3 | visions

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Soobin is really happy to say that there were no strange encounters in the cave.

They walk for quite some time, torches on the walls lighting up the path at some point, until they finally reach a big door made out of wood and metal with intricate ornaments on it. Soobin looks up at it and Taehyun approaches it directly, knocking against it in a certain rhythm. The door opens by itself when Taehyun is done, just enough for the two men to slip inside one after another.

When they are inside, Soobin is amazed at the sight, the room being wide and open, star constellations on the ceiling, two sets of stairs in front of them leading up to an upper floor. Bookshelves filled with various different colored books in different sizes are on either side of the two staircases, one even right between them. The floors are completely made out of a shiny, dark blue marble stone with white streaks going through it. The room is lit up well, two study areas there too, one being next to each of the bookshelves. The area in the middle is open, stacks of books placed all over the floor. Whatever exactly this place is, it is some sort of really cool magical study, which makes Soobin feel pure awe.


Someone appears in front of them, another handsome young man with dark hair and an innocent expression. He looks like the cute and soft kind of person, wearing a lose shirt in a nice darker blue shade, black pants and boots and a thick, blue cloak with golden stars embroidered all over it. He looks excited to see Taehyun and immediately gives him a tight hug.

"What? Taehyun is here?", another voice suddenly asks and Soobin's eyes shift to yet again another good looking young man with black hair and the same outfit as the other. This guy's eyes are thinner than the other's, almost completely closing when he smiles brightly, also giving Taehyun a tight hug. "You are back! Did you find him?"

Taehyun nods and turns a bit before he extends his hand and gestures towards Soobin, who is still standing a few meters away from them with a rather lost expression. The first guy claps his hands together in excitement and quickly approaches Soobin, the other one smiling brightly as he joins his friend in taking a closer look at the visitor.

"Guys, stop. I think he is still too confused to understand what is happening.", Taehyun says to his friends with a chuckle.

"Oh yes!", the first guy suddenly says, stopping in his tracks to properly stand in front of Soobin now, his friend imitating him as well, "My name is Kai and this is my partner, Jeongin."

"Nice to meet you.", Jeongin says and both of them shake Soobin's hand.

"Partner?", Soobin asks and Taehyun bursts out laughing as soon as he sees his wide eyed expression.

"Work partners, Soobin.", Taehyun says between laughter and Soobin nods, suddenly feeling his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Ah, yes, my name is Choi Soobin. Nice to meet you."

"We know who you are.", Jeongin says. "We sent Taehyun out to find you after all. After accessing the prince's vision, we helped him with the world traveling so he could find you."

"Yes, but we were not expecting this to work to be honest.", Kai says and Taehyun rolls his eyes, knowing that him leaving to find Soobin was a risk they all took to save their kingdom. For Taehyun it was for his lover only, but knowing he would not be happy in a world without their kingdom, people and friends, he is determined to help everyone. "Humans usually cannot enter our world, no matter how strong the magic is."

Soobin blinks a few times in confusion and the two boys quickly take him and Taehyun up the staircase into a really nice and cozy sitting area. The fireplace is on, a warm flame flickering inside of it as the others all take a seat and Kai gets everyone some tea to drink, as well as some cookies that Jeongin carries inside.

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