the relationship

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3 months later.


It has been 3 months working at Zulu law firm and dating Bhekizizwe. Yeah we're dating right now and we haven't intimate when I go to his house we would just cuddle and sleep nje qha. We don't fight infact for now there are no fights so it's good. When we are at work we keep things professional. he wanted me to go work at the other law firm because he doesn't want me to work for him. he said 'I can't have my wife working at my company' but I didn't entertain that.

I just showered I'm sitting ,doing my face,I'm going to a date yes bhekizizwe is taking me out I did my face,hair then I wear my Short Ruched black Satin dress with my black flare heel[push in]. I took my handbag and took mirror pictures I check the time it was 20:30
Me:"Shit" I was suppose to be outside at 19:30 welele I'm dead.
I rushed downstairs and went out after locking the door.
I saw his car at the gate ,I went to him I knock on the window he gets out with his eyes all out and his mouth wide open.
him:" look ohh god you look beautiful"
Me:"thank you. You don't look bad yourself" he smilled well I won't tell you what he was wearing hay. He opened a door for me.he jog to his side and went in he drive off...

We arrived at this place we were going to eat at the place was nice and it looked expensive hayy we sat down and the waitress came.
Her:" good evening customers can I take your order"  they gave already gave us the menu's
me:"Can I please have Grilled steak onion ponzu and potato chips with red wine" I MrZ gave me a death stare I just ignore him
MrZ:"I will also have the same with  a Heineken". The waiter took the menus and went to where she was going. We  waited for food and it came after  minutes of waiting we ate while having a light conversation. Bhekizizwe  was off there was something that is bothering him I can see the way he would look at me and when I look at his eyes he would break it.idk why. Because I'm usually the first one to break the eye contact eyy mara ayy. We were now done eating they came and cleared our table.
Him:"babe" I look at him he was facing down "I have to tell you something ebekfanele kade ngaktjela "
Me:"mhhh okay"
Him:" I'm from a royal family and I'm the..." I didn't even wait for him to continue. I stand up
"You'll find me outside" I went out. I didn't know how to react but what I know is that he can't be with me because he has to find a wife from Zulu who is a princess. I'm also a princess but not of the Zulu's so this relationship has came to an end. Will I be able to move on though?...yeah but it will take time mhh but how do you move on when you see that person almost everyday. Now I wish I never came to Zulu law firm ayyh but mina I'm being selfish why can't I accept that he is a prince and I'm a princess I also have royal blood just that I'm from the Xhosa kingdom and he's from the Zulu kingdom what's wrong with that?ayy sherm I'm going to apologies mina but not now after he has apologies for keeping this from all this time. I'm continuing with this relationship I mean we love each other mus so no one can stand in our way h...I was lost in my own thoughts when someone talk
"It's cold come let's go home" it was bhekizizwe I  get in the car and he also get in then he drove we stop at the petrol station and refill we went to buy snacks and when we came back i said.
"Can i drive?" He looked at me with suspicious look. "Pleaseeeeee" I made puppy eyes
Him:"okay here" he gave me the car keys.
Me:"thank you , I love you " I peck his lips and went to the driver's sit" he gets In
Me:"fasten your seatbelt please" he did.
I start the car engine and drove off........
Him:"babe we don't have extra lives slow down" I was driving in high speed because I knew there were no cameras in this road we finally arrived at his house. There were noise in the house. We got in and 4 guys and 1 girl in the lounge eating and drinking yoor.bhekizizwe clearedhis throat they all looked at him.
Him:" niphuza utjwala bami ngingazi mina ,noma nawe ula" I guess noma is the girl. they were looking at me I looked down.
Bhekizizwe:"aybo bafethu nase nibheka umuntwam kanje"

