Chapter 26 part one

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I woke up sweating and resisting the urge to scream. I looked at the clock and it was 2:56 a.m. I got up and put cold water on my face. I was thirsty so I went downstairs and got some water.

"Couldn't sleep?" I jumped.

"Aaron, you scared me."

"I can see, so?"

"Yes I couldn't sleep. I had a bad dream."


"I don't remember. I just remember it was scary," I said.

"Oh. So, if I'm correct somebody has a birthday on saturday."

I turned around, "Shhh! I don't want anyone to know!" I whispered/yelled.

"I'll keep it on the DL if you give me a chance to take you to birthday dinner. Me and you."

I turned around to get more water and smiled, "I'd like that."

"Okay. Now off to bed."

"Yes sir!" I marched upstairs and went back into my room. I guess I hadn't noticed how tired I was because I counted to ten and was fast asleep again.

Later that day::

I woke up again at five to get ready for school. I jumped in the shower quickly and washed my hair. When I got out I blowdryed and straightened it. I got dressed in red shorts with a black v-neck and threw on my black flip flops. I then applied my make-up and went downstairs.

"Morning guys," I greeted Alex and Nick. They grunted in response. I made some toast and ate it before heading out the door.

I jumped in my mustang and called Rylie.

"Hey Ry!"

"Hey Annie, what's up?"

"Driving to pick you up. Be ready in five!" and I hung up. I didn't want to hear her complain.

I pulled up and honked the horn. She came running out a minute later.

"Why are we going this early?" She asked.

"I thought we could go to Starbucks."

"Oh, Okay!" We drove there listening to the radio and talking about what we'd do tonight. When we got there we went in and ordered. While we waited we said hi to some people from school. The guy behind the counter gave us our coffees and we left. On the car ride there that Light' em Up song was on and Rylie and I were singing it, loudly and off-key.

At school we parted ways and went to our lockers only to meet up again in first hour. After our coffees were gone we were wide awake! Laughing and disturbing class. We got yelled at more than a few times. In second hour we kept talking about how much fun we'd have tonight. We decided to go to the mall for a bit then come back to my house and she'd spend the night.

After lunch school kinda went by in a blur. Since it was Friday my teachers tried to avoid homework for us.

By fifth hour I was happy Rylie was skipping her fifth so we could get to the mall. I got my progress sheet and we left.

I drove us to the mall and we shopped for hours. I got some new jeans, shorts, shirts, yoga pants and two new pairs of shoes. Rylie was just the same. At about four we got lunch in the food court before doing more shopping.

"One more place, I promise," Rylie said. She took me into a dress shop.

"These aren't really my thing," I explained.

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