the secrets reveal.

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Nonjabulo his lover.
Insert 5.
I woke up and drag myself to the bathroom I did my business and wore my clothes then went downstairs I made a light breakfast and ate...
I was at work and I haven't seen my man since this morning maybe he didn't come anyways I'm busy with a case of Nozibusiso his husband well let me say ex-husband wants a divorce because she is crazy well he makes people thing that Mrs Ndlovu is crazy which I find it very funny because this  woman has no even 1 sign that she's crazy mxm. I was on my way to meet nozibusiso.i took my bags and went out...
Nozibusiso was with nonjabulo at some restaurant...Nozibusiso was explaining after they exchanged greetings
Nozibusiso:" it started when his mother died and she left everything on my name because she knew that his son can not run businesses all he knows is to spend after her mother died he blamed me because i was with her when the maid poison her so he  started to drink a lot and he would beat me everytime when he came home and he would say I was the one who supposed to be poisoned that night sometimes he would take me without my permission so I started to take sleeping pills hoping I would sleep forever but they don't work for me. He forced me to sign everything to him that was her mothers and now he wants a divorce"
Me:"wow , like who does that mara yee?ayy he is ungrateful sherm no haa.a. I will help you Mrs ndlovu. your case is simple just that we don't have a proof nor a witness."
Her:"I do have a witness and a proof too" I look at her she took out a USB drive in her pocket and gave it to me " our gardener he's the only one who knows ,we spent too much time together so he noticed the blue eyes..."...
Me:"let's meet again tomorrow at my office , I gave her my business card and stood up after paying the bill.
I went back to the office i was exhausted shem yuuh haa.a I was playing with my pen when I got a call from Dad.
××Phone Convo××
Me:"molo tata"
Me:"ewe tata unjan wena?"
Him:"ndiphilile nam ntombiyam."
Him:"u Nongqawuse undithume kuwe mntanam" I nod
Me:"ewe tata ndimamele"
Him:"ndinqinga kuzofanele uze apha uzozivela mntanam"
Me:"ndizovela ngeLwesihlanu tata"
Him:"mntanam ingxamisekile lento afuna ukuyithetha nawe u Nongqawuse"
Me:" okay tata ndizakhuluma no mphathi wam if uyavuma   ksasa ndizoza apho tata"
Him:"alright sanalwam sizathetha yeva?"
Me:"ewe tata bhabhayi" he hung up.
I wonder what's that, that is so important that I must even skip work yoor haa.a let me go to Mr Zulu's office. I went to his office i knocked and I heard 'come in' i went in and here he was looking tired as hell and he was busy yerr.he shift his head to me and he faintly smiled.
him:"hey, miss me?" He smirk.
Me:"hii, actually I came to ask something , work related" he looks me confused
Me:"i have a problem back at home and they need me there so I have to go tomorrow morning"
Him:"so what did you want from me?"
Me:" I want to take a week leave"
Him:" ofcause you can get that ,but babe is there something I should worry  myself about?"
Me:"No don't worry nothing important"
Him:"No ways this is not important. If it wasn't they would have wait until friday but they want you tomorrow ayy babe this is way more important haa.a." I looked down " is there something you're hiding from me?" How do I tell him that I'm needed by a family seer?No ways. "Babe talk to me."
Me:" the family seer is the one who needs me Idk why but my father said it's important and it will be better If I hear the news by myself" he gets up from the chair and came to give me a tight hug I didn't know I needed it until he gave me one we stayed like that for few minutes.he kissed me I respond...the kiss was passionately and it was filled with lot of emotion which I didn't know. I finally pulled out to catch my breath.
Him:"marry me" whoaa what???my eyes were all out.
Me:"what?" My voice was low v low.
Him:"marry me Linomtha, I know I don't have the ring right now and I'm not on my knee but please make me the happiest man and marry me?"
Me:"yes...yes...I'll marry you" he lift me up with a smile
Him:"ngyabonga Zizi omuhle ngyakthembisa maDlamini ukuthi ngzokthanda,ngikvikele,ngikuphe neyngane eziningi" I laugh at his last statement.
Me:"ngyakthanda mageba"
Him:"ayboo awphinde futh ungbize ngo mageba ngizwe?"
Me:"Mageba wam" he smilled like a high schools kid who is inlove.
Him:" kodwa ngzokukhumbula mina nje mama"
Me:"haybo I'm going just for a week nje qha" he made puppy eyes "nam ndizokkhumbula baby" I peck his lips "you're busy ne?"
Him:"yeah eish" he brushed his face with both his hands. "You can go to your family but I'll have to company you or you must atleast agree taking one of my guard with you".
Me:"No it's better when you're the one going with me."
Him:"but I'll come back here though ,I have lot of work to do."
Me:"I'm okay with that."
Him:"don't let your childhood boyfriends touch you or else I'll put the bullet into their thin skull."
Me:"ayyh I'm out of here ,see you tomorrow morning baby,I love you bye" I peck his lips and went out.

Nonjabulo his lover.♡Where stories live. Discover now