Chapter Four

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Moonpaw awoke to a loud wail from the medicine den. He stumbled sleepily over to check it out and the first the he saw was Sunheart, lying on the ground, twitching, only slightly alive. Right above her was Wolfburn, a large gray tom with Wolf-like features. His pelt mostly torn and charred from the fire of the war. Wolfburn was frantically looking for ways to keep her alive. "I'm done for, it's fine. I was given prey before I died. I may have choked on a bone, but I'm old! There isn't anything you can do... Anyways I truly want to join StarClan. I will watch over you from the stars. We will talk when you sleep." Wolfburn looked up and saw Moonpaw padding into the den. "Sunheart, no!" he mewed. Sunheart's sides rose and fell a few more times until she coughed up something and then they fell for good. Wolfburn looked at what she coughed up before she died. He found deathberries hidden by a bone. "She did  choke on a bone.. but there were deathberries too." hissed Wolfburn. "She was... Poisoned." mewed Moonpaw. Lilynose had been listening the whole time to the conversation. "I don't believe it." she mewed from inside her den. "I'm sorry, Lilynose." mewed Wolfburn. "We shall bury her tonight. Moonpaw, do you remember the time you found out who bit your vole? our when you found out it was a rogue crossing over our territory and not a kittypet?" Moonpaw nodded. "Use those skills of yours to find out who killed Sunheart. We were in love. She wasn't allowed to tell anyone. Our son is Blackpaw. Please, find out who did this to her." he mewed before padding off to tell the clan about what happened. Lilynose sighed. "It's time for me to take my place as a true medicine cat. I shall travel to the MoonStone today. Moonpaw smiled. "C-Can I come?" Lilynose sighed. "No, I'm sorry." she mewed before padding off.

Bloodtail pounced on a mouse and gave it to Moonpaw. "We head to fourtrees today. Good thing Lilynose should be back soon. Moonpaw gulped it up and looked over in the direction of fourtrees and heard a meow. "Who could that be?" meowed Bloodtail. Maybe Mudpaw, crawling back to apologize again... thought Moonpaw. Through the bushes that were near where the mew came from limped Gorsepaw, with Smokefur next to him. Smokefur flicked his tail. "I saw. You were not training the kit, you were practically playing. Sharing tongues, and eating fat mice." Gorsepaw looked sorry at his brother. "Where do you even get mice that fat in Leaf-Fall? Especially when we're coming up on Leaf-Bare." Bloodtail flicked his tail, mocking the way Smokefur did. "Maybe you'd eat just as good as us if you were actually good  at hunting. You know, sacks of bones aren't really fit for hunting. Maybe you should retire, and have me hunt for you." Smokefur hissed back "You're practically 500 moons old, maybe you should retire and I can treat your fleas." Bloodtail growled. "I have a feeling deep in my skin that you're still loyal to RiverClan." "If that's true, I'll kill you. No remorse." Smokefur purred, amused and padded off with Gorsepaw. "I hate that Smokefur. He needs to go easy on Gorsepaw in their training. At this point, he's weak as an elder!" mewed Moonpaw. Bloodtail agreed in a hiss, still angry over the arguement. Moonpaw felt blood rush through his ears as Lilynose padded into the forest, from the bushes covering up the ThunderPath. Lilynose spotted the two cats and pelted over. "I cannot tell you what has happened much but... I am  ready to take over the role of medicine cat. Moonpaw looked happy and congratulated her. Lilynose padded away, to the camp and soon the other two cats padded off to get ready for the meeting.

