Chapter Seven

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Moonpaw built up the courage to look at what had horrified even Cursedstar. A tortoiseshell she standing next to a pure black tom. "You won't beat us by fighting. We have nine lives, freshly given to us by The Dark Forest... They're so kind!" mewed the she. "We also can smell blood from far away now. We slept for moons, and awoke for this Leaf-Bare." mewed the black tom. Moonpaw opened his mouth. "Slept for moons?! Wh-Who are you?" He mewed, horrified. "I am Eclipse. Born in a dying clan with my sister, Celestial. My mother was much too annoying, always worrying. So we ran away in the coldest of Leaf-Bares, 6 moons old. We found ourselves dying in the cold snow. A cat of The Dark Forest came to us and gave us warmth. He told us we had potential, and he helped us find a warm home with prey everywhere. We slept for One-Hundred and Twenty moons, and now we have nine lives, Like a leader! We've turned to merely elder's tales now though.. We're here to rule the forest and rid it of fake rulers. Suddenly, padding into camp was Riverstripe. "A pregnant queen now? You StarClan-loving cats truly are..." "Horrible!" hissed Eclipse mockingly. "Why aren't you at camp?! My kits are hungry, and need to be watched!" hissed Smallbubble Riverstripe rolled her eyes. "They eat prey now and Lionkit is one responsible tom, he can watch himself and his siblings." Smallbubble made herself small. Smallbubble knows nothing  about her kits! Moonpaw almost mewed out loud. "I assumed they would come." hissed Riverstripe at Eclipse and Celestial. Cursedstar hissed. "We'll need those kits alive and healthy if ThunderClan is to keep going!" Riverstripe ignored him and padded to the back of the clearing, on the opposite side of the two cats. Cursedstar pounced onto Riverstripe. "You don't seem like you want my kits healthy." She hissed as she pinned Cursedstar to the ground, him letting out a little meow as he hit the hard, crunchy snow. Cursedstar pushed himself back up and got on his hind legs. "You're acting like a twoleg  in a fight, huh? Act like a cat, will you?" Riverstripe said, with no emotion. "You aren't even paying attention, are you?" mewed Cursedstar. "I don't need to. This fight is useless." Riverstripe responded with a meow. Cursedstar scratched Riverstripe's right eye and Riverstripe didn't respond with a mew or anything. Riverstripe saw Eclipse slowly padding over to the fight and her eyes widened. Eclipse unsheathed his claws and took his paw up to Cursedstar's back, he took one paw off the put it back on, with all of the strength he had left. Riverstripe's eyes were full of terror as Eclipse's front paw went entirely through Cursedstar's chest. He coughed up some blood and mewed like a helpless kit. "You... Can't... Kill.... Me...!" He stuttered and stumbled with his words. Blood dripped off of Cursedstar's chin as his eyes lost emotion and life. Cursedstar lost one life, then two, then three, then four, five, six, seven, eight, leaving one left to go. "No matter what I do, you'll die, you see. I cannot take back what I've done just now. That's life." He hissed as Cursedstar lost his last life. Riverstripe's eyes were full of terror. "My... Kit...?" Moonpaw looked confused. Her... Kit? Was Cursedstar the kit of his mother? If so that means... Cursedstar was his brother. Riverstripe didn't move, afraid Eclipse might to the same to her. "He's dead. Cursedkit is dead, huh?" "His death was something I thought I'd never see. How strange." Gorsepaw also thought the same thing, but different. "My brother is the same cat who purposely chose a cat who'd try to kill me, huh?" Gorsepaw glared at Smokefur. Riverstripe nodded. "He was your brother. And interesting cat, indeed. He was my little Cursedkit... Named after his father, Cursedpaws." "Your father too. He died before you were born, a brave death in war." "I see. So Mudpaw is... My nephew? Tigerkit, Lionkit, and Leopardkit too?" Mewed Moonkit. "Yes."replied Riverstripe. "Your father is where your brown spots come from. I miss him." mewed Riverstripe. Eclipse rolled his eyes, his paw still poking out of Cursedstar's body. "Let's go, Celestial. We'll be back though, for more blood this Leaf-Bare." Eclipse and Celestial pelted off towards highstones and didn't look back. ThunderClan all left, carrying the bodies of Wolfburn, Mintpaw, Cursedstar, and the death nobody was aware of, Bloodtail.

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