Chapter 25

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I woke up in my bed and my head was pounding. I went downstairs to get some Aspirin and heard Tyler on the phone in the kitchen.

"All set for Friday?" He waited for an answer, "Great." Then he hung up and I pretendedbig not to be listening. "Morning Ann," he greeted. I took my aspirin and turned my back. "Ann, please don't be mad at me. I saved your life."

"Then I wish I would have died," I said angrily.

"Don't say that," he snapped.

"I'm just a whore. You don't fucking care." And I walked upstairs to get ready for school. It's only six and we've already fought.

I showered and got changed, wearing black shorts with a white v-neck. I put on my black vans and did my make-up. I got my bag together and started to leave. Shit. I don't have a car.

"Hey Alex," I knocked on his door.

"Hey Ann. Need somethin?"

I smiled sheepishly, "a ride."

"Drive with Tyler."

"Alex. Please."

"No." He walked out of his room. Damn. I started walking downstairs when I spotted Caleb.

"Ooh! Caleb!"

"yeah Annie?"

"Will you drive me to school?"

"Sure. But we gotta leave like now."

"yay!! Thanks you're the best." We walked to his car and he drove me to school. He was quiet but that was okay, my head was killing me.

When we got there I thanked him and walked in. I was a bit later than usual but I didn't mind. I grabbed my stuff and went to first hour.

"Hey Ryry," I said.

"Hey Anan!!"

"Could you drive me home after practice today?"

"Of course."

"Thanks!" We talked until the bell rang and then we walked to second hour and talked more. I feel like I haven't talked to her in forever. At lunch I talked to Kate and Ben. In third hour I was extremly quiet and in gym Kaye and I messed around with a volleyball. Fifth hour I was screwed cause I had no ride so I had to hang at the field until practice.

At practice we had a game against each other and did laps on the track.

Riley took me home and I thanked her. She got out of her car and talked to Tyler. Whatever. I went inside and let my presence be known before leaving.

I jogged to my cave with my backpack and Sat down to do some homework. I finished about an hour later and got up to get some food from the fridge. I ate a bit then layed down in the big chair. I started drawing some more.

When I was done I went home and sat down to eat with everyone.

"Annie, we got you something." Elle said.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"It's not your wrangler but it'll have to do for a while," she threw me keys, "It's the black mustang out front."

I got up and gave her a hug, "Thanks Elle!" I went and checked my car out. It was amazing!

I went back inside and showered before bed. I took a quick one and got out. I put on some headphones with sleeping with sirens. Don't Fall Asleep at Helm came on. I was just about to fall asleep when Riley texted me. 'Wanna hang out Friday?'

'Yea! sounds fun!' I sent back.

I slowly started drifting off after that and before I knew it, I was dead asleep.


what's Tyler planning?!?! something good I hope. Vote (:


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