16 | new clothes

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When Soobin wakes up in the morning, feeling a certain someone's weight halfway on top of him, he cannot stop himself from smiling.

He is looking down to where Yeonjun's head is on his chest, seeing his messy head of hair looking so soft he just has to run his hand through it.

"Mmmh...", Yeonjun hums and shifts, completely lying down on top of Soobin now and tilting his head so he would look up at him properly, "Good morning."

The soft smile on Yeonjun's face and him just looking up at Soobin with his chin rested on the humans chest and the sunlight hitting his features so perfectly, he looks incredibly beautiful to say the least. So much so that Soobin can feel his heart doing a weird skip, now also remembering all of what happened at the party and afterwards.

His hand finds its way into Yeonjun's hair again and he runs his long fingers through the dark strands, not at all complaining about waking up to this exact sight.

"Good morning.", he whispers back.

The rest of the party last night was rather enjoyable for the two. They spent most of their time with Soobin's friends and at some point the group even explained to Yeonjun how exactly they met and became friends and how challenging it was for them to get into DnD. They had to explain to him what it is as well, which Yeonjun actually found quite interesting.

Sometimes Hyeja would appear and steal Soobin for a few moments, but Yeonjun just tried to make sure he would not look like he cared too much about it and when he finally got Soobin to leave with him to go back home, he immediately pushed Soobin onto the bed, straddled him and full on seduced the man into cheating on his girlfriend for the second time.

Yeonjun could not care less about Hyeja in that moment. He does not like her and he knows that Soobin does not feel love for her either.

He is especially sure about Soobin's feelings for the woman not being love at all, because Soobin did not even hesitate when Yeonjun started to tease him, giving in immediately and fully enjoying the prince's company.

And Yeonjun felt satisfied and overall so much better when the human was finally holding him, when he could have easily spent last night with his girlfriend as well.

But what felt the nicest, was falling asleep after they had cleaned up, holding each other close and breathing in their scents while they would drift off. Waking up this morning almost at the same exact time, only adds to the nice feeling.

They linger in their position for a little bit, until at some point, Soobin finally manages to pull his shit together and get them both out of bed. They eat a quick breakfast and get dressed afterwards, Yeonjun just getting whatever he could find in Soobin's closet, which in this case just consists of a simple black tee and a pair of jeans. Soobin told him to wear something simple like that for now, as he would have to change in and out of quite a few outfits all day.

Yeonjun accepts that reason for not dressing up more and even though he tries to hide it, Soobin can tell just how excited he must be right now. Because he can simply see it in Yeonjun's slight giddiness and the sparkle in his eyes, just how much he seems to be looking forward to their little shopping trip. Noticing that, he does not make him wait any longer and the two of them leave the house to drive to the mall.

The moment they arrive at the mall and enter the building, walking around the area with all its colourful and different stores, Soobin cannot avert his eyes from the prince at all. Not even for a second. After all, Yeonjun walks around with wide, sparkly eyes, excited like a little child that is being brought to some sort of candy paradise for the very first time in their life.

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