the lobola negotiations

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I stood there with a river of tears on my cheeks. Then my mom barge in my room with worry all over her face. She suddenly hug me. I cried in her chest
Me:"what's happening mama?"
Her:"u Nongqawuse ufuna uthetha nawe. Masambe." I nod and we get up. We ran to the hut. There rain was heavy it was like it hasn't rained for years yoor. We went in and Nongqawuse told mom to go out she did.
Her:"I told you to fix things but what did you do?"
Me:"we did fixed things" she got up and told me to come with her. We went to the house where we found two families sitted in a living room. The wife's were going to take off their shoes but she said

Nongqawuse:" ningazikhumuli izhlangu zenu."
Dad:" khasixelele kba yintoni eyenzeke apha ngaphandle?"
Nongcawuse:" you can't carry on with the ceremony with an angry wife." She looked at me. They also looked at me.

Dad:" uxumbele ntoni ntombiyam?" I looked down.
Nqobizitha:"Did my brother did something that made you upset or angry?"
Nongqawuse:"there's a lot that's happening in your family boy."
Man1:"Yini eyenzaka emndenini wam?" The man that I once saw on the Khuzwayo law firm was the one talking.
Nongqawuse:"Ask you family seer. I don't have to ask that." I was crying silently while still standing next to Nongqawuse. I felt a light headache and I sat down with Nongqawuse still by my side. She also sat down next to me. We were sitted in a mat.
Nongqawuse:"nibobani nina?o zulu o Mageba?" She said and her Zulu accent was really good.
Man1:"E-hena" means (yes)
Her:"yebo ninglalele ke o mageba ,Nizohamba niyothenga iinkomo eziwu-27 ezinkulu, bese nibuya nazo apha. Bese kuzohlatshwa iinkomo ekuyona eyinenkani kakhulu bese kube niseza umakoti wenu lo igazi lakhona nizolihlanganisa nomuthi u gogo azoninikeza wona ekhaya kwaZulu syezwana?" They nod "umakoti wenu lo wakdala unenzondo ebhlungi kabi ufana nalo mfazi omncani owaka Zulu  wenu." They looked at each other.
Her again:"Lo makoti wenu lo uyena kanye umakoti ebenimdinga. Uyena makoti wokcala ozoletha ukthula KwaZulu uyena onamandla futhi uyena ozophila iskhathi eside."
Man1:"I knew this day would come." He mumbled
Nongqawuse:" Yes you knew. My king your princess is not happy , one soul that Is in Zulu's households wishes her death." The room was quiet only Nongqawuse was talking.
Then there was a knock a  king shouted come in.
The guard bowed his head and said "my king there's a man from a Zulu kingdom wants to see the princess. He's going crazy and he's saying he's not going until she sees Her. He also threatened us that we open the gate or he'll shoot everyone in here just for her wife which us the princess." I smilled and my father and Man1 which I assume is bheki's father smilled to each other and nod.
father:"I'm impressed, let him in." I smilled will bheki do that? 'Shoot everyone...' i smilled to myself while looking down...
Bheki went in and I looked sihle who was saying 'rich men are ugly'
She looked me with her mouth wide open. I smilled and bheki greeted us and went to my father and bowed.
Father:"rise my son" he got up .
Nongqawuse:"hlala phansi ndodana."
Bheki sat down.
Her:"umshado wakho uyamosheka ngenca yokungathembakali kwakho"bheki looked down. "uthi kwenzanjan makunje?"
Him:"mina mma ngyamthanda u linomtha futh nakuthi ngidayise I moli kuze ngibe naye ngingakwenza lokho."
Nongqawuse:"kodwa ndodana uyazi ukuthi kuzofuneka ezinye iinkomo eziwu-27 nenye imali futhi ,kuzokwenzeka nini lokhu ndodana?"the room was so quiet only Nongqawuse and Bheki were doing the talking.
Him:"kungenzeka kule viki elizayo. "
Her:"abaphansi abasakhoni ukulinda bathukuthele kakhulu."
Him:"nakunjalo ke mma singawenza nakusasa"
I looked up and met Bheki's serious face. His eyes were locked in me when he was doing the talking. After saying this the room filled with wow faces. The girls were shocked and also his brother nqobizitha was also shocked idk why maybe about his behaviour or what I don't know.
After the conversation. They ate but I had no appetite at all I excused myself. Bheki saw that I was not okay , he folowed me when I was about to climb the first staircase he called my name. I turn and he ask to talk to me outside in his car. I agreed I was too tired for fighting. We went to his car and finally he hug me I cried in his arm. I cried as if there's somebody who died. We stayed in that position until I calm down.
