Roxanne Knows

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(Up top is her)

Thank lord! More time to rest from all this. 8am in the morning. I was slightly surprised Lily didn't wake me up for midnight breakfast. She finally understand how much sleep I need or things will get uglier than Halloween 3. Maybe it gives me time to wake and see those bright freckles. My phone alarm buzzed from the nightstand. I turned it off before rolling out of bed to stretch. CJ stirred for a few seconds and yawned. "What time is it?" She muttered tiredly. I cleared my throat. "8:00." I told her. She looked to see the girls' beds empty. "Where is everybody?" She asked. "Breakfast." I said in a obvious tone. She rolled out of bed and sighed. "Good. I've sent two letters to Drell. One about practicing Quidditch this summer, second about being invited to James and Albus's graduation." She told me. I huffed. "Ceej, why'd you do that? It's only for their family! We can't be a freaking bother." I said. CJ rolled her eyes. "River, it's no problem. All Hogwarts students of any family is invited." She said. I growled, rubbing my hair. "No pea brain! We can't go because our parents got no damn clue we're here!" I whispered/yelled. She gulped a bit nervously. "Oh yeah." She remembered. I sighed and crossed my arms. "I talked to Albus. Everyone is coming. No matter what year we are so chill out." She continued. "Don't tell me to chill out!" I sassed. She playfully shushed me. "You shush!" I mocked. CJ smiled innocently. "That way, you can sit next to Lily." She joked. I returned the gesture. "And that way, you'll sit next to Albus." I teased. She almost flipped me off till the bathroom's door opened. In walked Roxanne. We looked at her confusedly. Looks like not everyone left. She chuckled. "Sorry. Bad hair morning." She said. Her hair seemed a bit frizzier last night. Now it's curled and conditioned. I scoffed. "Doubt it took long." I sassed. She raised an eyebrow weirdly. "And what do you mean?" She asked. CJ smirked teasingly. "Hm, what exactly teen witches would do to fix their hair? Simple word." She joked. Roxanne rolled her eyes annoyedly. "Ok, you got me. Don't tell my Mom." She said firmly. I laughed, putting my hands up in surrender. She inhaled a deep breath. "I'm bloody glad you both are here. There's something you need to know if you promise not to tell anyone. Especially Lily yet." She said. We shared knowing glances before nodding. Oh boy. CJ closed the door and locked it. "Alright, what's up?" I asked. She sighed. "Have you noticed all those rude comments on Lily's Insta? One who keeps posting something hateful?" She asked. CJ fiddled with her fingers and smiled sheepishly. "I think we better tell her what we know Ri." She said. Tell her? Alright! Pretty much everyone saw the gargoyle's nasty words. "Yes, we noticed. In fact I know the person who's doing it. Rochelle Goyle. She's in Slytherin house. She used to be Lily's friend when fifth year started but things got crazy really quick. I met up with her last time at Hogsmeade and she told me how much she hated her "popularity", her "Potter Princess" status and being invisible as her friend. The gargoyle thought it be good to reveal her deep secret to me. Something very deep." I explained. She looked at me in shock. "What secret?" She asked. CJ frowned. "That she's anorexic. She has anorexia." She admitted. And we thought it'll crush her but instead she sighed. "We already know that. Hugo told me. There was times she refused to eat dinner or lunch. I'm just thankful nothing worse had happened. But why would she tell you anyway?" She asked. The suspicion was painted all over CJ's face now. "Yeah, why would she?" She agreed. I fake laughed and smiled. "A lot more than you think." I said through gritted teeth. She hummed in response. "Care to comment?" She asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Sure, Sherlock." I mocked. Roxanne growled. "Both of you stop. River, spill." She told us. "First I'll need to get dressed." I quickly said before running to the bathroom. She huffed irritatingly.

Me getting ready wasn't long since everything's magicked. It was all Roxanne could do to get me to explain more about gargoyle. She was utmost impressed by my taste though:

 She was utmost impressed by my taste though:

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We walked downstairs to the common room. The place was empty due to everyone being at the Hall. "Tell me right now. No waiting." She said in a serious tone. CJ sat on an armchair while we sat on the couch. I sighed. "She told me some family friend of yours knew. Those Scamander twins. She said one named Lorcan told her." I confessed. CJ criss-crossed her legs. "And to top it off he's a Slytherin." She added. This whole truth made Roxanne silent for a minute. She frowned. "Can't believe this..." She trailed off. How stupid can a friend they grew up with betray them easily? And they wonder why I don't trust people easily. If I ever see this Lorcan guy, I'd kneel him in the nuts. Roxanne got up angrily. "That bloody jerk! Can't believe he would do this! I'm gonna hex him! I'd rip up his pieces and parts!" She growled. Her outburst startled CJ except me. "Don't forget that slimy-droopy gargoyle." I said, smirking. She looked at me weirdly. "Gargoyle?" She asked. "Rochelle." We corrected. She nodded in understanding and huffed. "This can't be true. Last time Lily talked to Lysander about her feelings. How could Lorcan knew about this?" She asked. CJ scratched her head a little. "Well, it all depends if he found out from some similar source. Like someone in the school who knows anyone's secrets." She said. My brain clicked. Lysander and Lorcan are twins so nobody wouldn't know the difference between them. I haven't met them but I know differences between twins. After all I got twin brothers. I smiled. "No source. Nobody knows why. They're twins so you wouldn't know the difference...unless Roxie here does." I said, raising an eyebrow. She nodded in agreement. "They both have dark hair and brown eyes but it'll get confusing anyway." She said. I scoffed, smiling. "Not if we ask Lily." I told her. CJ playfully rolled her eyes. "River, Lily might get really suspicious." She said. Roxanne sighed nervously. "Yeah. She's very curious about anything. If something feels odd, she'll find out." She told her. Hm. Got the mind of an adventurer huh? Nice. I smiled confidently and scoffed. "My nose can smell rats anywhere. Even Firecracker's." I joked but in a serious tone. Roxanne looked at me in disbelief. "Rox, have you always carried lipgloss?" I asked. She immediately gasped, pulling out the green lipgloss she liked. "What—how did you—Damn!" She stammered. I smiled proudly. "Another talent." I said. CJ shrugged and chuckled. "Ok. It goes as planned. River will talk to Lily so we'll find out if Lorcan or Lysander did it." She said. I nodded but whipped my head toward her. "Wait, what—I was cut off when the portrait hole opened. Lily's naturally beautiful presence. Her hair wrapped in a high ponytail, no makeup, a Space Jam t-shirt with bracelets on one arm and blue ripped jeans. Last but not least her small dark boots. She was holding a plate of frosted syrup-filled French toast, eggs and bacon. Roxanne and CJ shared confusion. She smiled at me. "Morning! I saved your midnight breakfast for today! How about you join me at the table?" She asked. My cheeks were burning now. I smiled. "Alright! Let's go." I told her. Lily cheered while handing me the plate. "Where did you get the t-shirt though?" I wondered. She smiled innocently. "Somewhere..." She trailed off before leaving the hole. My brain clicked. "DAMN!" I blurted. CJ bursted into a fit of giggles with Roxanne. She better be glad I can't flip her off cause of my food.

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