- eighteen

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"I'm looking forward to seeing you."

I furrowed my eyebrows at my Mum's statement. She'd called me almost as soon as I got to set and I knew if I ignored her call she'd just keep calling, so I answered. Kit had gone off to hair and makeup along with Joe, then Alice had gone off to some production meeting so I was quite literally alone.

"Are you coming for a visit?" I questioned, truly wondering what she had meant.

She breathed out, "Do you not check your email, Lavender?"

"Occasionally." It wasn't a total lie. I did check the thing every once in a while. "Why?"

"Darling, i've sent you a train ticket to meet me in Cambridge so we can start your university tours. You leave tomorrow."

My heart sunk.

"What? Since when was me going to Uni a thing?"

"Since you decided that you can only function with structure." Mum attempted to explain her reasoning, "You showed me that with how great you've been doing with Alice."

I was quiet for a moment.

This was quite literally the worst thing I could hear at the moment. Filming only had about 2 weeks left before everyone went their separate ways and didn't gather again for months.

"Mum." my voice was quiet now.

"Yes, Darling?"

"How long will be gone?" Unfortunately, I knew there was no way i'd be getting out of this.

"I'd say about two weeks. I've got tours scheduled at a few different universities around the country every few days."


I tried to ignore the silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

"But I finally want to be here." My words were barely audible.

Of course as soon as i'm happy it all gets ripped away from me


"Nothing, i'll see you tomorrow."

I ended the call quickly, not wanting to talk anymore.

When I turned around, somehow Alice was just a few feet away. "Did you know?" I questioned, not even bothering to give any context.

If they did, my tears would be enough to clue them in.

"I'm sorry." Alice's face dropped.

They did know. "Oh, fuck you."

I ignored Alice calling out my name and all but ran from the room I had been waiting in. I can't believe they'd help plan something like this when they knew how much being here meant to me now.

They were about to load the vehicles for the drive to the beach to film Charlie and Nick's date scene, so there were people everywhere.

So, it wasn't unexpected for me to quite literally run into someone.

Luckily, the person caught me before I fell. And thankfully, it was Kit.

Or should I be thankful? Now I have to tell him i'm leaving. That's nothing to be thankful for.

"Woah, woah. Why're you crying?" His eyes searched my face for some sort of clue as to why my mascara was everywhere and hot tears were rolling down my face.

I let out a shaky breath, not wanting to have to tell him the bomb my mother dropped on me and how my sister was in on it somehow. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

I'm 99% sure I heard his heart shatter.

"What?" His voice was almost as quiet as mine was on the phone.

"I'm sorry, I have no choice." I sobbed, holding onto him for dear life. "Mum just called to tell me she has this whole university tour planned for me that'll last the rest of filming and I have no choice but to go. I'm gutted."

"But you're... you're happy here. You're staying out of trouble, I don't understand—"

"Apparently in doing so, I showed Mum that I needed structure. So, she decided I needed to go to Uni."

Kit stepped back, raking his fingers through his hair. They'd fix it once they got to the beach.

"Fuck." He whispered, looking up at the sky with his hands on his head — presumably to keep himself from crying as well.

I reached out to him, grabbing one of his arms, running one of my hands down it and into his, intertwining our fingers.

Even this small bit of physical touch helped with all the pain I was feeling.

"Can we at least enjoy this last day together, K?" I begged.

He nodded slowly, finally looking back at me. His attempts to avoid tears were useless as his eyes were welled up with tears at the moment. I'm just glad they'd planned for the makeup artists to tag along.

Kit kissed my forehead softly, pulling me into a hug. This one felt different. It felt like he feared that i'd disappear if he let go.

"You're staying at mine tonight." Kit spoke after a few minutes, probably trying to reassure himself more that things would be ok then he was me. "And i'm taking you to the station in the morning, i'll make Joe tag along."

I softly smiled into his chest, even in the midst of possibly the worst news he could've gotten, Kit still knew how much Joe's friendship meant to me and how much having him there to say goodbye is what I would need.


it's short, but very important

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