"Don't Say the M Word!"

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Before and after dinner, me and Lily got to know each other. I was right. She really is a sweet girl once she opens up to someone. That's kind of similar to myself. I don't open up easily to new people but somehow...it seemed rather easy to talk to Lily. She lives in a position where anyone make opinions or assumptions about her because of her last name. I can't imagine how hard it is but knowing her, she isn't afraid to speak her mind and I, for one, admire that. CJ mentioned a Hogwarts graduation for 7th years before June. James, Fred, Molly, Alice will be graduating soon. It all sounds great but cmon we haven't known them for long to be attending their graduation with their families. CJ insisted we do because they're still our friends even after they leave Hogwarts. Anyways me, Leila, Jack and her regrouped in the Room of Requirement to catch up on things. The same blanket she brought was laid out for us to sit. Leila smiled cheerily. "Anyone loves their house? I know I do." She said. Jack chuckled. "Same here. I love hanging out with James, Freddie and Hugo." He told her. CJ was confused. "Hugo's in Hufflepuff house." She corrected. He playfully rolled his eyes. "Duh. Sometimes it's just him, me and Louis. They're all not so bad once you get to know them." He said. Thoughts of Lily returned to my mind. Enjoying her company wasn't so bad either. "Surprisingly I agree." I agreed. Leila fake gasped in shock. "Do my ears deceit me? River actually agreed with you?" She asked sarcastically. CJ covered her mouth in shock and put a hand on my forehead. "Are you ok? Did you catch a chill?" She joked. They laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Ha ha cute. I'm just properly agreeing with Jack's statement. This is coming from a girl who barely like new kids." I told them. Leila hummed in response. "What changed your mind?" She asked. CJ scoffed, smirking. "I don't think it's a what. More of a whom." She teased. Jack low-key snickered. "Excuse me?" I sassed. She smiled teasingly. "I'll give you a hint. She's Harry's daughter." She told her. Leila looked at me weirdly. "Harry's daughter? You mean Lily Luna Potter?" She asked. That made Jack cough up his pumpkin juice. I huffed. "You don't have to say her whole name." I said annoyedly. She shrugged. "Sorry. Everyone in all houses talk about her or her family." She told me. He smirked. "Makes sense since their parents are famous." He added. I sighed. "But whoever they are isn't based on who's their parents. It must be crazy to remind people you're not someone else." I said. CJ nodded in agreement. "It's harder for Albus sometimes. Kids keep telling him he look so much like Harry. That's why we'd meet up privately." She said. Jack rolled his eyes. "CJ, Albus is a private person. He's not so...so- I cut him off. "Sociable?" I guessed. "Exactly! He prefers to keep it that way." He finished. I smirked. "Very sociable around Ceej." I whispered in Leila's ear. She returned the gesture. CJ scoffed. "It doesn't make him an odd person! He's really down to earth, smart and funny." She defended. I motioned her to chill. "Whoa whoa, slow down Ceej. Nobody's judging Albus's social life ok?" I assured. They chatted in agreement. She inhaled a deep breath. "Some people can be anti-social." Leila added. "True." CJ whispered calmly before going on her phone. I laid against a tall pillar and silently chilled. Haven't forgotten what Rochelle told me which still irks my insides. 'Lily is anorexic. She has anorexia.' She said all I have to do is support her but never go against her. Why would I? It's not her fault she feels insecure about herself. But it bothers me if I ever see her refusing to grab an apple. Lily deserves to feel happy. CJ scooted beside me. "Check this out!" She whispered. I was confused till I stared at her Instagram feed. "What's happening? There's too many posts." I asked. She sighed. "Have you followed anyone on Insta? I follow Lucy, Roxanne and Rose. Including Lily. Then I always see them comment on each other's posts or videos. Lily posted a photo of herself and everyone commented on it...including this username girl." She explained, growling at the last part.


You make me speechless

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You make me speechless...

My eyes widened. "That's my jacket!" I blurted. She huffed. "I know she's just—wait! What?!" She asked confusedly. She's wearing my jacket in the photo! Right now I should be running to bury my jacket underneath the bed but instead...I'm rather slightly turned on. My cheeks heated insanely. Damn. She look really nice with it. "River!" CJ called. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I said. "What were you talking about?" She repeated. My attention was thrown off Lily and back to the comment section. Ceej's right, everyone commented sweetly. She got really cool cousins. "Nothing! What username you mean?" I asked. "The one under Hugo's." She quickly whispered. Leila and Jack shared confusion. "Excuse me, what's going on?" She asked.


Eww! It looks nasty on a filthy slutty mudblood lol

Reading this comment made my anger boil more. I inhaled deep breaths and tried calming myself down. CJ was busy explaining to them about Rochelle. She looked back at her phone but huffed. "Not only there's one but she commented on three more pictures of Lily. All of them are terrible. See?" She said, scrolling down the feed. Lily sent posts from early May and this gargoyle kept sending nasty comments but I'm confused about the word 'mudblood'. That name is tickling my memorability for a minute. I didn't realize everyone was reading the comment. Leila growled. "That nasty snake! Why would she bully Lily?" She asked. Jack sighed. "She's a Slytherin duh." He said in a obvious tone. CJ rolled her eyes. "Jack, not all Slytherins are bad. Take Scorpius's family for example. The crap he had to put up with because of his family's history. Him and Lyra are really nice." She sassed. Leila nodded in agreement. CJ huffed. "The worst part is she called her the M word." She told him. My brain clicked. "You mean mudblood." I said. "What's a mudblood?" Jack asked confusedly. She huffed, shushing him with her finger. "Don't say the M word!" She complained. I playfully rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Ceej, nobody's around. It's not a "forbidden" word." I said, using air quotes. Leila smiled sheepishly. "If you say it to a Potter or Weasley it is." She added. CJ nodded and cleared her throat. "And I'll explain how Hermione described it. The word means 'dirty blood.' A very awful insult referring to a wizard or witch with non-magic parents. And considering Malfoy's family used to call Ron's blood traitors for supporting the muggle-witch or wizard thing, it's clear to never repeat this awful word to their children. Ever." She explained firmly. Jack looked at her in shock. "Whoa." He blurted. Leila sighed sadly. "That's pretty bad Ceej. Hopefully things are different now." She said. I growled and crossed my arms. "Wouldn't count on it as you could see." I said, referring to gargoyle's comment. "Does Lily know about this?" She asked. "Lily isn't too sentimental. You wouldn't catch her crying like that girl on Read It and Weep." I sassed annoyedly. Jack sighed. "Cmon River..." He trailed off. Leila huffed. "Words can hurt! You say she wouldn't cry but what if she does? Most importantly this is practically cyberbullying! What do we do?!" She panicked. CJ inhaled a deep breath. "The best we can do as friends is defend her. It would've been worse if she kept being mean and no one says anything. Right River?" She said, raising an eyebrow. I playfully rolled my eyes while smirking. "Defend? Hon I'd break gargoyle's neck if it means being a loyal friend." I said confidently. CJ laughed as we high five. Leila giggled. Jack returned the gesture. "I'd drink to that!" He agreed. "And whatever you do, whatever happens, DO NOT say the M word. Never. For your own good. You'll get more than pitchforks and knives from the Wotters." She begged. We chatted in disagreement. "Ceej, quit complaining! No one's magic prejudice!" I scoffed. Leila smiled assuringly. She breathed a breath of relief.

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