Chapter Eleven

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Rustkit stumbled around with a stick in his mouth. "What are you doing with that?" Mewed Blackfur as the orange kit padded over to him with the stick. "It's my kit!" "Me and Fogkit play warriors with the others sometimes and I saved this kit like you saved me!" Blackfur gave Rustkit a lick on the head. "How's Fogkit doing?" Asked Blackfur. "I need you staying happy." Rustkit spun around in circles. "She's okay, and she's the best warrior ever in our game! She falls sometimes though, and I have to help her up in the snow." Blackfur lied down on the rock he had been sitting on. "That's good. Sounds like you guys are good friends. I'm good friends with every kit!" He mewed. "Bluekit is quite sarcastic, and kind of mean, but he doesn't hate me! Lightkit doesn't talk much but he always plays as an elder. Longkit is the strongest one and he's actually caught a real vole before! It was yummy!" "Oh- And Lionpaw plays sometimes as Lionstar! His deputy is Tigerpaw and Leopardpaw is the medicine cat. I don't know why they have to be apprentices already, because they're basically kits!" Blackfur looked at Smallstar. "It's because Smallstar isn't... Very smart with her Clan. Don't tell her I said that." Said Blackfur. Rustkit nodded and lied down next to Blackfur to get warm. "Is Riverstripe technically my mom?" Blackfur nodded. "No. She's just our only queen, and she just takes care of you, But if you want to think of it that way, then do." Rustkit cuddled into the fur of Blackfur even more. "You really like me, huh?" Rustkit mewed. "You saved me! I admire that." Blackfur's eyes shined in a happy way and both cats fell asleep on the snowy rock.

"Moonpaw! Hello!" Mewed Lostpaw as Moonpaw crossed the entirely frozen over river. "Hey! Sorry I was late, Kits are so energetic!" Moonpaw mewed. Lostpaw laughed and nuzzled Moonpaw. "I'm officially six moons!" Lostpaw grabbed a fish from the river. "Cool! Still eight moons." Mewed Lostpaw. "Smallstar told me I'll be a warrior in Six moons." Mewed Moonpaw. "Woah! Cinderstar tells me I'll be a warrior when the time comes, in an epic battle, or if i get older." Moonpaw and Lostpaw talked for a while about small things in their Clans and lives before Moonpaw decided to head off. "Bye Moonpaw! See you next time!" Mewed Lostpaw "See you!" replied Moonpaw. Lostpaw's eyes were warm as Moonpaw crossed the river.

"ThunderClan! It has come time for us to fight!" Mewed Icefang. Moonpaw tilted his head. "Why?" "Eclipse and Celestial are coming!" "They're coming from the way the wind blows, I can smell them! They're coming to kill us!" Moonpaw unsheathed his claws. "We need to keep the kits safe!" Hissed Moonpaw. Lionpaw padded into the clearing. "I can protect everyone, I know it!" Moonpaw sighed. "You're tiny as a newborn kit!" Mewed Tigerpaw, voicing Moonpaw's thoughts. "I'm much bigger!" Mewed Tigerpaw. Moonpaw opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted. "I know my herbs, I can save everybody!" Mewed Leopardpaw. Moonpaw gave up trying to speak and watched the three kits of the great  prophecy fought over who would save the Clan. "Our Clan is in great paws! We've got the great Tinykit, Loudkit, and the great SuperdupertinybutalsosuperUselessUsefulkit!" Mewed Gorsepaw mockingly. "If you wanna save the Clan, spend less time arguing, and more time saving!" "We're apprentices, not kits!" Hissed Tigerpaw as he headed off to practice fighting. "They've got their good qualities, Lionpaw is quite reckless, but he's smart. Tigerpaw is strong and his claws are sharp, but he doesn't think before he fights or talks. Leopardkit is good with herbs, and smart, but she isn't the strongest fighter." Mewed Gorsepaw. "They'll make fine cats as adults, don't worry Gorsepaw!" Mewed Lilynose. Gorsepaw muttered little words but Smallstar hopped onto the rock next to Icefang. "We must fight, and protect the kits!" Blackfur stood up, Rustkit in his mouth and he gave the mewling, tired kit to Riverstripe. "Riverstripe! You must take every kit, and yourself somewhere outside camp before they get here!" Riverstripe nodded. "I'll come with you!" Lilynose mewed. "I know the best hiding spots, I find them all of the time when collecting herbs!" The two pelted out of camp, each holding many kits.

