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Looking around for a little bit, Soobin notices an ice cream cart not far from them and smiles to himself, suddenly feeling like it would be rather nice to share some with the prince.

So he excuses himself for a moment and asks Yeonjun to wait where they currently are, which Yeonjun only nods at before he leans against the railing right next to him on the path they have decided on taking home.

Soobin walks up to the ice cream cart and asks the man operating it for two portions of ice cream. He pays for it, thanks the man and turns back around to walk back to Yeonjun.

But the moment Soobin turns around, is also when he really starts noticing it.

He notices how all eyes are on Yeonjun.

The prince is not even doing much at all. Right now, he is leaning against the railing with his lower back, both his hands buried in the pockets of the coat Soobin has lent him. He is looking around with his chin up as always, before he looks down on his feet, seemingly in thought about something.

And Yeonjun looks stunning. The soft brown shades of his clothes suit him perfectly, making him look so much different to the white he would always wear before that and he himself just looks so nice in this human appearance he currently has. He looks so... normal.

The prince is standing there being simply beautiful without trying, standing there waiting for Soobin to come back to him because he told him to wait. And while he is doing exactly that, currently existing in a world that is not his own and completely new to him at that, everyone who walks past him, cannot change but glance over.

They would look at the handsome young man for a moment, talk to each other in hushed and quiet tones right after that or simply walk past in silence. Some would turn back around for a second glance after passing him even. All while Yeonjun seems completely unbothered by anyone's existence at all. He does not even seem to notice the attention he draws. Hence, not even Soobin noticed anything while they were walking together.

Then someone suddenly approaches the prince. A young and pretty woman finally making the prince look up from his feet when she speaks to him, saying some words that Soobin would not be able to understand from where he is standing.

Yeonjun's eyes are on her, while Soobin's cannot leave him and the way he is talking to this pretty young woman right now, somewhat makes the human feel unwell.

He does not like the feeling he is currently feeling at all and takes a deep breath before he finally walks closer to the two of them, ignoring everything else that is going on around them. Soobin clears his throat the moment he is standing next to Yeonjun again to definitely let the prince know he has returned to his side. He just seems to find it strangely important to let Yeonjun know he is back here with him now.

Yeonjun looks at him when he notices his presence and Soobin hands him the ice cream with a little smile, not at all showing anyone that he is slightly turned off by the woman's existence. He shakes that feeling off immediately, knowing that whatever it is, it is not good.

The prince returns his gaze to the young woman and his smile visibly weakens along with the action.

"To get back to your question, I am afraid I will have to turn down your offer.", he says and she slowly nods, not at all looking like she would be giving up just like that. Not when the one this is about is a guy as gorgeous as Yeonjun.

"Please reconsider and give me a chance?", she asks, lifting both her arms to wrap them around one of Yeonjun's as she steps closer to the prince. Soobin just gulps and takes a spoonful of his ice cream, looking away from the two right next to him. He does not necessarily feel like watching Yeonjun and a woman he has never seen before being so close to each other they look like they are about to make out or something. Nope, Soobin is good not watching that. "I am really not that bad of a choice, mister. I could show you what I have to offer because then you would not have to regret turning me down later."

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