Cursedstar padded through the gorse tunnel, followed by Moonpaw, Gorsepaw, Mudpaw, Bloodtail, Wolfburn, Icefang, Smallbubble, Lilynose, and Smokefur. Taking care of Smallbubble's kits is Riverstripe. Cursedstar padded happily through the forest and reached the ravine they call Fourtrees. Cursedstar flicked his tail and all of the cats who came spilled into the ravine. Cursedstar jumped onto the rock and his deputy, Smallbubble purring, stood beside the rock, staring at the cat who fathered her new kits. Moonpaw looked around, frantically hoping to see the sweet she he had met a few days back. He noticed her, sitting in a group of apprentices. "Hello!" Lostpaw stared at Moonpaw, pure happiness in her eyes. "Hello." she purred. "Guys, meet Moonpaw! he's uhm.. kinda tiny" She said, not wanting to reveal the treachery of Cursedstar. "But we met by the river and he's... pretty cool." the she purred. Moonpaw looked at the large group of apprentices who stared at him. He backed up and sat by Lostpaw. Suddenly the leaders of each clan who stood on the rock let out a roar. Everyone watched as they spoke. "I am Cinderstar. Leader of RiverClan. The past leader, Sunstar died a brave death in battle." "I am Cursedstar, leader of ThunderClan. I am the best leader the forest has ever seen, although the second, Yellowstar was killed in battle. Tossed off the gorge with Sunstar." "I am the new leader of WindClan, the last one lost her last life to GreenCough. I am... Cloudstar." One tiny cat, almost the size of an apprentice spoke, ShadowClan lost their leader too. "I a-am.. Muddystar... Leader o-of-of... ShadowClan. Our last one has... become a rogue." The crowd gasped. "That is horrible news..." Mewed Cursedstar with a fake mew. "Our clan was almost entirely killed in war, you see. We are now training our apprentices at 3 moons." The other leaders hissed. "Shut if you Mouse-Brains!" Cloudstar wasn't afraid of Cursedstar and she yowled. "That is against the code, and i just pure evil!" "I'll kill you if I have to." Purred Cursedstar. "I share the same promise. And I'll kill you gracefully with the honor of StarClan. Your Clan will be much happier without you." Smallbubble jumped onto the rock too and scratched Cloudstar's neck. "You must be an elder, with a scratch weak as that." Smallbubble, full of rage bit the neck of Cloudstar. The two rolled off the rock and into the crowd, wrestling, yowling, hissing, and biting. Cloudstar wrapped her jaws around the front leg of Smallbubble and broke it. Smallbubble let out a loud screech and stepped back. Smallbubble limped away and Cloudstar hopped back onto the rock looking smug. Cinderstar licked Cloudstar's wound on her fluffy neck. "What is this? an alliance?" Cinderstar made a strange sound, like coughing. She looked up and she had the biggest smile ever. She was laughing. "A-All-Alliance?!" Coughed Cinderstar. "It isn't an alliance, it's basic respect." spat Cinderstar. Muddystar nodded, to show he agrees with the other leaders. Cursedstar spat angry nonsense. Cinderstar smiled even bigger than she had been. "Anyways, RiverClan has many new, healthy litters of kits and apprentices in training." The crowd talked in happy mews for a bit. "Oh, congratulations.." spat Cursedstar, mockingly. Muddystar spoke. "ShadowClan has freed their territory of rogues temporarily, so as a warning to the other clans just... know." Cloudstar looked up. "StarClan has given me a warning." she said seriously. "My mother said, from StarClan..." "Leaf-Bare is full of hatred and death, Do not let the snow bleed red." Cursedstar's eyes glowed. "My medicine cat got the same message, with more words." he spat. "I see. This is a warning for us both, then." whispered Cloudstar. "Well." Cursedstar began. "I declare war on all clans in the forest who dare oppose me. I am the correct one." ThunderClan cats yowled disagreement first, then every other Clan joined in. Cursedstar lashed his tail and padded out of Fourtrees, his warriors following. The rest of the Clans sat where they were, terrified of death. Do not let the snow bleed red. Rung in every ear, over, and over.

Moonpaw couldn't stop thinking about it too on the way back. They passed a bush of Deathberries and Smallbubble collected about five and crushed them under her paws. She put them in a herb wrap and gave it to Gorsepaw.

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