Chapter 31

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Graduation Day


Today is the day. I'm going to walk across the stage and get my diploma. I'm sitting on my bed just thinking, not about anything in general just my high school career.

Freshmen year, meeting three new friends who soon became best.

Sophomore year, my first high school dance and my first real boyfriend.

Junior year, getting my license and just having fun.

Senior year, well everything. My parents, Harry, Tyler. I even looked at the bad, but mostly the good.

Tyler is out doing something before the ceremony and I decided not to get changed for another half hour.

When it was finally time to get ready I jumped in the shower. While I was in there I decided that I hadn't heard from Tyler in a bit and should call him when I'm done. I jumped out and grabbed my towel then started straightening my hair.


I plan on surprising Annie today When they give out awards. That's when there is a category and a student or student is picked to win, such as most likely to succeed. I'm confident she's going to win best soccer player.

Anyways, my mom is helping me pick something special out for Annie. My mom cried when I asked her to help. I'm sure I found the right one and now we're driving back home now. As soon as we get there I have to jump in the shower and hurry to get ready.


It didn't take long to get my hair done. We're do at the school by 5:30, it is 4:30 now. I went to see if Tyler was home and he was, just in the shower.

I knocked on the door and talked to him, "What time are we leaving? Are we getting food?"

He opened the door and came out in a towel, "We can leave in twenty and yeah, I'm hungry."

"Okay," I hurried back to my room and brushed my teeth. I then did my make-up and slid my dress on. I put on my flats and carried my heels with me. I packed a matching clutch with my phone and money and then met Tyler downstairs.

"One more," Elle said. She's taken ten pictures at least and my stomach is rumbling. She finished and we went to get food quickly because we no longer had much time. The family is coming and six for the ceremony.

"Grab your cap and gown and line up in abc order!" the principal yelled, its funny that I was here for a while and didn't learn her name.

We started lining up in the seats with our name on it. Not many people had the last name C so Tyler and I weren't far. Actually, there was only one person blocking us, and it was Devon. Damn. Good thing this wasn't going to take long, sarcasm.

"And now our valedictorian, Anna Meyers," everyone clapped as she walked up there.

"Thank you, I'm gonna try to keep it short. It doesn't matter who you were, it doesn't matter what you've done. Today is out day, our day that we finally get out of here and start our lives." Everyone clapped when she finished and principal lady started the names.

"Tyler Bryce," the family, as well as I, started clapping loudly. He flashed an award winning smile and walked off the stage.

"Devon Campbell," I sat back and watched as he walked up, he still had a faint ring of purple from his eye.

"Annie Cole," I walked up to the stage, a bit slow because of my heels, and grabbed my diploma. I then held it up in the air and cheered. The family clapped and I couldn't be any happier. I walked back to my seat and the rest of the people went. After that, awards.


Awards, just wait I've been waiting for.

"Best smile. Most likely to succeed. Most likely to go to jail." As they called awards out one by one I was getting more anxious. I texted my mom and told her to have the camera ready.

"Cutest couple, Annie Cole and Tyler Bryce." I didn't think we'd win that, but even better. We had to go up to receive the award.

As we got up there I did the most ballsy thing I've ever done, I took the mic and began talking, "Hey Ann, its funny that we won this award."


We won the cutest couple award, aww. As we walked to the stage we held hands. When we got up there Tyler took the mic, which was weird nobody else did.

"Hey Ann, it's funny we won this award," he said.

"Whys that?" I asked.

"You see, I was going to use the awards as an excuse. I thought you'd win the soccer award but this one's better."

"Excuse for what?"

"Annie Cole," he paused and got down on one knee, "Will you marry me?" He pulled out a beautiful ring.

I looked at him for a second, "Of course I will!" He slid the ring on my finger and then kissed me. Everyone clapped and cheered.

Lucy, the girl who announced awards, took the mic back, "They really are the cutest couple," she said, "Well, thanks for attending and good luck class of 2013!" We all threw our caps in the air before going to find friends and family.

All the Bryces stood in a circle waiting for us.

"Congrats guys!" they all yelled. It wasn't long until all the girls found me and aww'd over my ring.

Tyler and I went to a fancy dinner and had a great night. We ended up at the cave when it was all over.

"I'm so happy!" I said.

"Me too babe." We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms and right at that moment I knew, my life would be good from now on.



the end.... except the epilogue.

;-; I'm so sad.



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