the meeting.

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It was now time to knock off I pack my things and went out. I found Ntwenhle at the reception.

her:"so you were really going home without telling me what happened on Mr Zulu's office?"

Receptionists:"chuckle , ofcause they gave her a written  warning" me and Ntwenhle looked at her and I clicked my tounge.

Me:"Actually I went there and hee chommam I will tell you tomorrow or I'll call you when I get home" I rushed out leaving her standing there shouting my name.

I went home when I arrive, I went straight to shower then I wore my pyjamas. I ordered a pizza and it arrive after 20min. I went to pour some wine and ate I ended up drinking a whole bottle. Mr Zulu's word were still stuck in my head 'I'll fuck some respect in you'. I was tipsy and sleepy so I just slept on a couch.
Insert 2.❤️😢
I woke up with a heavy headache. I was on a couch facing the ceiling with my eyes closed. I was trying to remember how i got here but I remember that I have to go to work and I have a meeting at09:30. I open my eyes and jump off the couch and went to shower,lotioned, and wore my black suit (women suit ofcause) with my black stilettos.  I tied my weave,watch,perfume, bags, then went out I didn't even eat yoor.

It was  09:40 when I arrive at work I passed at the reception and the annoying girl talked I stopped.

Her:"Mr Zulu is waiting for you in his office he was waiting for you since 09:30"

Me:"okay thank you" she just rolled her eyes mxm it's not like I care nxn.🙄

I went to my office i put my bags then took a deep breath, I took a lift to Mr Zulu's office and I was shaking yoor unbelievable.🥲
I knocked several times and no one answered so I decided to let myself in.His cologne hit my nostrils as soon as I get in. He was there sitting on his chair looking at the glass wall.

"Who said you must come in?" He talked bringing me to my senses "so you're tounge tied now?you can't talk?huh?"

I cleared my throat Me:"I knocked so many times but you didn't answer me so..." he interrupt me
Him:" so that makes you to do my very own office yours?you enter whenever you want to?"

Me:"I'm sorry"  I was so pissed tjeses hay shem lendoda indiqhelaa kakubi yerrr but he's my boss anyways.
Him:"Sit down "he commanded, that tone again that tone hayy bethuna this guy is making my body reacts in some kinda weird. Instead of sitting down I did the opposite I went to stand infront of him his eyes were closed.  I faced him. He clenched his jaws and that made him more handsome hayy this guy. He opened his eyes and I jumped a lil. He side smiles.

He:"Linomtha kahle kahle awumameli wena ne?ngikutjele kahle nje ukuthi hlala phansi kodwa wena uza uzoma la kmina." Okay first the way he said my name?hayyy hayy notata akandibizi kanjalo and secondly he becomes more attractive when he speaks I language Ka Mama hyoo hayy 😩😩
Him:"This thing of your of zoning out is starting to be a problem now" I looked at him. Deep inside his midnight eyes. We made the longest eyes contact ever. Yona beyithetha ukuba njan nokuba beythini andaz but it meant something.
Him:"awufuni ukuhlala phansi?"
Me:"I'll go sit" when I was about to turn he grab me and made me to sit on his lap it happened so fast.
×do you think nonjabulo is falling for Mr Zulu?×

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