1 | little boy

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Running and running as fast as he can, a little boy, oddly dressed to be moving through the streets of Seoul, clings onto his cloak tightly, as if trying to protect whatever is underneath. The hood of his cloak is up, covering his face from being seen by others.

He swiftly and easily jumps over any obstacles in his way, swishing past the very few humans on the sidewalk while he follows his gut feeling to a certain source of energy.

People who happen to be out at this hour are confused, seeing the small hooded figure rush past them so quickly they barely have time to process their thoughts around the situation.

As he feels the desired energy being closer, he rushes through a few alleys, his boots barely making any sound when they hit the ground, his small fist hammering against the door of his destination, while his other arm is busy holding onto his cloak for dear life. His breathing is quick, actual exhaustion being something he experiences for the first time in his life.

The door opens soon, a confused head poking out, turning to look at whoever has knocked on his door so frantically. He furrows his brows when he spots the small hooded figure in front of the door to his apartment.

"Who are you, little boy?" He asks confused. "What are you doing out this late? Where are your parents?"

He tries to look down a bit to catch a glimpse of the little boy's face, but fails so see anything.

"Are you Choi Soobin?" The little boy asks, finally catching his breath, which is back to normal by now.

"Ah, yes. Do we know each other?" Soobin asks.

He looks around immediately after seeing the boy's grip on his cloak tighten, both of his arms in front of his chest as if he is protecting something very important. Worried about the small person, he hurriedly asks him to come inside to warm up.

The boy accepts his invitation and slips past Soobin, swiftly and soundlessly entering his apartment and the open living area that is right there as well. Soobin blinks in confusion, quietly closes the door to his apartment and walks inside, pouring the little boy a cup of tea, which he was just making for himself anyway.

Before the sudden visit of the strange boy, Soobin's day was very normal. It was a regular day at work, Soobin spending his lunch break with his girlfriend, before going back to work and coming home late. He cooked himself dinner and cleaned up nicely before deciding to cook himself some tea to drink while reading for a bit before going to bed. Well, that plan has changed slightly now.

When he walks inside his living room to the little boy, Soobin notices the strange pair of boots he is wearing in combination with the cloak he is holding closed so desperately. He looks like he came out of one of Soobin's favourite fantasy novels. It confuses him so much, but he tries to hide just how much exactly when he places the cup down on the table, sitting down on his favourite armchair right after that.

"Feel free to sit down. You can take your boots and cape off if you want to. I can call your parents if you tell me their contact information? I'm sure they are worried about you." Soobin says softly, trying not to scare the boy in front of him.

"You cannot reach my parents." The boy says.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. I will call the police then." Soobin says, leaning forward a bit so he could take his phone out of his pant pocket. He is still dressed in part of his work clothes, wearing a dark gray pair of suit trousers with a white collared shirt, the top buttons opened so it would be more lose on the neck.

"No! You can't!" The boy yells, his head shooting in Soobin's direction, as he finally locks eyes with the young man. Right now, Soobin can see the face of this unusually beautiful person. Not in a weird way, but as if he is not real.

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