5 | infiltration

610 35 55

"And then we leave. Did you understand everything? Still know the plan?", Taehyun asks after just having gone through their plan real quick for yet another time. He just really wants to make sure Soobin got it all.

They had talked about it on their way here, talked about how they would get in and Soobin has come up with a tactic as well that makes it easier for him to plan these types of things: he would just pretend to be a character in a DnD campaign. Sure, not the best idea, but it helps him personally to blend out some of the dangers that way and think about how his character would act instead of his actual self.

So he nods at Taehyun and the other nods back before putting a hand on Soobin's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

"We can do this.", he says, giving him a reassuring smile.

Soobin smiles back, also putting a hand on Taehyun's shoulder and nodding once again.

Then the two of them pull up the hoods of their cloaks and stealthily sneak towards one of the closest open windows in one of the upper floors of a side tower, waiting at its base when they finally reach it. They are on constant lookout, the area around them seeming strangely quiet and empty. But then again, they are somewhere in the middle of some scary forest. No one in their right mind would go in there or even know where to go when looking for prince Yeonjun.

So while Soobin is still cautiously looking around, Taehyun readies a rope with a hook attached to it, tapping his foot twice on the floor before throwing it up, the rope being thrown at first and then carried up further magically, with Taehyun quietly humming a melody. The rope almost seems to be dancing on its way up until it finally reaches the window and the hook secures itself on the sill.

Taehyun keeps humming and looks at Soobin, pointing up to the window with his finger while he additionally nods his head up in the same direction.

Soobin looks at him with wide eyes, he himself also pointing up to the window and tilting his head forward, not quite trusting his instincts on what Taehyun is telling him to do now.

Taehyun's eyes also widen, but anrily, as he furrows his brows right after and nods up again more harshly, his one hand still holding onto the rope.

So Soobin turns his attention to the rope now, stepping closer and holding onto it, gulping once before he nods to himself and and jumps, tightly holding onto the rope when his feet hit the outer wall of the tower and he starts climbing up.

Taehyun's humming keeps going, getting even quieter with every step Soobin gets closer towards the window. When he is almost up, he can feel a tuck on the rope, guessing that Taehyun is also climbing up now after him. Soon after that, they have both reached the top and jump inside the open window shortly after one another.

The room looks like a simple storage area with some potatoes and turnips, several little boxes, packages and sacks in different sizes. But they are lucky because apart from those resources, no people seem to be in there apart from themselves.

Taehyun slowly approaches the door, leaning against it to listen before he gives Soobin a sign to wait at the door, switching places with him as they open the door in just the right moment and Taehyun immediately knocks out the man walking past it. They tie him up after dragging him inside the room, checking the outside once more before leaving the storage room and slowly walking to another wing of the tower.

They end at a junction at some point, leading into two directions. Taehyun thinks for a moment, unsure what to do.

He thinks about whether or not it is such a good idea to leave Soobin exploring this place by himself, but at the same time he fears that going together would increase the chances of them getting caught, while also taking a lot more time in general, which he does not know how much they actually have.

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