Chapter 27

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Tyler and I spent all day yesterday hanging out and talking. We stayed in the cave until noon. At one we went swimming and around five we had everyone come over so we could celebrate.


"So why are we all here?" Kate asked.

"Tyler found his balls," Colton said.

"Well, Annie and I are talking again, and dating," Tyler explained.

"Bout time Tyler," Chase yelled.


It was really funny. After that we had a campfire and went night swimming. We set up tents outside and we all slept outside, two per tent.

I actually just woke up about ten minutes ago. I brought my marker with me though. I drew all over Tylers face. I love slumber parties.

Soon enough people started waking up and we had to clean up. Tyler slept while most of us cleaned up. When he woke up we were all done.

"Oh my god," Kristen, Calebs girlfriend, said.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing," I said. He walked towards me and I lost it. I started laughing, "You look cute Tyler," everyone else started laughing with me.

"Annie?!" He looked a bit angry. I sighed and handed him my phone to use as a mirror. "Annie!!" He chased me around the backyard for about twenty minutes before we were interrupted.

"Annie, we're leaving at six," Aaron said.

Dinner, I'd forgotten, "Okay!" I yelled to him. I took that moment to look around the backyard. Everyone was gone. It was empty except for Tyler and I. Weird.

I turned back around and Tyler was gone to. What the fuck? I did a 360º and saw him running towards the stables. I ran after him and in the stables he disappeared.

"Alright Tyler, this isn't funny," I yelled.

"Yes it is," he said from behind me. As soon as I turned around his lips met mine. I could definitely get used to this. We pulled apart when we were both breathless.

"I could get use to that," I said winking at him. He made another attempt to kiss me but I ran out of the stables.

"Come back!" He yelled.

"Nope. You hid first."

I ran back to the house and right to my room. It was already four. I decided to start getting ready for birthday dinner with Aaron. Tyler came in a few minutes later.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"getting dressed, you?"

"Watching you pick out clothes, why are you picking out clothes?"

"I'm going to dinner with your father."

"Again, why?"

"Because we made plans. Now, purple or blue?" I asked holding up two dresses.

"Blue, matches your hair."

"I'm thinking of fixing that."


"Purple or red."

"Ooo, red," he purred.

"shut up," I blushed. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out I put on shorts and a tank to do my hair.

I gave it kind of a wavy look and pinned it to the side. I came out to fimd Tyler laying in my bed listening to Ome Direction.

I coughed and he jumped five feet in the air. "Hi Annie, done so soon?"

"Yeah. You can turn that back on ya know." I laughed at him before goimg back to change. I slipped my dress on carefully and smoothed it out. It's just a simple, strapless, summer dress. I brushed my teeth and did my make-up. Lastly I put my shoes on.

"You look beautiful Ann," Tyler complimented.

"Thanks." I walked downstairs with Tyler to wait for Aaron. I had to wait about ten minutes before he was ready. We walked outside and got into his car. The car ride was pretty quiet aside from the music.

The restaurant we went to was fancy. After we ordered and waited for our food we talked about colleges.

"I'm thinking of going to University of North Carolina. I've wanted to go there since the beginning of high school," I explained.

"It's a good school, what job do you see yourself doing?"

"A teacher at a high school probably."

The rest of dinner included many questions about the future. It ended on a good note and I was abke to go home and crawl into my bed happy.



anyone who read the chap and it ended with 'at' sorry. I didn't realize I didn't finish it. I feel bad. sorry.


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