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Bhekizizwe it was Wednesday. Lunch time. I decided to pay my wife a visit.
I bought her food then went to here work place.
When I get there I went straight to her office. I open the door and there she was sitting on her chair with her back facing the door.

Her:"ayy kodwa lento yakho yokungena e-ofisini lami ungakokodanga one day you'll found me naked."

Me:(chuckle). and you know what will happen." She turned. "I bought you food." She smiled.
Her:"thank you baby , you're such a..."
Me:"baby don't say it."
Her:"okay okay buy thank you." She got up and stand
I went to her and crouched I held her tummy.
Me:"hello my boy ,how are you and mommy holding up?" I look at wifey here and she was already crying.
Me:"Boy musa ukukhalisa umama. Angthandi uma ekhala uyathanda wena?ehe musa ukumenza ebe njena ke."
Her:"why do you think it's a boy?"
Me:"I can feel it. Boy ngyakhamba mina manje usale kahle yezwa?uphathe umama kahle futhi uhlale wazi ukuthi ngyakthanda yezwa." I felt his kicks. I smiled. I look at Zano and she was also smiling. I kissed her Tommy and got up I kissed her forehead
Her:" do you really have to go?" Me: yes I have to go to a court in30 min time." She nod.

I hug her and kiss her for the last time then  went out.

End of part 1

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