Chapter Thirteen

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As the battle began to die down, and most of Eclipse and Celestial's cats had either died or fled Moonpaw sat in the leader's den, licking his paws. "Woah, Moonpaw! Can you see?" Mewed Fogkit. "Oh. No. But, when it is off I'll be able to. I have a permanent scar now... from..... Smallstar." Moonpaw muttered. Fogkit looked shocked and began lashing her tail. "I'll get that lady! She was the mate of the evil meow who made Gorsepaw unable to be a warrior!" Fogkit hissed. "She... doesn't deserve her role... but-" Moonpaw began. "There isn't an excuse for anything Smallstar or Cursedstar have done to us and our friends." Gorsepaw interrupted him. Moonpaw flicked his tail in annoyance. "I didn't even get to finish....." He muttered to himself.

Gorsepaw stuck his head outside of the leader's den. Nobody has even tried to attack us?  He watched the few cats fighting and then saw something he never expected to see, not this soon at least. Lilynose was pounced on by Celestial and the two fought, claws and fangs. Lilynose was much weaker than the tortoiseshell she with nine lives. Lilynose was bit on her neck and she began to fight even weaker. The two fought until Celestial unsheathed her claws as far as she could and raised a paw to Lilynose's chest. She slowly moved the paw up, leaving a scratch everywhere the paw went. She made her way up to her neck and kept her pinned down. Celestial then moved her other paw to her neck too. She slowly scratched down with the second paw until she got to her chest, leaving a much deeper scratch. Celestial sat down and took her paws off. She watched as Lilynose began to bleed, but the scratch wasn't enough to kill her. Lilynose's legs twitched and she tried to wrap the wounds herself. Gorsepaw stepped out to help but Eclipse pounced onto him and the two fought inside the leader's den. Gorsepaw scratched Eclipse's stomach when he had the chance and the Tom yowled as he jumped back, standing next to Fogkit. Eclipse wasn't focused on the kit and when he started to step forward he stepped on the weak kit. Fogkit mewled in pain as he walked over to Gorsepaw and they started fighting's again. 

Fogkit noticed the blood trickling down her face and she tried to use a paw to get it out of her eyes. She shook her head and pelted as fast as she could outside the leader's den. She left the camp and followed the scent of her siblings and best friend, Rustkit. She found the hole in the tree where her mother and the kits were hiding and padded in. "Mama! I... The scary Tom, he stepped on my head..." Riverstripe's eyes were full of terror as the kit stumbled in. Fogkit's right ear was cut in a v shape and she had a small scar on her cheek near her missing ear chunk. "Come here, Fogkit." Riverstripe Mewed. Fogkit stumbled over to her mother and Riverstripe licked her ear and the scar to stop the bleeding a little bit. Fogkit cuddled into her mother's fluffy pelt and nuzzled her brother, Bluekit who was next to her. "You're such a Mouse-Brain! It was safe in here but now... now your face is... a reminder, of this battle." Mewed Bluekit. Fogkit sighed and swatted weakly at her brother's face before rolling onto her back and quickly falling asleep. 

Bluekit looked at his mother who was falling asleep, too. He licked his mother's neck and she woke up awkwardly. Bluekit sighed and flicked his tail, barely though under his mother's fur. Riverstripe licked him on the head and fell asleep again. "Does she even know how to stay awake...?" Bluekit joked to himself as he padded out of the hole. Bluekit started at the nearby river and he licked some water into his mouth. "Cold.... almost frozen over." He mewed as he looked up. Snow began to fall and one snowflake fell onto his nose. He felt a sneeze coming and he sneezed quietly. He tripped after he did and fell onto a frozen part of the river. A little part of where he fell cracked and the kit stumbled backwards. "The ice... it's fragile." He mewed. He lashed his tail around the ice and it started melting, wetting his tail. He leaped out of the frozen river and began licking his tail. "How interesting. I like the river." Mewed Bluekit. He stumbled around, his head high. "Maybe I do understand why Fogkit wanted to explore... Maybe she's not... that  big of a Mouse-Brain..." he mewed as he fell into the snow and began to sink. "Ah-!" "Help!" He mewed as he fell in. Suddenly the sound of a cat walked sounded from behind him. "Aww... too bad. I'm not the best at sneaking up. Heh." Mewed a kit from behind him. Bluekit looked up as a kit grabbed him and pulled him up. "If you wanna walk in the snow, you've gotta be light on your feet!" Bluekit muttered something, too quiet for the kit to hear. "Who are you?" Spat Bluekit at the strange kit. "I'm Batkit. From WindClan. Someone named... Gorsepaw told me this is near the safe place for kits who came here." The black kit Mewed. "Follow me if safe is what you want." Bluekit Mewed as he padded over to his mother in the tree hole. Batkit flicked her tail as she padded into the hole and looked around. "Cold... " She Mewed as she hopped up the tree. "It's hollow!" Mewed Batkit as she looked around the hollow tree. Bluekit followed. "Woah!" Mewed Bluekit as he noticed a little place in the tree where there was a small surface, big enough for a whole warrior. Bluekit hopped on and grabbed moss from inside the tree. He made a small nest for himself and lied down. "It's even more warm than my mother's fur." Mewed Bluekit as he drifted off into sleep.

