The destroying plan

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I woke up with an empty side. I went to the bathroom i took a long relaxing shower. After that I lotioned and wore my black tight dress short but not too short. I went out. I could hear bheki's laugh from here. I love the bond they have as siblings it's nice sometimes I wish I had them also even if it was one. There's something I need to tell bheki . Now. I went in the lounge and greet after I went to sit next to bheki. Thenjiwe was not here.
Me:"can I talk to you.?" I whispered.
He smilled then got up and held my hand. We went in a kitchen.
Him:"kodwa maDlamini masukhiphe konke kanje uthi mina ngizbambe kanjani?" I laughed.
Him again:"uyazi ngathi ngingakudla manje kuleli tafula manje." I laughed some more. Thenjiwe went in  I kept quiet and looked at bheki.
Me&bheki:"hey." She took Water then attempt to walk out.
Me:"thenjiwe do what you wanted to do. Don't let our presence stops you."
Thenjiwe:"nah babe I'll have water for now."
Babe?wow. I nod.
Bheki pick me up unnoticed and put me on top of the kitchen counter.  He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. He was now sitting on a high chair.
Him:"Can I please have my breakfast."
Me:"bheki anyone can walk in here anytimmmmmmme."
He was already rubbing my clit. (REMOVED)
After that we went back to the living room.
Nokubonga:"anishoke bo lovey dovey...ibizwan le ebeniyenza yokmuncana izinto zangasese?" The brothers laughed. I looked down embarrassed
Bheki:"mamncani phuma eyntweni ezingakfunii." He was pissed.
Khulekani:"Nokubonga awusho uNdabezitha akakwenzi lezintoo lezi yini?"
Nokubonga:"mfanaa umncani wena awthule. futhi awthi ngihambe ngyogeza." We laughed .She get up and walk upstairs.

×somewhere in the bushes×
I parked my car and I could see the house from here. I lock my car then went straight to that house. I knock and I was told to come in. I did.
Him:"yebo ntombazana"
Me:"ehh baba ngize l..."
Him:"ngyazi uzeleni la. Kunzima ukumsusaa endleleni futhi kuyingozi kakhulu ingabe umngani wakho ukulindele lokho?"
Me:"she said to me no matter what as long as she's out."
Him:"" he shakes his head. "Naku thatha. Utshele umngani wakho ahambe aye ethuneni laka gogo omdala wakwa Zulu athathe umhlabathi abuye nawo awuhlanganise namanzi athele naku makeseceda alale nomyeni wakhe lo benze uncansi uzothi umyeni nakaya ku lo bese uyaphuma ke." He gave me a small plastic with powder I took it and smilled.
Him:"lentombazana ibona yonke into. If she poison her it won't work and it will backfire."I nod. " Tell your friend to get out of that house before today ends." I nod and payed then went out.

I woke up with an empty side. I went to the bathroom i took a long relaxing shower. After that I lotioned and wore my black tight dress short but not too short. I went out. I could hear bheki's laugh from here. I love the bond they have as siblings it's nice sometimes I wish I had them also even if it was one. There's something I need to tell bheki . Now. I went in the lounge and greet after I went to sit next to bheki. Thenjiwe was not here.
Me:"can I talk to you.?" I whispered.
He smilled then got up and held my hand. We went in a kitchen.
Him:"kodwa maDlamini masukhiphe konke kanje uthi mina ngizbambe kanjani?" I laughed.
Him again:"uyazi ngathi ngingakudla manje kuleli tafula manje." I laughed some more. Thenjiwe went in  I kept quiet and looked at bheki.
Me&bheki:"hey." She took Water then attempt to walk out.
Me:"thenjiwe do what you wanted to do. Don't let our presence stops you."
Thenjiwe:"nah babe I'll have water for now."
Babe?wow. I nod.
Bheki pick me up unnoticed and put me on top of the kitchen counter.  He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. He was now sitting on a high chair.
Him:"Can I please have my breakfast."
Me:"bheki anyone can walk in here anytimmmmmmme."
He was already rubbing my clit. (REMOVED)
After that we went back to the living room.
Nokubonga:"anishoke bo lovey dovey...ibizwan le ebeniyenza yokmuncana izinto zangasese?" The brothers laughed. I looked down embarrassed
Bheki:"mamncani phuma eyntweni ezingakfunii." He was pissed.
Khulekani:"Nokubonga awusho uNdabezitha akakwenzi lezintoo lezi yini?"
Nokubonga:"mfanaa umncani wena awthule. futhi awthi ngihambe ngyogeza." We laughed .She get up and walk upstairs.

×somewhere in the bushes×
I parked my car and I could see the house from here. I lock my car then went straight to that house. I knock and I was told to come in. I did.
Him:"yebo ntombazana"
Me:"ehh baba ngize l..."
Him:"ngyazi uzeleni la. Kunzima ukumsusaa endleleni futhi kuyingozi kakhulu ingabe umngani wakho ukulindele lokho?"
Me:"she said to me no matter what as long as she's out."
Him:"" he shakes his head. "Naku thatha. Utshele umngani wakho ahambe aye ethuneni laka gogo omdala wakwa Zulu athathe umhlabathi abuye nawo awuhlanganise namanzi athele naku makeseceda alale nomyeni wakhe lo benze uncansi uzothi umyeni nakaya ku lo bese uyaphuma ke." He gave me a small plastic with powder I took it and smilled.
Him:"lentombazana ibona yonke into. If she poison her it won't work and it will backfire."I nod. " Tell your friend to get out of that house before today ends.This won't end well." I nod and payed then went out.

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