The scent of Eclipse and Celestial got stronger and stronger until they both hopped into camp. But... It wasn't just the two, it was many  cats. "Hello, ThunderClan! Meet our friends! Star, a dying kit we met, next to a little orange guy, Burn, Ash, Breeze, Hawkpool, Spots, Pink, Honey, Cloud, Prince, Squirrel, and Nightleg!" Mewed Celestial. Eclipse looked at the cats with no emotion. "We are the only ones in the Clan with nine lives. We are BrightClan." Moonpaw hissed at the Clan and the Clan ignored him. "We're here for blood. We want to see the forest fall and build it back up from the ground." Yowled Eclipse. "BrightClan, attack!" Hissed the siblings. Lionpaw watched as the Clan spilled into the camp. "They have collars-?! Or like 4 of them do!" Hissed Lionpaw. A plain white she padded up to Lionpaw and he pounced on her. Her pelt was short and on her neck was a ruined pink collar. Lionpaw bit the tip of her ear from on top of her head. The large she swatted at the brave kit but Lionpaw kept biting her ear and didn't fall off. "Stupid kit!" She hissed as Lionpaw crawled down and bit her neck. "Ow! Kits shouldn't be in battle, you're a baby!" Lionpaw unsheathed his claws and scrambled around, clawing at her neck until blood came out and soaked the snow. "You're here for blood? We'll give you blood." Hissed Lionpaw as he scatched the warrior. Eclipse watched as Lionpaw ruined her neck. "You're useless, aren't you?" He hissed at his own warrior. The warrior she made the stupid decision to roll onto her back. She succeeded getting the kit off of her but then the kit clawed her stomach, the weakest spot on a cat. The she began bleeding from her stomach. "Please..." She whispered quietly. "Give me mercy! I... I don't want to do this... Let me join ThunderClan and let me live!" She mewed. Lionpaw hissed. "You want to kill us. I'm sorry." He said before walking off and letting StarClan decide if the cat will live or not.

Moonpaw hissed at a cat who was slowly walking up to him. A red she with a bushy tail padded over. "I'm squirrel. Your name?" She mewed. "Moonpaw." The she lashed her tail, ready to fight. "I'll remember that name when I see you dead in the snow!" She hissed. "Too bad you'll never see that happen!" Moonpaw hissed. Suddenly more cat spilled into camp, scaring every ThunderClan cat until Moonpaw realized it was apprentices from the other Clans! Yarrowpaw, Lostpaw, Rockpaw, and ones he didn't recognize. Rockpaw looked at Moonpaw. "Can't have you  dying! We still haven't had a true, epic fight! The warriors are on their way! Every Clan saw each other at fourtrees because everyone was traveling here at the smell of fear and rogues!" Rockpaw pounced onto Squirrel and bit her neck. "Agh! You aren't who I'm here to fight! I want the kit to die! The kit!" Lostpaw walked up to Moonpaw, who was frozen in shock and nuzzled him. "Me and Yarrowpaw are... planning to join ThunderClan soon. I want to be able to be with you and it not be forbidden!" Moonpaw looked happy and Lostpaw nodded. "Before you ask, it'll have to be at a later time. My Clan could kill me and my sister at this state and they might fight over the fact I'm leaving. Once I'm a warrior I'll come for you!" Moonpaw nodded and pounced onto a rogue cat who seemed to be looking for someone to fight. More warriors spilled into camp and started fighting the rogues. All for ThunderClan, the Clan who declared war on everyone?

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