Bluekit blinked his eyes open and he hopped off the little surface he slept on. He looked outside the tree and noticed the sun was coming up. "Mama. The battle must be over by now." Mewed Bluekit. Riverstripe stretched herself awake and padded over to her kit. "I'll check on my own. You're in charge, Bluekit." As she spoke, the other kits woke up and Bluekit puffed his chest up as he turned around to his siblings and friend, Rustkit.

Riverstripe pelted to the camp and hid in the ferns surrounding the ravine. She peered through the holes and saw what the camp looked like now. Blood stained the snow and all of her Clanmates seemed to be alive. Gorsepaw was treating the wounds of everybody, and was now wrapping up Tigerpaw's wounds. Very few of the rogue cats under Eclipse and his sister's rule remained in the camp. Riverstripe's eyes widened at the sight of the collared cats. "Burn and... Breeze..." Riverstripe Mewed. The two cats she named were lying in the snow, asleep and weakened. The other warriors who remained from the rogue group were being taken prisoner by other Clans. Riverstripe couldn't hear much, but it seemed like some experiment. 

"The fight is over. You have failed me, Eclipse, Celestial." Spat Smallstar. "This isn't over." Hissed Celestial. Eclipse flicked his tail and twitched his whiskers. Celestial nodded and padded over to Smallstar. "You came to us. You  told us to kill a brown cat with black and white spots. We did, and you were angry we killed your mate, instead of his kit. You should've specified. You  told us to kill your apprentices. We almost killed your son and now you're angry. Maybe you should have been more... specific." Spat Celestial. She opened her mouth to reveal sharp fangs and she then bit her neck. "We'll live this place in peace, but not until you're dead." Hissed Celestial before scratching Smallstar's nose. Eclipse handed his sister a herb mix. "It's the same one you killed my kit with. Mintpaw.. she was..." Sniffed Celestial as she stuffed the mix into her mouth. Smallstar began to choke on the herb mix and she slowly lost one life. "It'll take more than that to kill me!" Smallstar Spat. Celestial's eyes showed nothing but excitement. "Oh, I know." She mewed as she stuffed eight deathberries into her mouth, one by one. "Taste good?" Hissed Celestial. "Sweet. It tastes sweet. I... You've... I'm not going to die yet even...... if..... you.... when.... I'll..... kill.... you...." Smallstar choked as her eyes glazed over and lost life. 

Riverstripe watched her treacherous leader slowly pass on and the two twins leaped out of camp, Eclipse holding a kit. "This was my last litter with her before she passed." Mewed Eclipse. Celestial sighed and both cats pelted off. "You have failed us!" Spat Celestial in a shout at her pack of rogues. Riverstripe sighed and went back to her kits.

When she got there, Batkit was padding off to fourtrees, but she didn't notice the kit. "It is finally safe, my kits. Only Smallstar died, and Smokefur ran away, to ShadowClan after she did." Her kits and Rustkit mewled happily. Riverstripe picked up Fogkit and led all of her stronger kits to camp. 

"We're back. These kits are going to be the rise of ThunderClan." Yowled Riverstripe at the bottom of the horse tunnel. 

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