Phase 1: Chapter 5

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The Bainbridge Military Academy boys stood in alphabetical order in the pews set up in the large assembly hall. The school's Commandant of Cadets took centre stage as he prepared to announce the final rankings for each squadron going into next year.

Jack and Ralph interacted very little between the gym altercation the other night and now. Simon was also icing out Ralph just as Ralph was icing out Jack. Being at odds with his two closest friends made for a pretty isolating ranking service.

"Welcome cadets, families, and staff to the Bainbridge Military Academy end-of-year ranking ceremony" the Commandant spoke into a mic on stage, and applause erupted among the crowd. "We are very proud of every cadet you see standing in this room today. Our Division 1 junior and senior squadrons consist of K-8 students. Division 1 junior cadets are graduating K-3, and will be ranked from Private to Sergeant. Division 1 senior cadets are graduating Grades 4-8, and are ranked between Sergeant and Colonel. As parents know, Unit 8 will advance to our military base training program in the United Kingdom next year. They will be flying out to study and train at one of our joint bases with the British Royal Air Force for two months starting two weeks after they're back in August. Those cadets will return to Bainbridge in November to work through the remainder of the semester here."

Awkwardly enough, only one person stood between Ralph and Jack at the service. Being in the same unit, and having last names that were listed close by alphabetically made it impossible to avoid each other completely. They stood in awkward silence as the Cadet officer read out the ranks of each squadron in the school.

"Unit 8" the Commandant finally announced, and each member of their unit tensed up as their squadron was called. There were twenty cadets who ranked as Sergeants, mostly the younger and weaker boys in Ralph's squad.

"Simon Bennett: Sergeant First Class" the man read out, and Ralph could hardly hold in his excitement for his best friend, even though he wasn't standing within earshot or sight of him. Simon had been certain he would only make staff sergeant at the very highest. This was one rank higher, and Ralph knew that at the beginning of their squadron line, Simon was booming with excitement.

"Eric Brooks: Staff Sergeant. Samuel Brooks: Staff Sergeant.... Roger Conroy: First Lieutenant... Maurice Kent: Staff Sergeant..."

Ralph was horrified to hear that Roger would be first lieutenant. He was still certain he himself would end up out ranking Roger, but the aggressive nature of Jack's best friend was of concern to Ralph. He worried about working with him on the base in England next year, especially considering how many boys he outranked; more specifically, how he could abuse the power of his relatively high rank. Ralph tried to swallow the fear in this throat as he tuned back into the ceremony.

"Jack Merridew: Lieutenant Colonel."

Shit. Jack wasn't colonel. Ralph had been expecting him to be, and even with one person standing between them, he could feel the anger and heat coming from Jack right now. He'd been expecting Jack to make colonel. Jack had been expecting to make colonel. At the last ranking service, they had advanced to the same rank. At this point, Ralph had gone from hopeful to dreading the sound of his own name.

"Ryan Mudford: Master Sergeant."

Here it comes.

"Ralph Langley:"

Ralph's throat felt like it was closing. He couldn't breathe. He could feel Jack telepathically staring him down, despite the fact that the boy physically stayed composed and facing forward.


His heart stopped. He made colonel. He'd be above Jack next year. He'd be above Jack as they trained in the U.K. Everything Jack had trained for this year, Ralph had just snatched from his finger tips.

Ralph was hoping this hadn't just ruined what was left of their severed friendship.

After the ceremony, Ralph got out of the lineup as quickly as he could and sought out his parents. When he saw them, he ran full speed into his father's arms, who lifted him up off the ground into the kind of bear hug only dads can give.

"I'm so proud of you" his dad said warmly into his ear as he held his sixth grade graduate in his arms.

"I know" Ralph said softly, squeezing his dad's neck and shoulders. He'd forgotten how much he missed his family with all the conflict at school.

"My son, colonel of his squadron. Congratulations, kiddo" his dad said as he let Ralph's feet find the floor again. Ralph immediately embraced his mother, burying his head against her chest.

"I miss you" Ralph cried into his mom's blouse.

"We miss you too, baby" she responded, holding onto her son as if he were her only lifeline.

Ralph released his mom as he scanned the gymnasium where cadets were all reuniting with their families. He spotted Simon hugging the woman he'd met at the beginning of his first year when they first became roommates. They were joined by a man Ralph didn't recognize, likely Simon's father.

His eyes finally found Jack, who was drinking from his water bottle determinedly as if dehydrated. It wasn't the water that caught Ralph's attention, but the fact that Jack was standing alone. He remembered Jack telling him about his dad and sister back in Dalton in front of the fire many nights ago now, and how closed off he was about them. Ralph wondered if Jack's family were in Bainbridge at all. When Jack's eyes found his across the large assembly hall, Jack quickly dropped his head and turned away. Ralph's heart sunk a little for the older boy.

Ralph returned to his room with his parents to finish packing his things for the summer. Simon was there gathering the last of his belongings. The boy's parents had already gone off to load their vehicle.

"Do you guys mind taking these down to the car for me?" Ralph asked his own parents, gesturing to the few small bags he'd packed before the ceremony. His father saw the subtle way Ralph nudged his head at Simon. Picking up the cue, his dad agreed and he and his wife collected the bags and left Ralph and Simon alone.

"Hey, so I guess I'll see you in two months" Ralph broke the tense silence.

"Guess so" Simon agreed plainly.

"Congrats on getting sergeant first class" Ralph went on. "You deserve it, really."

"Thanks" Simon said with a sigh. "And congrats on colonel. You worked really hard."

"Are you really happy I'm going to be colonel? You haven't seemed happy to even have me as a roommate lately" Ralph made to break the ice.

Simon sighed heavily and set down the bags he had in his arms. "I don't mean to be rude. I just don't understand why you'd want to be friends with someone like Jack Merridew" Simon went on, "I guess I should just be glad he didn't make colonel."

"Jack's not a terrible person" Ralph claimed.

"So he's just pretending to be?"

Ralph sighed. "Sometimes, I think he is."

"Look, I don't care if you're friends with him. I just would hate to see you become like him" Simon admitted.

"Do you honestly think I would?" Ralph wondered aloud.

"Why didn't you stand up to him? In the gym that night. You just stood and watched him pin my friend to the wall and threaten us. Doing nothing good is really the same as doing something bad."

"I... I don't know. I should have. And I'm sorry I didn't. I defended your name to him after you left. I know it isn't enough, but he's not really talking to me either anymore because he thinks I took your side. And you're not talking to me because you think I took his side. I'm gonna be colonel next year, and I really don't want to have to do it alone. You're my best friend, Si, and I'd hate to lose you over this."

"I'd hate to lose you too" Simon confessed.

"Can we start fresh when we come back at the end of August?" Ralph asked hopefully.

"I'd like that" Simon smiled, "just promise me you won't let Jack get away with being an ass."

Ralph chuckled, "I promise."

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