Chapter 7

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I got down off the roof and went into my room. I packed a few bags with my stuff. Three in total. Elle can send the rest. I put my stuff under my bed, incase someone came in, and got my laptop out. I bought a plane ticket for a three a.m. to Michigan. Next I got out my phone and called Dani.

"Hi Dani," I said.

"Hey Ann, what's up?"

"I'm coming home. Will you pick me up? I leave at three but I'll call you when I'm in."

"Of course. just call me."

"Alright. thanks."

"Anytime. love ya, see ya."

"Bye." I hung up.

"Annie, we're gonna have a campfire in a few," Caleb said.

"Alright. I'll be down in a minute." He left. I put my laptop, money, phone and charger in my carry on bag and went downstairs to join the fun.

"Hey Annie, sit by me," Cullen said.

"Okay." I sat down next to Cullen and we made smores. We joked around until about 9:30. Then everyone went in. I went out to the stables for one last ride. "Hey Midnight, wanna go out?" She neighed. We rode to the waterfall and I got off. I put my feet in the water and layed back. After I got cold I went back to the house. I went into my room and waited. At 1:30 a.m. I called a cab and told them to wait at the end of the driveway. I wrote a note.

I know I'm probably worrying you, but you can stop. I'm not here. I've gone back to Michigan. You didn't do anything wrong, you were great, I just need to be home. Thank you and I'll miss you. xx Annie.

"Where do you think you're going at this hour?" Aaron asked.

I jumped, "you scared me."

"I saw. Now where are you going?"

"home," I whispered.

"If thats where you feel you should go. Just know, your family is here when you get lonely."

I nodded. Then left to get in the cab. "Airport." The driver nodded and took off. When we got there it was 2:20. I handed him the money then went to do a bag check.

"Just the three?" the guy asked.


I took my carry on and sat by the terminal. Around 3 they let us on. I was sitting next to a girl around my age, maybe a few years older.

"Hey, I'm Sara."


"Nice name. Why are you headed to Michigan?"

"I live there."

"Where from?"

"North Carolina."

"How long were you there?"

"About 2 months."


"I was staying with some family friends."

"Oh. Why?"

"Reasons." this nosey blonde is bothering me. I put headphones in and she didn't bother me again. I think I fell asleep because the flight attendant woke me. I got up, grabbed my bag then got off. "Dani, I'm here," I left a message. She didn't answer. I called back three more times without an answer. "One more time," I said aloud.

"Annie?" she said groggily.

"Damn you. I landed. Come get me." then I hung up.

I claimed my bags and waited for Dani. She showed up after twenty minutes. She drove me to my house and let me out.

"Call me if you need something." then she pulled away.

I walked into my house and sat on the couch. Someone's probably awake at the Bryces by now. I got up and went into my room. It was empty. I grabbed an outfit and jumped in the shower. After I was out I grabbed the keys to my parents car. Someone must have dropped it off after I left. I drove over to Harry's house. I had to see his parents. When I got there I knocked on the door. Lynn answered it. "Hi Lynn."

"Annie, hello. what can i do for you?" She looked horrible. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing after-" I didn't have to finish the sentence.

"Not to good. A lot of crying has taken place."

"you're eyes are red, have you been crying lately?"

"Uh, well the police called a little earlier. Theu found Harry's body along with the other 3."

"oh." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"I was just gonna call you in a bit, what are you doing back from North Carolina?

"I missed home."

She nodded,"well I was going to call you to ask, on behalf of my family and your friends, if you'd speak about them. They were with you a lot. You know them well."

"I would be honored to speak, thanks Lynn and I hope you feel better. Bye."

I know that was rude, but they found their bodies, I'm a little shaken up.


Tyler POV:

I woke up and went downstairs hungry. When I got down there my Mary was standing over the counter with my mom. "What's up guys?" I asked.

My mom turned around and looked really sad, "Annie's gone back home. To Michigan."

"But she'll be back, right?"

"I don't think so," I grabbed the note from my mom and read it.

"Well we should go get her."

"She doesn't want to be here Tyler. She feels like she doesn't belong."

"Whats her address then, I'll get her."

"I don't think you should. Let her come back on her own."

"I know her better than you. I've spent a lot of time with her. She wants someone to come after, If you won't help then I'll do it myself." I stormed out of the room and packed. When I was done I went to see my dad for a minute. "Dad, Annie's gone."

"I know. I talked to her before she left."

"And you didn't stop her?" I yelled.

"She's nearly 18 she's a big girl now."

I stormed out. "Here Tyler."

my mom gave me Annie's address and some cash.

"Thanks." I drove to the airport and got on a flight. Annie's like my little sister. You can't leave her alone. She's fragile and scared. Damn my dad. He couldn't frikin stop her and talk to her. Damn it.

Living With the Bryce Boys *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now