Chapter 6

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---Annies POV---

I woke up in my bed. Tyler was sitting next to it, "how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Like a bad luck charm," I said seriously. He chuckled. "That wasn't supposed to be funny," I snapped.

"Sorry," he said.

"Just get out Tyler."

He shook his head no.

"Why not?"

"My mom told me that you cut your wrists when your parents died. I don't want you to do it again," he said.

"Well maybe I want to do it again."

"Don't say that."

"Why not. I don't want to live while everyone I love dies."

"Who would carry their memories on then?"

"Who cares. They wouldn't be dead if it weren't for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, my parents were killed and it was my fault."

"No it wasn't Annie, you can't blame yourself for their death."

"Can't I?" I told him the whole story about the shooting and the my fault thing. At the end of the story his fists were balled up.

"It still wasn't your fault Annie."

"Whatever. If Harry and Abbe and everyone else hadn't come to see me, they wouldn't have been on a crashed plane," I cried. Their bodies still haven't been found.

"Annie, I wish I could undo it all. But I can't and you can't so you have to move on. Don't cry, smile."

"I don't want to. I want to die."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"My fucking life is ruined Tyler. Don't you get that? Everyone I love dies. Why don't I just frikin join them."

"Everyone here loves you. Are we gonna die to?"


"No Annie, we're not." Then he stormed out of the room.

I went upstairs to Aaron's work area. Him and I have bonded. Everytime I have a nightmare and go downstairs, he's in there. "Can't sleep," he tells me. I tell him what's on my mind and he does the same. I knocked on his door, "Come in."

"Hey Aaron," I said.

"Annie, what can I do for you?" He looked up, "Oh my. You look horrible."

"thanks that means a lot."

"That's not what I mean. You look like you've been crying."

"Yeah," I said.

"Well, what's wrong."

I told him everything, from the phone call to 5 minutes ago. "And now I'm here," I concluded.

"I see," he said. About half way through my stort he'd set his papers on the desk and came to sit by me on the couch. "It's not your fault Annie, and I'm sure that you're parents would like you very much alive until God takes you." I stayed quiet. I was a daddy's girl, I told him everything and waited for him to tell me what to do. Aaron is the only fatherly figure I have now.

"What should I do now?" I asked.

"Have you tried talking to your parents?" I shook my head no. "Find a quiet place to do that and talk to your friends while your at it. You'd be suprised how much weight will be lifted off your shoulders." I nodded and left. I know exactly where I can do that.

I walked outside, in my pajamas, to the stables. I rode Midnight to the waterfall and sat on the ground. "Hi mom. Hi dad," I said outloud. "How are you? I'm not doing so hot. I'm sure you've seen all my friends with you in heaven. They died in a plane crash. I feel like it's my fault, if they hadn't come to see me they'd be at home. Tyler and Aaron have tried to tell me I'm wrong. But I know I'm right," I smiled, "I'm so stubborn. Bye mommy, bye daddy. I love you so much." Aaron was right. I feel like I can breathe again. I know I should talk to my friends but I'm not ready for that yet. I mounted Midnihht and rode back. Tyler was waiting at the stables.

"I thought I would find you here," he said.

"yeah. kinda my favorite place. Look, about earlier, Im really sorry. I didn't mean any of it."

"Its okay Annie, I'm sorry too. I know nothing like what it's like to lose so many people close to me." We sat quietly for a while.

"I'm hungry," I laughed. We walked back to the house and Mary made us some food. After we ate we went into the basement and watched a movie. We agreed on Role Models. Its a comedy and I love the movie. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being shaken.

"Ewww Annie, you drooled on me," Tyler whined. I laughed at him.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"about 6." I nodded.

"well, I'm going to take a shower, see you later." I got up and walked into my room and jumped in the shower. I wasn't in long, maybe ten minutes. After I got out I put on some shorts and a tank top so I could lounge around. I opened my window and noticed a ledge. I climbed up on it and saw a bigger ledge. I stepped up on there and sat down. I always wanted to be able to climb the roof at my house back in Michigan, but I couldn't get up there. After about five minutes I got bored, so I went and got a journal. I started writing. Not about anything specific just anything and everything that was running through my mind. I ended up filling half of my notebook by the time my thoughts weren't as loud. I'm looking out over the backyard.For seven o'clock it isn't that dark out. Kyle and Alex are playing basketball. Cullen, Aaron and Elle are swimming. Brandon is with Bella. Nick is with Hannah. Caleb is on the tranpoline and Tyler is reading on a chair. Jackson and Sabrina are looking over books for their wedding. Everybody is there, except me. I don't feel left out because if I did I would just go down there. I just feel like I don't belong. Like I belong in Michigan. While sitting on the roof, I'd made my decision.


So? 2 updates in one night. you better feel loved (: can I get a few votes abd comments. please *insert puppy dog eyes* :D thanks for reading. hope you're liking it.


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