marriage life1

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I was woken up by a loud knock on the door. I get up to open it was mama.we greeted each other.
Mama:"Thatha lamanzi wokhlamba, uhlambe mawceda uze ekhitjhini izokwenzela wonke umuntu ukudla kwasekseni." I nod and took the water. I didn't came with my toiletry bag in here. The main house is far yooh haa.a. let me just wake Bheki up.
me:"bheki" I shook him..
bheki:"mhhh" he turned to look at me.
Me:"vuka klk."
Him:"I can hear you. Talk."
Me:"can you do me a favour?"
Me:"wake up first baby."
he opened his eyes. "Okay so your mom came here and gave me water to bath so the thing is my bags are in the main house."
Him:"I get it ,so mina ngivuselwani ke baby?"
Me:"please get them for me."
Bheki:"okay." He got up and kissed my cheek then wore a short and a t-shirt with slides then went out I made bed and waited for him. He was taking so long. He finally came back.
Me:"took your time huh ,thank you." He chuckle. He went inside the bed covers and slept. I bath.after I was done I wore a [khiba] and itshali on my shoulders and I coverd my doek I wore black slides [sandles]. I then went to dispose water ,I wash the bath(tub) uvasi maguys. After I came back to pack back my bag. I then looked myself in the mirror for the last time.
Bheki:"mhhh mhhh mkamii madoda haw haww imina lo?" I smilled. "Haww sthandwa sam masumuhle kangaka uyokwenza ukudla yini?" I laughed. He came to me and we kissed so passionately. I pull out and went out.
We were now eating and I was sitted next to bheki and ntombi. I couldn't see thenjiwe nor nokubonga. After eating the helpers cleared the table with my help and they washed the dishes. I went to sit on a lounge next to bheki. He cover me with his arm and kissed me a forehead. I blushed.
Nqobizitha:"weee bafoo."
Khulekani:"musa ukqamula ingane yabantu bo."
Bheki:"musani ukphapha nina." the room filled with laughter.
Bheki:"njengoba besengintjelilee syahamba thina namhlanje syegoli. Sizonithumela ke ismemo somshada woMkami omkhulu omhlophe." They agreed. Mama said I should visit her often. We get up and went to the bedroom to take our bags. We showered in the main house together then we wore our clothes. I was wearing a traditional dress with itshali and black stripes heels.i also covered my head. After we went downstairs and we said our goodbyes and we went out. We drove to joburg.
We were now in a mall. I was hungry shem. We were waiting for an order at spur. people were stealing glances at us I don't know why. After minutes of waiting finally our order came. We ate while having a light conversation. After eating bheki suggest we buy groceries for his apartment. We did and after we went home.
when we arrived we packed the food and I was tired I throw myself into a couch. He joined me after.
bheki:"ngiyakthanda maZulu futhi ngizohlezi ngikthanda. Ngizokunakekela ngikuvikele ngithembe nangisho njalo." I smiled.
Me:"ngyakuthanda nam Mageba." I need to shower sherm.
Bheki:"Tomorrow I'll send the guys to your house to pack your things ,you'll go with them right?"
Me:"yeah what about my cars?" He kept quiet for a moment
Bheki:"how would you like your house be like?"
Me:"are you going to buy me a house?" I said excitedly.
Bheki:"No I didn't say that I just asked you a question." He said I pouted.
Me:"okay. I would like to have a house near the beach. I wanna feel the morning breezeeeeeeee. I wanna have a main bedroom with a big bathroom an walking though en-suite , a closet where there will be clothes of every colour and I'll have 2 study rooms one for you and one for me. A mini bar. A kitchen ofcause. 6 guest rooms. 3 bed rooms. A basement with a room of all kinds of weapons don't ask me why. I want an indoor cinema and lastly I want a red dark room." He was smilling making a video.
him:"go on."
Me:"okay so outside I want a pool it must have watefall. babee and the backyard must have a garden it must be peaceful babey marn and that will be all." I said and sat down. He put his phone down and kept on smilling.
him:"you'll get exactly that."
Me:"what?you said you were just asking"
Him:"Bengizbuzela vele mina babe."
Me:"mxm , I'll just save money and have it myself"
Him:"and I won't stay in a house that was bought by my wife."
Me:"you'll miss out."
Him:"you won't enjoy alone."
Me:"I will."
Him:"no you won't."
Me:" I will."
Him:so you'll fuck yourself in the 'red dark room"?" He imitate my voice
Me:"it's not like here you're fucking me so there won't be any difference."
Him:Is this you asking me to fuck you."
Me:"no this is me telling you the difference." He opened his mouth and close it. I laughed he laughed and shook his head.I went to sit on his lap.
Him:"stop using this lawyer thing of yours in me" I laughed.
Me:"i should be the one saying that"
Bheki again:"consequences of marrying a lawyer." I laughed again...
Him:"haww kodwa ngkhethe kahle. Uphelele phela wena." I smilled
"awushoke baby I basement eyani?"
Me:i said don't ask me."
Him:"you have gangster in you huh?"
Me:"angiyena u baby girl kphela mina babey."
Him:"hawww wadlaaa wena Mageba" he shouted
We talked until it was late I went to the kitchen to cook after that we ate and went to bed.

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