the arrival of the first wife.

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The last few days we have been up and down with preparing for the wedding. It was a headache. Today I was going for cake tasting. The wedding it's on the 12th of Nov. It was now October. I wore my jeans and a floral t-shirt . Had my hair in a neat bun and walked out. Bheki was gone to work. He had an early meeting. Let me update you a lil. Bheki bought me a building well It's kinda a law firm since he doesn't want to be my 'boss'. He bought it for me and that case I was busy with eyaka Nozibusiso it went well like really well. Her ex-husband is at jail he was sentenced 25 years and 10 more for rape. I would say my life is really good now and I'm really enjoying sherm anyways I took my bag and went out.

(Day after cake tasting)
I was Saturday. I woke up. Did my morning routine.then went to make breakfast. Bheki came when I was still setting the table.
Bheki:Good morning wifey." He came to kiss my cheek.
Me:" morning baby." He sat down I also sat down we ate after eating I put dished into a dishwasher and started with house chores. I do laundry in Fridays so after cleaning I went to shower again then I wore my short dress and went to join bheki in the living room.
We were sitting with my feet on his tighs. We were both busy with our phones.
Him:let's go to Cape town."
Me:"uthanda ukdlala wena yaz baby." I lightly laugh
Him:" I'm not joking." I look at him and he was serious.
Me:"what are we going to do there?"
Him:" you'll see, let's go we will come back Monday."
Me:"ayh baby."
Him:"baby please." Okay Bheki don't say please whenever it means he's serious.
Bheki:"okay , Go pack. I'll book our flight."
Me:"we are leaving today?"
Bheki:"kanti ubuqabangan?"
Me:"I thought we are leaving tomorrow"
Bheki:"No. Now go pack." I went upstairs to pack. For both of us.

After packing I took bags downstairs. I let bheki chooses us outfit. We went to take a shower not an innocent one. After we wore our clothes. I was wearing black sweatpants with a black crop top and a black and white basketball jersey with black airforce. Bheki was wearing black jeans a black diesel t-shirt sneakers and a simple black jersey. We took snaps BEFORE going out.
Now it was raining and I hate travelling with a plane when the weather is like this.anyways when we arrived bheki and I took many vid and pics. Ohh I forgot to tell you we were with 8 guards. But they were not close to us though.
We arrived in cape town and as always it was cold. Bheki drove us to this area where there were beautiful houses and I was admiring this house when we just went in and parked right inside the garage...Bheki was relaxing. Is this one of his house too?Bheki is full of surprises. We went in through the door in a garage that leads inside the house. We went in and the house was really infact extremely beautiful. I was looking the house with a huge smile in my face.
Bheki:"welcome to your house."
Bheki:"yes. This house is yours"
Me:"you mean ours?"
Bheki:"No yours. The one you were describing the day after our wedding remember?"
Me:"No ways." I laugh thinking he was joking but I realised that he was not.
Me:"are you serious?"
He nod. I went upstairs. I went to the east wing there was the main bedroom exactly how I wanted it.the balcony with a table and the beach view. Tears started flowing. "ohh my god."
I went to the west wing there were guest bedrooms all 6 of them. A bar and an indoor cinema...
Him:"yes wifey"
Me:"is this really for me?"
Him:"yes." Tears came out more "don't cry babyy."
Me:"I'm not crying I'm just..." he laughed and came to hug me.
"Thank you so much. I'm..." I couldn't utter words. Bheki really bought me a
Me:" Thank you for this.for making my dream come true. I never thought I'll really have this babe I'm so gratefull I..." I cried more and more.
Him:"shhhh...shhhh...don't cry baby please." We stayed in that position until I calm down.
Me:"Thank you. I don't even know what to say..."
Bheki:"it's my duty to make your dreams come true to make you smile each and everyday."
Me: you make it sounds like you don't have a choice." We laughed.
Him:"you were crying min ago but now you're laughing lik..."
Me:"haa.a baby don't." He laughed. "Can I see my basement?"
Him:"No." He let go off me.
Him:"haa.a I don't even know why you wanted a basement."
Me:"ohh so ikhona?"
Him:"Cha. You don't even know how to use a gun. "
Me:"you'll teach me baby."
Him:"who said I can?"
Me:"I know."
Him:"you know what?"
Me:"that you can use a gun."
Him:"says who?"
Me: "me"
Him:"have you saw me?"
Me:"No but I can see you holding it in my dreams."
Him:"in your dreams?"
Him:" so you saw it in your dreams and believed I can use it?"
Him:" I won't teach you."
Me:" so you're admitting that you can use it?"
Me:"what are you saying?"
Him:"I'm just saying I won't teach you."
Me:" so you know how to use it?if you can't you should have just said it but you didn't said that."
Him:"mxm" I laughed "let's go" he hold my hand and we went to our bedroom,to the closet, then he looked around as if he's looking for something and after 3min of looking he said "got it " he pressed a secretive button in the first drawer written 'undergarments-her' maybe that's mines. We heard something like a drawer inside a drawer opening.we opened a drawer and there was a lift. We went in. There was a button written 1 with an upward arrow a big B1 button and aB2 button 1 was red and 2 was blue. He pressed 1 and the door closed it started opened there were all type of weapons and there ones that I didn't know off.thst were there.there was also an area where i think there's shooting training. Ismilled and went to take 1 of a small gun I aimed the wall.
Bheki:"babyy are you...gosh you're so wild."
Me:"I love this , I think I'll love this house more than I taught I'll do." I put It down "let's go check the sec one." We went back to the lift. We went to the sec. When we get in there. It was dark. There were only computers laptop. You know the equipment IT's are using?yes this room was for those people. Headphones with mic. A black wheeling chair. black tables with a small gun under it. Whoever who designed this house?really deserves an award.
After looking around the house we went to the kitchen and I wanted to ask.
Him:mhhh" he looked up to me.
Me:"can I ask you something." He looked at me with worried eyes.
Him:"oookay. "
Me:"how much this house cost?" He side smilled
Him:"do you really wanna know." I nod
Him:"I don't think you want to."
Me:"I really want to please tell me"
Him:"just a few millions." I gasp.
Me:"what?" It came out as a whisper.
Him:"you'll see when you're signing the papers tomorrow."
Me:"what papers"
Him:"this house is yours it's in your name." I pop my eyes open.
Me:"are you serious?"
Him:"yes and stop doing that, you're eyes will pop out they are already big." I laughed.
Me:" No baby stop it."
Him:" am I lying?aren't they big?"
Me:"nah stop"
Him:"ngiyabuza maZulu."
Me:"they are but..."
Him:" why are we arguing?"
Me:"we are not we..."
Him:"thula baby. "
Me:"mxm" I rolled my eyes.
Him:" i dare you to do that again and I'll fuck you and i won't let you come until you beg me." I rolled them. Again. In a blink of an eye. He put me on a kitchen counter and kissed me I respond. The kiss was heating up I pulled out. He looked at me and chuckle.
Bheki:"waze wayigwala boo."
Me:"mxm."He laughed "I'm hungry aren't you?" I attempt to climb of the counter but he held my tighs so I sat. He went to the fridge and took out bread.
Me:"kantee what's happening in this house?I thought this house is new nje?"
Him:"yes,Ntombi is the one who bought groceries and guns?my guards did that." I laughed. He made sandwiches

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