Chapter 30

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2 Weeks Friday.


We are all a little bit better. Elle and Aaron are still wrapped up in their work. I'm actually worried because I haven't seen them.

I've got a big game after school today, it's the second to last game before the season is over.

Also, my college letters have been coming in. I've gotten a few rejections but mostly acceptance. Tyler and I have decided to just stay in North Carolina, I wanted to anyways. We have finals this upcoming week and after that we're done with school. I'm excited yet sad at the same time.

The bell rang signaling lunch was beginning. I walked to lunch but didn't really eat. Tyler and I went for a walk outside when he was done. I loved how we could just sit in silence and not have to say anything. Because those quiet moments are my favorite. After the bell rang I went to fourth hour. We are playing tennis and I'm not even gonna lie, I suck at it. I've hit the ball over the fence five times and hit my head twice. I struggle.

After gym Tyler and I went to fifth and then took off. we went to the diner and hung out for a bit.

Around 5:30 we headed back to the school for the game.

I lined up and the game started.

By the end of the game I was dripping in sweat and extremely happy. We won, The team was hard to beat but we did it. 6-5 in overtime.

After I'd showered and changed Tyler and I went to the cave. I feel like we spend all of our time there but I'm okay with that.

"We should do something tomorrow," I said.

"Like what?"

"The mall," he groaned, "aww, c'mon I need a new dress to wear for graduation."

"Can't you go with Riley?"

"I could, but Riley picks out these dresses and they don't have much fabric."

"I don't mind," he said.

"Everyone else wouldn't either," I smiled mischievously.

"Alright, I'll take you."

"You're the best. I'll take Riley when I go to get my hair done."

We spent the rest of the night talking. We didn't talk about anything in particular. Mostly college though, we're a tad bit excited. At about one am we decided to turn in.


Its eleven in the morning and I'm dragging Tyler to the mall. We went back to the house to shower and change. I finished before Tyler and decided to socialize with the family.

"Hey Caleb," I said.


"I've barely seen you, where have you been?"

"I'm home a lot Annie, where are you? I come to see you sometimes and you're not there."

"I'm sorry! Do you need to talk?"

"It can wait till tonight."

"Okay," Tyler came down shortly after that. We left for the mall.

"I like this one," I said.

"Me too."

"Damn you, we've been at this for an hour and you've liked them all. Choose one damn it."

"I really liked the red one."

I picked the red one up again and tried it on. "I like it to. I'm gonna get it." We payed for the dress and moved onto shoes. I ended up with black heels. We got food after that and then just walked around. Riley met us at the mall with Chase. She had her dress and shoes but wouldn't let me look. We ditched the guys and went to get our hair done.

I got mine cut a few inches and instead of blue bangs I did the under part red as well as my bangs.

After we were done we met the boys in American Eagle. I helped Tyler pick out something for graduation and then we headed home.

At home we watched a movie and ate popcorn. I layed my head in his lap and he started playing with my hair, "I like your hair," Tyler said.

"Thanks, I thought red would look cool even if my eyes are blue." We finished watching the Notebook and Tyler turned on Role Models. I love the movie but I was so tired I fell asleep on Tylers lap.

I was shaken awake at the end of the movie, "It's eight, maybe you should go to your room."

"Yeah, good idea." I started walking to my room only to remember my conversation with Caleb. I detoured to his room and knocked.

"Come in," he said.

"Hey Ca, wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, about Kristen."


"I kinda pushed her away after, ya know, and I'm not sure how to pull her back. Can you help?"

"Just take her on a date, and give her something that means a lot."

"Okay, thanks."

I know that wasn't great advice but I feel exhausted. I went right to my room and crawled into bed.



but of a filler and some more info. as to what's goin on. vote.


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