Drunk Confessions

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Me and CJ waited in the common room for Roxanne. We were casually dressed for this party but outfits weren't my concern. Apparently, I kept thinking about not only Lily but our Patronuses. The horse and dolphin. It seemed a little too familiar. Maybe I hadn't see a Patronus so things seem...don't even wanna say it. That's what started our argument. I never intended to insult Lily or where she came from. Besides, I'm all different myself. My whole family and friends are witnesses. One of the things I admired about her. Not to mention she doesn't need to try anything because she is natural beauty. I flunked myself on the armchair and huffed. CJ looked at me weirdly. "Are you alright? Is this about the party?" She asked. I playfully rolled my eyes while crossing my legs. "Just forget it Ceej." I said. She scoffed and flunked herself on the couch. "Try me RiRi." She said confidently. I inhaled a deep breath but laid against the chair. "Ok, Dr. Ceej. I've said something that kinda came out as insulting to Lily. Now she's pissed off." I told her. CJ gasped shockingly and hopped off the couch. "YOU CALLED HER A MUDBLOOD?!" She whispered/yelled. I motioned her to take breaths and nodded my head no. "No. No. I've only said...this was too nerdy for me cause I struggled making my Patronus." I explained. She sat down while sighing. "You're insane." She told me. That answer's about true. I nodded in agreement. "I mean, I didn't know it came off as offensive. Guess there could be some words insulting about people like her. Especially the M word. But you know I'm nothing more than different. I just wasn't into this much like you. She didn't know that yet she didn't judge me!" I said. CJ smiled. "She called you arrogant and stand-offish." She mentioned. "I've been called worse." I said annoyedly. Footsteps were heard meaning Roxanne was coming downstairs. She shrugged before getting up. "Just talk to her. Apologize too. Please. Let's not be too harsh like before." She said calmly. Ok. I freaking hate reminding them of what happened last time. I inhaled a deep breath and rubbed my hair. "It wasn't exactly my fault. She kept calling me out- I stopped noticing her 'seriously?' look. Fine. Whatever. "Alright! Alright. Forget it. I'll speak to her." I said through gritted teeth. Roxanne came in smiling. "Hey guys! Are we late?" She asked. CJ chuckled and read her phone clock. "Nope! Let's go." She said. I hopped off the couch and brushed myself off. "Alright, going through the fireplace?" I asked. Roxanne nodded. "I know where Ted and Toire's place." She told me. My phone buzzed.

Lei-Lei🌺: are u coming??

Lei-Lei🌺: where r u??

River🌊: relax! We were waiting on Roxanne and duh🙄😏

Lei-Lei🌺: not gonna like the view...😳

The view? What did she mean? My brain clicked, remembering they'll bring alcohol. She's just being delusional. Once Roxanne threw a pinch of powder into the fire, we stepped in and she spoke their house destination. Green flames floo'd us up through the fireplace. "AHHH!" Me and CJ screamed until it floo'd us back down. All we saw was a theatre pack of Weasley-Potters. Everyone was laughing, little screams, some drunken chatter and not to mention there was like a million champagne or vodka bottles on the floor. Our eyes widened except Roxanne who casually walked and greeted everyone. I knew Ceej was speechless. "What the hell?!" She freaked, her voice getting higher. We stepped out and damn, there was loud chatter. Alice walked up to us funnily. She smiled widely while holding a beer. "Oh my Merlin! You guys made it! Welcome!" She squealed, hugging us both. We hesitantly hugged back. She parted. I definitely smelled that vodka breath. "You looking parched, why don't you grab a drink?" She slurred. CJ didn't know what to say so I spoke. I fake smiled. "We already did. But let me know in case we are." I said sarcastically. She nodded, giggling. "See ya! I'm gonna find Domi." She said, referring to Dominique. Hopefully she's sober. I grabbed Ceej's hand in hopes to look for the bathroom. Yes, I'm aware folks would be puking there but we needed to talk. There was a few people we had to move past. We already found a sober Jack outside with two drunkest Hugo and Lysander. The bathroom door was half-opened. CJ opened to see nobody and closed the door. I mentally breathed a breath of relief. "What the hell is going on?!" She freaked. I growled and shushed her with my finger. "Hush!" I whispered/yelled. She scoffed. "Please! They're too drunk to even hear me! Nobody said anything about a party with alcohol!" She growled. I chuckled sheepishly. "Apparently Lucy. I thought she was joking." I told her. CJ groaned. "What are we gonna do? Our parents will kill us if we drink! And I know I'm not ready for beer." She complained. I inhaled a deep breath. "Look Ceej, we're not gonna drink. Alright? Even though I don't wanna miss a huge party. We're still sticking to our principles." I assured. She raised an eyebrow. "Principles?" She repeated. I smiled and playfully danced. "Principles of pleasure." I playfully sung. She laughed. I chuckled. Never gets old. "Ok, what do you suggest?" She asked. I almost spoke until the door knocked. I opened, showing Dominique holding a barely standing Alice. She seemed a little green. "Oh shit!" I blurted as they walked pass and she puked instantly in the toilet. CJ covered her mouth disgustedly. "Is she ok?" She asked. Dom sighed. "Yeah. She was feeling queasy." She answered. My brain clicked. Leila. "Anyways, where's Leila?" I asked. She shrugged. "She was here a few minutes but went home because she didn't feel well." She told me. We knew she faked being sick to leave. "Lucky her." CJ mumbled in my ear. We left the room and the party was still wild. "Excuse me." She whispered, walking to the patio where Albus and Scorpius is. I rolled my eyes. "Not surprised." I mumbled sarcastically. Out of nowhere, someone wrapped their arms around my waist. What the- "Rivi!" That familiar voice giggled. I turned to see a super drunk Lily. My jaw dropped. Uh oh, she gave into peer pressure...or so the commercial goes. Her hair was slightly messy, she wore dark ripped jeans, dark top with converse on. I sighed. "Lily..." I trailed off. She smiled teasingly. "How is your night? I'm having a real good time why?" She teased. I raised an eyebrow. "Because you're here." She teased again. It suddenly sent chills down my spine. Cmon River! The girl's drunk. She obviously won't remember whatever she said. I fake smiled. "Lily, you're drunk. Go home." I told her. Lily playfully hit my shoulder. "Don't give me orders! I'm not a baby anymore." She slurred. I nodded my head no and huffed. "I'm not giving orders. You're a freaking minor with a breath of gin!" I said, growling at the last part. She fake pouted. "Aww. You're worried about me? So sweet." She squealed like a two year old. I scoffed. "And why wouldn't I? After saving your life?" I sassed. Lily hummed in response while smirking. "You're always thinking of me huh?" She teased. My cheeks rather heated crazily toward her features still. Even drunk, she was still a gorgeous sight. I snapped out of my thoughts and noticed she was drunkenly dancing. "Really Lily. Your mom could beat you with a broom if she knew you drank so much." I said. Lily stopped dancing and laid her head on my shoulder. "You smell...so...nice." She whispered sexily. Damn. She wrapped her hands around my waist. I groaned. "Lily! Please get in that fireplace to sleep it off!" I begged. She parted from me and smirked lustfully. "I'll go only if you do. Just one simple answer." She said, sing-songed the last part. If it's what it takes to quit breathing into this booze air. I pulled out my phone and texted CJ.

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