- seven

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"The kiss scene at Charlie's house the morning after the party? Chef's kiss!"

Alice and I both laughed as we walked outside of the set for the Spring house. We'd finished filming the scenes inside of the Spring house for the beginning of episode 4 and were on our way to the next set.

"Right?" Alice threw their hands out in exclamation, "Kit and Joe are phenomenal."

"Even though he annoys me at times, you did a fantastic job at casting my Nick."

I had to give props to Alice. They really knew what they were doing when they cast Kit. The way he portrays Nick is scary good.

Alice slung their arm over my shoulders as we continued walking. Everyone else was taking vehicles over to the next set, but Alice and I had brought up that we needed "sister time" and therefore would make the journey by foot instead.

The slam of a car door caught my attention.

Both Alice and I came to a stop by the car park. No one was supposed to be showing up to set at the moment.

"Who's that, Lav?" Alice mumbled their question into my ear.

My eyes focused in on the mop of brown hair that came around the corner. It was Alfie. He smiled brightly as he waved to me, calling out my name as he did.

"Someone I met at the party last night."

A smile tugged at my lips as Alfie drew closer. How was he here?

Why was he here?

Alice dropped their arm from my shoulders and pushed me forward. "Well, don't leave him waiting."

My eyes flickered back to Alice, "Can I bring him fully on set?"

"No photos." Their eyes were locked on mine, "I don't want my show spoiled."

I saluted my sister before running off in the direction of the boy from last night. I'm still mind-blown that he was even here. I had no earthly clue that I was going to see him again after last night.

I stopped right before I reached him, the two of us taking a second to smile at each other. Geez, this is painfully cheesy.

"How'd you know I was here?"

Alfie gestured behind him, "Asked Yaz last night before she left."

"She's a real one." We both laughed at the comment, "Care for a walk?"

The boy nodded, his floppy brown hair not styled for the day. I linked my arm with his and pulled him along. My only thought was to take him toward the part of the set the cast usually hung out on. I'm sure he'd want to see them too.

After making it all the way there, no one was in sight.

That wasn't totally strange, sometimes the cast liked to hang out elsewhere. I was beginning to lose hope of finding everyone as we continued to meander around the set. Sure, Alfie was making great small talk, asking me all sorts of questions, but I always found situations like this easier when others were around.

"Caleigh!" I screamed at the slightest flash of my best friend.

The girl stopped in her tracks.

She spun on her heel to face my direction and I smiled at the sight of a smile stretching across her lips. "Lav!" If there's one thing about Caleigh that I'll always love, it was her excitement for other people.

The small brunette ran over, the smile never leaving her face.

"Alfie, right? Lav's told me so much about you."

Caleigh winced as I jabbed her side with my albow. Alfie let out a chuckle at the interaction.

The three of us ventured around set for a while. Thankfully, I'm more at ease ever since Caleigh joined in.

"I'm hungry." I mumbled.

Alfie raised an eyebrow before sticking a hand out, "Hi Hungry, I'm Alfie."

We burst into a fit of laughter. Of course he'd make a dad joke.

The sound of something hitting the ground was the only thing that tore our attention away from Alfie's terrible joke. When we all turned to look at here the sound had come from, Kit and Joe were standing nearby. Joe had the biggest smile on his face whereas Kit did not.

Joe began to enthusiastically greet Alfie and mention that he had heard he was here. Kit, on the other hand, simply looked down to his feet.

My eyes followed.

"Oh." I whispered to myself.

He had dropped his coffee on the ground.

When I looked up, my eyes connected with Kit's. He had already been looking at me.

"Kit, you coming?" Joe's voice rang out from beside me. "We're all going to crafty."

The strawberry blonde looked from me, back down to his coffee. "No, uh, I think I'm good."

Some feeling flooded my chest as I watched Kit walk away. But I couldn't dwell on the feeling for very long because someone tugged at my hand to get me to follow along with them.

Hours passed and Joe had left us to go film a while ago. Eventually, Caleigh left to go to Will's trailer, something about them watching a movie, and left me and Alfie alone.

We walked side by side, his hand and slipped down into mine at some point since Caleigh left us. I'm not sure when, though.

I'm also definitely not complaining.

He had told me that he needed to go, something about a family obligation that night. I understood, seeing as technically I was here due to my own kind of family obligation.

"So." Alfie spoke as we stopped by his car.

I looked up at him and he was looking anywhere but at me. Was something wrong?

He rubbed his hands together, "Can I take you out tomorrow night? Say, 7pm?"


"Like... a date?"

A soft smile played on his lips, "If you'd like it to be."

My heart skipped a beat. Why was I so nervous right now? He's just a boy I met literally yesterday.

"Then yeah, I'll see you at 7."

sorry for the wait...
school has been A LOT

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