First wife's destroying plan.

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"Don't let her  inside your house. Don't let her ,Don't let her she'll destroy your marriage. I Repeat Zanobuhle don't let her..."
I woke up with sweat all over me. There was a voice that was telling me that I must not let her inside my house. I check the time and it was still midnight. Bheki was not here. I wondered where he is. I pressed my phone to call him but I remembered that maybe he must be with Thenjiwe so I switched of my phone and tried to sleep.  
I kept turning and tossing. I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs I drank water and I scoop an ice cream into a bowl then went back to my room.

I found Bheki sitting on top of my bed.
Bheki:"Baby it's midnight and you're not sleeping Why?"
Me:"Bheki you're also awake ayboo."
Bheki:" I can't sleep."
Me:"I can't sleep either."
Bheki:"wanna talk about it?" I guess he saw I was not okay.
Me:"let's go get ice cream and we'll talk."
He came to me and we went downstairs. I was eating the one in a bowl when we were going there....we got there....
Bheki:"asiwale ngawe ke , why can't you sleep?"
Me:" haaa.a asiqale ngawe." He laughed
Bheki:"mhhhh-hhhhh." Means No.
Me:"okay I see danger in here."
Bheki:"what danger."
Me:"I think there's someone who wants to destroy our marriage." He  pulled me closer and I felt some electrify feeling. He was sitting on a chair and I was standing. I love how he can control my body.
Bheki:" I can sense danger but I can't really sea what. There's something blocking me."
Me:"Thenjiwe." What?I didn't mean to say that. It's like someone just talked on my behalf.I frown my eyes and bheki looked at me.
Bheki:"I knew it."
Me:"what?" I knew that Thenjiwe wanted bheki to intimate with her but Bheki refused they just slept together.
Bheki:"she wanted to slee... wait you knew?"
Me:"So you're okay now?"
Bheki:"I'm what?Babyy!." He smirked. I smilled.
Bheki:come here." He leaned in and we kissed...the kiss was getting hot I pulled out. I didn't know why but I just felt like it.  We made eye contact.
Me:"nah I just felt like it." He smilled.  We looked at each other for some time . I look at his guy. He was wearing a grey sweatpant and his man was visible. I smirk. I turn back to his eyes. I raised my eyebrow and touched  his man. He smilled  I attempt to put my hand inside but he held my hand.
Bheki:what are you doing zano?" I frowned. He never called me by this name.
Bheki:"what?I know your name."
Me:"where do you know it from?"
Bheki:"uhh...Dream." he shrugged.
Me:"wow." I continued by putting my hand inside. He was warm I touched it  his breath changed.

Bheki:"ayy uwuu bad bitch impela." I laughed out so loud.
Bheki:"keep it down baby."
Me:"okay...okay." I talk trying to contain my laugh...i look at bhekii and I started laughing again. He pick me up and we went to the our room.
We tried to sleep but it's like there's something that's troubling us... I turn and look at bheki.
Bheki:"still can't sleep?"
Bheki:" So am I."
Me:"let's go to the basement."
Bheki:"aww mama siyofunani ke lapho?"
Me:"do you want to go?"he smirk.
Bheki:"red or blue?"
Me:"Red." He looked at me. "Let's go." We got up and went there.

When we got there. Zano's smile grow wider. The name zano it was the name that it was supposed to be given to her on our wedding day but they didn't don't know why. I found out about it hours ago in my dreams.
Bheki:"I'm not doing it." I know she wanted something.
Me:"I won't do it zano."
Zano:"pleaseee." She made puppy eyes. She looked cute.
Zano:"I want to know how to use this one."  She point a tac-50
Zano:"babyy pleaseeeeeeee."
Me:"haa.a Zano."
Zano:"I'll do anything babyy please. I'm begging you."
Me:"okay but only on one condition."
Her:"yes anything."
Me:"We don't shoot people right?"
Zano:"ofcause baby." She said dramatically.
Me:I'm serious.".She looked at me.
Her:"okay Mr Zulu." She said.
Me:"We are going to do that later not now." She frowned
Her:"I thought we... "
Me:"No. Baby let's go sleep."
Her:" wait."
Her:"go I'll get you there."
Me:"I'm not leaving you here. Come." I picked her up and we went back. As soon as we went inside the room. We slept.
"You have to save your wife. You have to save your wife. She's in danger she's in danger,danger,danger..." I woke and i found zano dreaming. She was covered with sweat and she was mumbling something.
Her:"wh...sss.... She?"

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