Guy1:"sawubona nkosazana"
Guy2:"aybo mpiyakhe awuzo sazisa kumakoti"
Bhekizizwe:"eyy futsek wena , asambe baby" he held my hand and we went upstairs.
Me:" are they your friends?"
Him:"No ,they're my siblings" what
Me:"What??all of them?"
Him:"yes,let's have a shower and we'll join them after we are done"
Me:"I'm not taking a shower with you" the last time we did that you hand were inside me so now we won't know what will be inside. He laughed.  I went to the bathroom i showered,lotioned  after that I wore my trackpant and his t-shirt it was big hayy. I also wore his shoes then I took my phone and went downstairs. When I was coming down I heard them talking

"bafo yini uyaythandaa lengane ne?uze uyiletha kwakho, phela wena awulethi nanoma ubani endlini yakho."
Him:"Yebo ngyamthanda bafo futhi uyazi ukuthi ngiyinkosana, kuthi ngizophatha kungekdalaa"
Noma:"she's beautiful I think I love her" hee she just saw me 2sec ago and she already loves me  tshini bethuna...
Bhekizizwe:"guys this girl is special we were meant to be. The dreams I was having for this past few years are the also ones she was having so now u found her we don't longer  get those dreams unless we fight then they'll come back" wtf?bhekizizwe is my soulmate?ayboh the guys were quiet I decided to go to them I heard enough.

Me:"Mageba" all the guys look at me.and smile." Sengqedile"
Bhekizizwe:"they are not talking to you zilima ndini" they laugh. He came to me and hold my hand we went sit down.
He introduced them as "Nqobizitha,bhekumuzii,Qhawe,khulekani,ntombikayise" they look alike.
We sat there with them asking question and khulekani is the one who talks too much in this family I  see. They are people who loves laughing they don't have stress sherm yaz. We chat until it was late they went to their house and we also went to sleep.
I woke up to find bheki holding my waist as if his life depends on it. I tried to got of from him but he was holding me tight.

Me:"Bhekii marn , I want to pee"
Him:"go fast and come back" hee I'm not coming back
Me:"okay now let me go" he let me go I rushed to the bathroom i peed yooor I felt lighter you know the feeling after letting go that morning pee anyways I wipe myself and wash my hands I went back to the bedroom and this man is still sleeping ayy let me just shower sherm , I took a quick shower and went downstairs i made breakfast and went to call bheki he was still sleeping  hebanaaa kante what's going on here.

I shook him
Me:"wake up I made breakfast"
Him:"5min I'll be there"
Me:"babyy haa.a wake up  and freshen up so that you can eat wethu."
Him:"okay babyy" he said that not waking up I leaned and kiss his lips he was not responding so I bit his lower lip and he start kissing me back I put my hand in his boxer and started to hand job him he groans and I felt him becoming harder I stop and pull out from the kiss he opened his eyes slowly he turned us now he was now on top he kissed me I respond. He brushed my tighs.he touched my nana I gasp and that made him to put his tongue inside my mouth we kissed while his hands runs through my body I was left with my panties only he rubbed me and to say I was feeling things he take off my panties and went down he licked me and I was moaning loud while my hands are holding his head I felt something entering me it was his fingers I gasp he take it in and out for sometime he would do the circles inside me. I fell a build coming and my body goes rigid I release he licked me clean and came to kiss me I didn't respond because I would've taste my juices yerr.
him:"I love you"
Me:"I love you too"i tried to get up because his man was poking me my stomach.
me:"your man is poking me"
Him:"you need to take of me angith u wena omvusile."
Me:"I just wanted you to wake up not him".
Him:"so you used him knowing very well he is sensitive?"
Me:" stop with your lawyer thing let's go and take a shower and eat I'm hungry aren't you?"
Him:I am but I want to eat you" I hid my face with my hands and smiled.
"Come let's go" he picked me up we went to the shower we got in and he opened cold water I attempt to get out but he hold my hand.
him:"haaa.a where do you think you're going?"
Me:" I won't bath with cold water mna wuu soze can never be me sherm , I'll use a bathtub" he laughed and let me go  I went to pour water I was shivering guys yoor.
We were now done we ate and stayed the whole day together making videos and enjoying each other's company.

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