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A year later.
Author's Pov.

Bhekizizwe and Nonjabulo are happily married. Their wedding was very very beautiful and expensive too Nonjabulo was a happy bride her husband made sure that she's happy he even told the wedding planner that to do everything that her wife wants no matter how it cost "Do everything she wants no matter how expensive it is as long as my wife is a happy bride." His words. They went to Europe for the honeymoon that's what theewife wanted. Other Zulu wifes are even jealous of her lol. Thenjiwe had a miscarriage and she's no longer in zulu household she was chased away after she was caught trying to poison Bhekizizwe. She stays in one of the bridges in Polokwane. Mpilontle on the other hand she had a mental breakdown ,she's also blind can't even walk. Nokubonga is also no longer the Zulu wife. She is divorced. Nonjabulo is 9 weeks pregnant and she doesn't know yet.
I run to the bathroom and I vomited. I've been vomiting lately and I eat a lot. I also gained a lot of weight.
I vomit until my thoat was dry. I sat there and cried Bheki came in and help me to get up.
Bheki:" I'm taking you to the doctor. Let's get ready."
We took a shower not an innocent one. After that I wore my red and black floral halter neck maxi dress with slit with black push-ins. I had a black 12-inch curly Brazilian frontal weave. After that I went downstairs I found bheki eating.
Me:"I'm done let's go."
Bheki:"ain't you eating?"
Me:"Did I say I'm hungry?"
Bheki:"ayboo I'm asking that ain't you eating." I roll my eyes.
Me:"Mpiyakhe masambe." He was about to but then he closed his mouth and got up. We went out and went to the doctor.
Doctor:"good morning Mr &Mrs Zulu how can I help you today?"
Him:"my wife here has been vomiting lately so I thought to bring her here."
Her:"okay mam please come and sit here." She points the bed I went there and sat down.
Her:"uhmm... mam are you on a pill or any..."
Me:"No I don't I was but I stopped." I then remember the fight me and bheki had because I was on a pill and I didn't tell him.
Her:"are you two using protection?" I look at bheki and shook my head.
Her:"okayy...mam please take this and pee inside it" she gave me a small container. I went to a bathroom and I did
I come back and she pour my urine into something I think it's a pregnancy test. We then waited for few minutes
Her:"congratulations you're pregnant." She gave us the PT. It was written pregnant 9 weeks. I look at bheki and he was smiling like retard.
Bheki:"maZulu Ngyabonga sthandwa samii." He said while holding my hands with his eyes in mine.
Doctor:" do you mind having an ultra sound."
Bheki:babyy why?"
I don't even know why I said no.
Me:"we'll come back on Friday. Not now."
After the appointment with the family doctor. We went to the car as soon as we got in. I shed a tear. I didn't know how to react.I really didn't know how to feel.
Bheki:"MaZulu?" I didn't answer.
"Sthandwa sami talk to me."
Me:"is this real?" I touched my stomach.
Him:"it is real." I look at him and smiled. He return it.
Me:"you did this on purpose right?"
Me:"you got me pregnant Mpiyakhe man."
Me:"No I didn't."
Me:" remember the last time talking about kids you said 'can i put a baby in you?' And I thought you were joking and you were fucking serious." I started hitting his chest. He hug me.
Me:"don't touch me." He let me go. I cried.
Him:"why are you crying?"
Me:" you don't touch me anymore because I'm pregnant."
Him:"what?babe you've just said I must leave you."
Me:"so I'm crazy?"
Him:"No babyyy ohh god."
Me:"Bheki you don't love me anymore do you?"
Him:"yes babe what are you talking about?"

Her:" Mpiyakhe answer the damn question."
Me:"I love you so much."
Her:"then why..."
Me:"babyy babyy." She sniffed.
Her:" I'm hungry."
Me:" what do you want to eat."
Her:" not you I want food. Drive bheki."
She took a tissue and her tears.

Ohhh god what have I done this is going to be a long journey.

Bhekizizwe it was Wednesday. Lunch time. I decided to pay my wife a visit.
I bought her food then went to here work place.
When I get there I went straight to her office. I open the door and there she was sitting on her chair with her back facing the door.

Her:"ayy kodwa lento yakho yokungena e-ofisini lami ungakokodanga one day you'll found me naked."

Me:(chuckle). and you know what will happen." She turned. "I bought you food." She smiled.
Her:"thank you baby , you're such a..."
Me:"baby don't say it."
Her:"okay okay buy thank you." She got up and stand
I went to her and crouched I held her tummy.
Me:"hello my boy ,how are you and mommy holding up?" I look at wifey here and she was already crying.
Me:"Boy musa ukukhalisa umama. Angthandi uma ekhala uyathanda wena?ehe musa ukumenza ebe njena ke."
Her:"why do you think it's a boy?"
Me:"I can feel it. Boy ngyakhamba mina manje usale kahle yezwa?uphathe umama kahle futhi uhlale wazi ukuthi ngyakthanda yezwa." I felt his kicks. I smiled. I look at Zano and she was also smiling. I kissed her Tommy and got up I kissed her forehead
Her:" do you really have to go?" Me: yes I have to go to a court in30 min time." She nod.

I hug her and kiss her for the last time then went out.


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