Chapter 24

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"I'm such an ass," I said.

"Yeah you are," Colton didn't even bother to lie.

"I don't know what to do. How do I fix this?"

"You know how."

"I wish I did."

"You do. You have to tell her."

"She won't talk to me though."

"Good luck."

I left. Damn it. Colton didn't help at all. Annie is so pissed at me. Hell, I'm pissed at me. I drove home and the police were there.

"Mom?" I yelled as soon as I walked in.

"Oh Tyler," She said.

"What's wrong? Why are the cops here?"

"Please tell me you know where Annie is," she said with tears pooling in her eyes.

"No. We had a fight, why?"

We walked into the living room, where everyone and the police were.

"Son, do you know where Annie might be?" Aaron asked.

"I have an idea but she's probably not there. Why?"

"Check it please."

"Why!?!" I yelled.

"Her car was found abandoned in the woods and it's raining pretty hard," the cop said.

"Why the hell are we sitting here! Find her!" I yelled. Everyone took off looking except my mom, Scott and Cullen. They stayed behind in case she came back.

I ran as fast as I could to the cave hoping she'd be there. I ran inside only to find it empty. Where the hell is she? I called Rylie and talked to her. From there she would call Kate, Ben and the whole soccer team. We need to find her.

I left the cave walking quickly towards the road and towards Alex and Calebs voice. Good idea!

"ANNIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I yelled as I walked. As I expected, but not hoped for, there was no answer. I soon made my way to the road and saw Alex heading the opposite direction in the woods. I looked down the street and Annies car was pushed off the road with a dent in the front. Shit.

I kept searching and walking around the woods and down the road. I checked in with everyone and the rain let up a little.

Kyle came and picked me up from the road at three am, "you need to sleep, you need to think properly," he said.

"Damn it Kyle, I don't want to sleep and I don't want to think I want to find her."

And yet again I stormed off. I ran into the woods. I didn't stop or look back. I kept running and running and suddenly, I tripped.


I haven't gone home, its pretty dark out. I left on Midnight and traded her for my car. I drove, I had no destination planned but kept going. I drove for two maybe three hours before deciding to come back home. As I was driving on the road near the woods a car came head on towards me. I honked and tried to change lanes but the car followed me, like they wanted to hit me. It succeded. I spun out of control and when I finally stopped, I tried to call for help but I'd hit my head and my phone was no where to be found. I got out and started walking threw the woods towards the house, it wasn't that far and even so, the cave had a phone in it and that was closer.

Well, as I got deeper into the woods I think I choose the wrong way because I didn't see the fall or the house or anything. I tripped on a big stick and grabbed my head to protect it. When I reached the ground I moved my hands and saw that my right one had blood on it. That's weird. I turned around and there was no blood where I'd fallen. Did that make it mine? After that thought I got really tired and decided to lay down, my bed was feeling really comfy today.


"Damn it!" I ripped my jeans when I fell. I turned around to see what I tripped on. "ANNIE!" I yelled. She looked up, "Oh God. I'm so glad you're okay." I got my phone out and told someone to meet me at the road, maybe an ambulance. I picked Annie up and started carrying her back.

She didn't think so, "put me down dickhead." Ah, that's my Annie, injured but still a smart ass.

"You're hurt, please?"

"I still hate you." She refused to look at me or talk to me but I didn't care. I can and will fix this.


"I'm fine doc, let me go home?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, the stitches will need to be taken out in two weeks. Come back if you feel any pain or anything."

I did a little happy dance and went to the waiting room where everyone awaited my presence.

"Hello, thank you for gathering here today," I said after I walked through the door and did a courtsy. Elle jumped up and hugged me, as did Rylie and Kate. "Can we go home?" I was really tired. Elle nodded and we walked out. We all climbed into two huge hippy like van. I layed my head on Coltons shoulder and nodded off to sleep. When we got I home I was conscious enough to know that Colton was carrying me to my room, and that was the last thing I remember before completely falling asleep.


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