 continuation.
we entered in his office and yeah yaz mus the office was very big and beautiful ofcause I saw a picture of a young lady must be his wife or girlfriend who knows hay.

Him:"Sit down" ohh his voice bathong it didn't sound like the earlier one this one was very deep and commanding...I was lost in my own thoughts when he talked again.
"Are you going to sit down or should I make you do It?" The way he said that It was like hayy idk but I felt the wetness down there. I looked at his eyes and they were scary sherm so I decided to listen so I sat down.

him:"Why don't you listen?" He said that keeping an eye contact.
Me:*clearing my throat*" I...uh..god" I couldn't utter words.
Him:"Should I make you talk?" i shake my head 'NO'. "then talk"
Me:"Sorry" I looked down.
Him:"for what?" I looked at him ayy this guy sherm no ayy.
Me:"for coming late and for not listening to you."
Him:"Mhhh, let's start afresh. Why don't you listen?"
Me:"I do listen , it's jus..."
Him:"Then how come a person who have ears and claming she can hear very well and always  listening don't follow my orders?" I kept quiet
Him:"so you can't talk now?"
Me:"I don't have anything to say from the  bullishit you've just said."
I mumbled the last part .I heard a chuckle.

Him:"didn't I ask you a question?"
Me:"you did , I just didn't think you will need an answer" I said that with an attitude ayy I'm tired if he wants me to go he must say it and stop with this 3rd degree questions. He got up from his chair and came to me. I breathed heavily.

Him:"if you're used talking to your customer like that well I'm not one of them" I said nothing. I clenched my tights together. He chuckled again.
He reached for my ear  whispering something and I could smell his cologne.

Him:"Can you hear now?" I nodded "now if you don't wanna get fired I would suggest you listen to me. I won't fire you but I will have to punish you."

I felt his breath on my neck
Him:"tomorrow 09:30 come to my office and I'll give you a punishment , Don't be late" he emphasized the "Don't be late" he then got off and went through the door. NO. He was not gonna leave me alone . He opened the door and said 
"You need to stop with that attitude of yours or else I'll fuck some respect in you , good bye"🙊🙊🙊🙊he then walked out. I released a huge sigh. I was left all alone and shocked about his last statement...I sat there for few minutes I finally got up and went out still wet down there.

to be continued.❤️

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