-Chapter One-

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Moonkit blinked his eyes open. It was slowly becoming Moon-High and his dark green eyes were bright enough to light up the whole forest. "Riverstripe?" called the tiny kit. "Yes, Moonkit?" His mother responded in a calming mew. "Why has no one returned from the thing?" He mewed innocently. "They may have gotten into a fight." Moonkit cuddled into his mother's fur in fear of what may have happened. Suddenly a gray blob pelted into camp and walked into the warrior den. Moonkit fell asleep, at the perfect temperature. Cold, because it's leaf-fall but warm under his mother's pelt. Once he woke up he walked out of the nursery, tail curled and up, hoping he could greet Lilynose and the other apprentices he had befriended. Few cats spilled into camp through the gorse tunnel, most carrying bodies of cats who had been killed. "What...?" Mewed the innocent Moonkit. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him and he turned around to see his brother, Gorsekit. The other calico kit rat next to Moonkit and they shared the same terror. Riverstripe stepped out too and noticed Cursedclaw carrying the body of an apprentice, who seemed to maybe be alive. "Great StarClan... What has RiverClan done to us?" She growled. Moonkit ran back into the nursery and huddled into the corner, hoping nothing would happen if he did. "Don't worry. I'll protect you no matter what!" Mewed Riverstripe as she laid next to her kits to warm them. "This clan will always be a safe place, as long as I'm around." Said Riverstripe bravely.

Every cat in the clan sat around the high-rock as Cursedclaw stood on the very top. "I regret to inform you that Yellowstar has died in the battle. She died a brave death and was eventually thrown off the gorge. We also lost many, many warriors. And because of this I have decided to train our warriors early. Kits shall be apprenticed at 3 moons. All elder also shall become warriors and hunt for themselves again." Yowls of disagreement flew through the clearing but Cursedclaw ignored them. "I shall take my trip to the Moonstone this Moon-High. I will take Icefang and Blackpaw. Sunheart, ready up herbs for the journey." He turned around and padded over to the leader den for a bit. A small black tom in the crowd followed him, probably Blackpaw. Moonkit stepped back into his mother's pelt as they watched from the nursery. "I don't wanna become an apprentice yet.." Mewed Gorsekit. Riverstripe didn't respond. Maybe she didn't hear. She just stared in horror. Gorsekit and Moonkit were hidden under their mother's pelt all night.

Cursedclaw walked through the gorse tunnel, paws covered in moss. Behind him was Blackpaw and Ice fang, holding tons of mice, vole, and rabbit. Cursedclaw walked into the middle of the clearing and announced, "I'm Cursedstar." The sun flickered bright and dark behind the trees as warriors, elders, kits, and apprentices emerged from their dens. A tiny, cute tom-kit stumbled out of the nursery too. "Hello.." mewed the kit. Moonkit, who had been sitting in front of the nursery jumped at the voice and mewed. "I've never seen you here! who are you?" the tiny tom didn't react to how startled Moonkit was. "I'm Mudkit. I'm not really from here. You see, my mother who died in the war... her death wish was for my father, Cursedstar to find where they left me. When I was born, my mom was a loner and their love was forbidden. But my dad found me and he'll do anything to protect me. I'm almost all that's left of his mate. So if you hate him like it seems- I will kill you." Moonkit was startled. "I'll kill you if I have to as well." he finally mewed. Mudkit let out an amused purr before padding off to his father. Cursedstar padded off to the Highrock and his kit followed. Cursedstar mewed. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting" Most of the cats gathered and some hissed at the sight of a kit, knowing the kits life may be cut short if this ceremony is what it seems. "It has come the time for my son to become an apprentice. He is three moons, and strong."Mudkit, you have reached the age of three moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Mudpaw. Your mentor will be Icefang. I hope Icefang will pass down all she knows on to you." he mewed before giving his kit a lick on the head. Mudpaw hopped off the rock and touched noses with his new mentor. Icefang and Mudpaw talked for a bit and then left camp through the gorse tunnel, still talking.

 Cursedstar padded into the nursery and hissed. "Queen. It is about time I apprentice your kits, too." Riverstripe looked helplessly at her kits, Moonkit and Gorsekit. Riverstripe couldn't fight because she was expecting kits. "I-I-I- I und-un-underst-understand." she stuttered after a long wait. Cursedstar rolled his eyes and mewed. "I think their mentors will be Bloodtail and... Smokefur, how about it?" Riverstripe nodded, full of fear. Cursedstar padded away. "Mama? I'm not ready yet..." mewed Gorsekit as he nuzzled his mother's neck. "I know... but i cannot risk my unborn kits being killed if i fight back" Gorsekit whimpered and both of her kits cuddled into their mothers fluffy pelt, hoping this day would never end, and tomorrow would never start.

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