Him:"I'm so sorry baby." I looked at him.
Me:"for what?" My voice was horse from the crying.
Him:"I shouldn't have bring thenjiwe with. She  should've stayed at home. Ntungamanzi told me that I should be alone when the ceremony is happening but my father's 2nd wife said I must be with Thenjiwe because she's my wife and since this few months I didn't give her my time I'm always busy."
Me:"mhhh so you choose to be with her?"
Him:"babe it's not like that. Thenjiwe doesn't know about you. Only me ,my brothers,uncle's and my parents know about this lobola negotiations.".
Me:"how come they don't know?"
Him:" Ntungamanzi said is the best if they don't know."
Me:"mhhh" I wanted to ask him something about this thenjiwe girl.
Him:"what are you thinking?"
Me:" I don't think I'll get along with your first wife."
Him:"don't call her my wife. I have 1 wife and that's is you." I smilled "you don't wish to get along with her"
Him:"she's annoying." I just look at him.
Him:"I bought you a house." I pop my eyes open...
Him:"yes , 1 in Zambezi and I'll also have to build a palace for you."
Me:"babe don't you think you've spent too much money. I mean the lobola money,a house and"
Him:"Umsebenzi wami ukuthi ngikphathe kahle, ngiknakelele, ngikjabulise.  Ngisho nawuthi ngithengele i half yomhlaba nangingathenga mina." I melted right there. "Ngyakthanda uyezwa?"
Me:"ngyakthanda nami we Mageba" he smilled 
Him:"khululeka uThenj..." his phone rang he looked the screen before he answer it and put it in his ear...
Him:"nizitholile?" I couldn't hear the person who was on the phone with him.
" ngiyfuna zilaa koDlamini manje syezwana?"
We stayed having a light conversation...I was laughing my lungs out bheki can be a fool sometimes ayy...
Me:"I'm hungry yaz."
Him:"angith uchomele ukudla lokha wena,wazenza mina." I laughed and said
Him:"we'll go buy it cause once you enter inside they won't allow you to come back. "
Him:"you ask too much,let's go." He drove off.... when we arrive in a mall. People were staring us. I was wearing a long African dress with a V neck. With colorless pushins and he was wearing a full blue suit.
We went to order and we sat down. Our order arrived and we ate...
Him:"what's bothering you?" What was bothering me is him going to have sex with the other woman and come to do it with me. Thenjiwe have experience when it comes to that and I have nothing.What if he loves her more?
Him:"stop zoning out"
Me:"I'm not"
Him:"you were"
Me:"I'm no longer that first Linomtha ,I'm always over thinking ,I don't laugh and smile often it's like there's something that's blocking my happiness." He looked down.
Him:"I'm sorry that you have to go through this alone. After lobola you'll  to come with me. Infact we will go tomorrow"
Me:"lobola is tomorrow mus."
Him:"today." He said not looking at me
Me:"what?I thought you said tomorrow."
Him:"no it's today...Now"
Me:" How much dud you give you uncles?"
Him:"do you really wanna know?" I nod
"1 million"
Him:"yes it's in those case,didn't you see them?"
Me:"haa.a" 1M?really
"Babe that's so much money."
Him:"ubabuwakho uyaythandaa imali. Phezu kwe mali leyo ufuna iynkomo ezhamba ngenyawo ezningi but I don't complain."
Me:"Why did you agree though?"
Him:"you can't argue with   your father in-law who is as king."
Me:"But wena you're capable."
Him:"not in your father"
Me:"haykee." We were now done eating. His phone rang
"Sure bafo" he smilled while looking at me
"Konke konke??" His smile grow wider and he end up laughing.
"Ngyabonga bafo ,isizobonana ekhaya ke"
" tell them that she says she doesn't want to come back." I laughed because I knew he was talking about me.
"Bafo usuyaphapha ke manje phela ewamloNkosikazi okhuluma ngaye."
He then end the call
Him:"you're now my wife they say it went well now you have to be introduced in Zulu's ancestors even though they know you." I laughed. "Ngyakthanda maZulu yezwa?"
Me:"ngyakthanda nami Myeni wami." We stayed for more minutes and we finally got up and he drove me home.
To be continued

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