Chapter fourteen.

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The remaining cats of ThunderClan looked up at Riverstripe and some padded over and said hello to her and the kits. 

Lilynose sat in her den and Gorsepaw sat across from her. "I... I was almost killed in the battle and... I must retire. It hurts to talk, walk, breathe, move..." Gorsepaw's eyes widened. "What will I do?" Gorsepaw Mewed. Lilynose looked outside the den and at the moon. "You'll be the new medicine cat. It is a big achievement for a six moon old cat but..." Lilynose trailed off. Gorsepaw looked down. "Please... Please at least give me tips." Gorsepaw Mewed. Lilynose nodded and walked out of the den. When she came back, Icefang was by her side. "Icefang is going to be leaving for the moonstone soon. She'll choose what happens. Make Blackfur and I an herb mix, will you? This isn't my last journey to the moonstone." Lilynose Mewed. Gorsepaw nodded and began to put leaves together.

1 moon after Icefang became Icestar.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the highrock for a Clan meeting." Mewed Icestar. Every cat gathered around. "We have taken in two cats from the rogue group without you knowing, so this is me telling you." Two cats slowly walked out from the leader's den. Moonpaw noticed his mother's eyes glow. "Lilynose has also retired to the elders den, but she asked for no ceremony." "Gorsepaw is too young to become a full medicine cat in my opinion. He will continue training, under Lilynose but she will still be an elder, just giving him tips and helping. I have decided to give him a Warrior name, however." Icestar Mewed, and as she did, Gorsepaw hopped onto the rock. "I say this as the sky becomes dark, so Gorsepaw's fallen friends can watch this special moment." "Your name, Gorsepaw.... Is now Gorsefern." Icestar Mewed awkwardly. Gorsefern looked down at the crowd with big eyes. Icestar dismissed the Clan and padded off to talk to her new deputy, Blackfur.

Riverstripe padded into the leader's den. "Prisoners- er... It's me." She Mewed as she padded in. The rogue prisoners stared at Riverstripe. "We don't know you..." Spat a red Tom. "Yes you do, Burn." Replied Riverstripe with no emotion. The other prisoner, a white she with a pink collar glared at her. "Are you sure we do?" She hissed. Riverstripe flicked her tail in annoyance. "It's me... Bloom." Riverstripe Mewed. The two rogues widened their eyes. "You... left us for.... ThunderClan?!" Hissed Burn. "It's fine. We left for Eclipse. He promised us food and shelter. Our old home was caught on fire." Breeze Mewed. Riverstripe nodded. "I hope you are accepted into the Clan." Riverstripe meowed. Breeze nodded. "I also... Am potentially expecting kits. Under Eclipse's rule we wouldn't have kits with our mates, but we matched cats who would make the strongest kits." Breeze Mewed. Burn looked at the ground. "I... My kits are also somewhere at don't know. I think RiverClan took the cat expecting them." Burn Mewed. Riverstripe nodded and purred her goodbye before heading off to sleep next to her kits.

Bluekit shook himself awake and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. "Moonpaw has been doing horrible at hunting... Vole makes me want to puke!" Bluekit muttered to himself as he grabbed a skinny vole. Bluekit padded off to the nursery and dropped the vole in front of Fogkit. "Let's share this." Mewed Bluekit. Fogkit nodded and gulped down a whole half of it while Bluekit ate a few bites. Fogkit stared at Bluekit before gulping down what he didn't eat. Bluekit rolled his eyes  jokingly and padded off to see what is happening now. Icestar was napping, Blackfur was setting up patrols, the other kits were playing, and the rogues were out hunting to prove themselves. Bluekit sighed and padded to the apprentice den. "Mudpaw!" Shouted Bluekit. The brown, blind tom with only half a tail shook himself awake. "Thank you.... Bluekit? Wait- Sorry, you smell like your mother so maybe... Rustkit! No- You're Bluekit. Thank you." Mewed Mudpaw as he padded off to go on a patrol. 

Bluekit slipped out of camp through the nursery. His eyes glowed beautifully, changing color from blue to gray when he looked around. He sniffed the snow and pelted off to the hollow tree. Once he got there he sniffed the stale scent of his mother and siblings. He rubbed himself all over the tree and scratched it. He then padded to the river and licked some water into his mouth. He looked up and padded away from the river. He found a fish, lying by a tree. He picked it up and took it to camp. "Icestar, I was out playing and found this fish on land. I think it's RiverClan trying to tell us something. Just because we fought together, it doesn't mean we are friends." Mewed Bluekit. Icestar nodded and told him to send it to the pile.

Rain fell hard and Moonpaw sat in the apprentice den. His wraps had been taken off quite a while ago, but his vision was still cloudy, and healing. He was seven moons now, meaning Lostpaw was probably about nine. I wonder when she'll join us?  He stared at the moon. I haven't visited her since the battle... even longer I think. Moonpaw rolled onto his back and flicked his ears in boredom. "You okay Moonpaw? You have quite a bit of fear scent." Mudpaw asked. "Yeah... Bad dream." Moonpaw responded. Mudpaw yawned and then drifted off to sleep.

Moonpaw padded over to the river with a vole in his mouth. He lied down and began to wait. The sun slowly rose and there was no sign of Lostpaw. Suddenly, a tortoiseshell began to pad over. "Moonpaw! Finally! Why haven't you come?" She Mewed. "Lostpaw! It's because I had bad injuries, I couldn't see. You see my scars, right?" Mewed Moonpaw as he leaped over the river. "I do see them. Also Moonpaw.. Cinderstar says she's thinking of making me a warrior after the fight. I've also decided that I'll sneak away from the Clan, no announcements." Lostpaw Mewed. Moonpaw nodded and gave Lostpaw a little lick on her shoulder. "I don't care how you leave, I'm just excited for you to come." Moonpaw purred. Lostpaw laughed. "I have to go, take this vole." Mewed Moonpaw as he dropped the vole and pelted off to camp.

Riverstripe padded over to Icestar. "Icestar, I need to talk" She Mewed as she followed her into the medicine den. Icestar turned around once she was inside. "Yes?" Icestar Mewed. Riverstripe took a deep breath and spoke. "Our prisoners are my littermates. Please let them join ThunderClan, they were only on Eclipse's side for food and shelter."  Riverstripe begged. Icestar narrowed her eyes. "I'll think about this."  Icestar Mewed before walking into the hole of the medicine den where Gorsefern was.

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