Chapter 4

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So school has been pretty boring lately. I'm adjusting well. There was one incident with this Taylor bitch.


I was sitting in lunch with Tyler and the rest of the boys when a pretty blonde girl came over. "You're Annie right?"I nodded, "sorry I havent got a chance to introduce myself properly. I was away on vacation, I'm Taylor, head cheerleader. You've got a great build. Cheerleading will be good for you, we'd gladly welcome you," she said

"Sorry, I'll have to pass."

"Are you sure?"


"You're passing up a good opportunity, and since you're new it could boost your status."

"I'm positive, I don't mix with stuck up bitches."

She got up in my face and whispered, "That's a mistake. Since your new I'll let it slide," then she left.


So yeah, but whatever. Today Kate and Rylie are spending the night tonight. They're skipping fifth hour and coming home with Tyler and me. They don't exactly know I live with the Bryces' but they will after tonight. I'm currently in gym playing dodgeball. My team is winning. Me and Kate aren't really trying, we're in the middle laughing. After gym, Tyler met me outside the locker room. Before we left to fifth hour I yelled to Kate, "Meet you outside in 10." She nodded. The bell rang in fifth hour and Mr. Mullins handed out progress sheets. We left to meet Rylie and Kate out front. A random girl ran over to me and Tyler,

"HI!!" she was doing the gangnam style hip movement. Tyler and I looked at each other like what?

We walked over to Kate and Rylie, "let's go girls!" I yelled. We followed Tyler to his car and the girls piled in. Kate texted me on the way,

'Where are we going?'

'to narnia :p' I texted back. We were really going to the diner to get some food first.

When we got there Rylie said, "Yumm, I love food." We laughed at her and sat down.

"Hi, I'm Julia and I'll be your waitress." She took our orders. While we were eating the Harlem Shake song came on and some lady came into the middle of the room with a mask on. She was the only one dancing and when the bass dropped I stood up to dance with her. It was so funny, we were all dancing and laughing. It definitely made my day.The lady in the middle was Julia, our waitress. I made sure to leave a big tip because it takes a lot to make my day.

When we got home, Kate and Rylie started asking why we were at the Bryce house. "You'll see," I told them. We walked into the house and went up the elevator with Tyler. When we got to the fifth floor to get out, the girls tried to follow Tyler into his room. I opened my door and called them, "Uhh girls where are you going?"

"Following Tyler, duh," Rylie said.

"wrong room," I said. Tyler was behind them laughing his head off.We went into my room and they put their stuff down.

"you live with them?"Rylie asked.

"no wonder they knew you by lumch on your first day," Kate said.

"Yeah." We changed and went swimming. All the boys joined us. Colton, Chase, Ben and the boys' girlfriends even joined us. We had a lot of fun. After a few hours we got out and ordered pizza. There were a lot of us, so we had a lot of pizza. After pizza we picked out a movie and made popcorn. While we were picking out the movie, my computer got a skype alert. It was from Harry so I answered. I typed to him because it was so loud.

'hey harry'

"hey baby, whats up?"

'hanging out with people'

"why are you typing?" he asked.

'there is a lot of people' I picked the computer up and showed him the room.

"Wow! well I won't keep you. I just wanted to tell you that Dani can't come down. she's going on a cruise. but we're all looking forward to coming!"

'I cant Wait. I'm soooo EXCITED'

"haha. me to love you annie."

'love you to babe. byee:)'

we hung up and watched the hunger games. Around 11:30 almost everyone had fell asleep. Tyler was awake and so was I. I'd gotten up to get some juice from the bar area when I'd found a black marker. I drew mustaches on everyone's face. Afterwards I took a few photos and laughed for a minute. Then Tyler and I ran quietly upstairs. My door doesn't lock so I went into Tylers. He made a bed on the floor and gave me his bed. After a while I drifted off to sleep. My last thought was how happy I am now.


Authors Note:

so what'd ya think?? i thought it was a fun chapter(: happiness(: I'm gonna type the next chapter today and tomorrow! Next chapter will skip forward a week. We're gonna officially meet and hang out with Annie's michigan friends(:

A shoutout to jewlez and I_wish_i_was_a_human (:


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