Chapter 9

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--Annie's POV---

Two days later:

So Tyler came up here to take me back but I don't know if I want to go back. Sure this place has memories but they're mostly good. The funeral for my friends is today. Tyler is taking me because I'm not sure I can do this alone. A friend is what I need, and Dani is to great of one. She's defiantly not my closest friend.

I'm getting dressed. I've got on black tights and a black dress and black everything. I'm really sad. I've cried three times already and I haven't even left yet.

I slid on my necklace from Harry. He gave it to me over spring break. It's inscribed 'Annie, I'll love you forever.' Next I put on my bracelet from Abbe, 'Annie- the best friend I'll ever have.' Maddie got me an ankle bracelet 'Annie, I love you girl.' I read it and laughed. Lastly, Louie got me a ring. Its my birthstone and it says 'gurl you fine.' I laughed again.

"Annie, are you ready?" Tyler asked.

"I think so." We got in the car and drove to the funeral home.

"Annie, I'm glad you came," Lynn said through her tears.

I nodded and kept walking. Tyler walked up to the caskets with me and helped me get through all of them. They looked normal. Like one of the times I'd woken up before them and stared at them til the awoke. The funeral home director walked up to the microphone and started talking. We all took that as a sign to sit. The priest was dragging on. I had my head on Tyler's shoulder, still crying. "I'm told that Ms. Annie Cole will say something."

Thats my cue. I got up and walked up to the microphone. "Hi. I'm Annie and these four were my best friends," I stopped to breath, "I'm not really sure what to say." the crowd laughed. "Let's see," I laughed remembering, "I remember one time when we were all together, we were at Wal-Mart, Maddie judged Harry and Louie pushed shopping carts and Abbe and myself help umbrellas at each other. We jousted and got kicked out. it was fun. Reminds me how childish we all are together." I laughed along with the people. "I'm sure that Abbe and Louie and Maddie and Harry don't want us to cry. Just be happy because they're happy too. Up there trying to do the gangnam style with god." After that I stepped down and a few others went to speak.

"Gangnam style with god?" Tyler questioned. I didn't say anything. After everyone was down we drove to the grave site. 6 spots right next to each other. Only 4 were to be filled though. We'd purchased sites by each other so we could be together forever. After they'd finished putting them in I threw flowers and dirt into each spot. While they filled the holes I cried on Tyler's shoulder. When it was done and over with I left them each a colored rose on top of the dirt, and kissed my hand to touch it to the stone.

"Ready Annie?" Tyler asked.

"Just one stop." I walked over to the wall where they put little kids. There was some Elmo balloons and stickers on a stone.

"who's this?"

"This is my god- cousin. Collin Jeffrey V."

"Whys he in here?"

"He was diagnosed with children's leukemia when he was 6 months old. He died One month after his first birthday. 4th of July."

"I'm sorry." I nodded. We didn't stay long. Afterwards we went back to the house and watched a movie. I feel asleep on Tylers lap, exhausted.


Good? comment and vote (: The stuff about Collin is true. his younger brothers birthdays are coming up and I thought including him would be nice. Hope you like C:


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