Phase 3: Chapter 68

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Ralph Langley closed the passenger door of his father's truck as his eyes found the front entrance of Bainbridge Military Academy. He felt his stomach churning with discomfort and hesitation as he took a few forced steps away from the truck and toward the school.

"It's not too late to change your mind" Jeffery Langley came up beside his son to say, lacing a comforting arm around the boy's shoulder.

"I know" Ralph glanced up at him assuredly. "But I'm not going to."

With that, the two walked through the main entrance of the academy, stepping into the strangely familiar surroundings of the school's front office.

Ralph was immediately taken by the sight of Tony, in his Bainbridge Military Academy uniform, standing with his parents at the counter in front of the office, talking with one of the secretaries.

"You can just leave your things in Tony's room or if you'd prefer we have a secure coat room where guests will be storing their belongings during the ceremony" the secretary Ralph remembered from his time as a student here as Mrs. McGee.

"Thank you, I think we'll just bring them to Tony's room" the woman who could only be his former squad member's mother decided.

Tony then turned around with his parents to head back to his room, when his eyes found Ralph's, who was standing in the line behind him.

"Ralph Langley" the dark haired boy said observantly. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I'm here for the same reason as everyone else" Ralph flatly informed him. "To honor and pay my respects to the victims."

Tony's parents had been pulled into a conversation with another set of parents off to the side now. Ralph felt his dad's eyes on him and his former classmate as the tension between them poisoned the room. Before Tony could respond to Ralph, Jeffery tapped the latter on the shoulder and pointed up at the secretary who was waving them forward.

"I'm gonna check us in, okay?" Jeffery informed his preoccupied son.

"Sure" Ralph nodded dismissively, without taking his eyes off Tony. His dad stepped forward to the counter and out of earshot.

"Victims" Tony suddenly spoke with a heavy sigh. "That's an odd way of putting it."

"How so?" Ralph asked calmly but challengingly.

"Well just because someone's dead, that doesn't necessarily mean they're a victim" Tony vaguely declared.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ralph pressed him firmly.

"What it means is that sometimes people die because of the choices they made. Their own actions led to their deaths, and therefore, they're not really victims of anyone 'cept themselves" Tony responded in an ominous tone that did nothing to help the churning in Ralph's already unsettled stomach.

Before Ralph could collect his thoughts in time to come up with a response, Tony already abandoned him in the middle of the line that was growing behind Ralph now. Ralph turned to watch him and his parents go down the hallway that led to one of the school's dorm room wings. He felt a nervous shake in his step as he moved to join his dad at the counter.

"Ralph!" Mrs. McGee greeted the boy joyously. "It's great to see you, darling, we've certainly missed you around here" she smiled at him.

"It's nice to see you again, ma'am" Ralph acknowledged her with a weak but sincere smile.

Jeffery listened to her directions to the coat room designated for the commemoration event before thanking her warmly as they walked off.

"That your friend you were talking to back there?" Jeffery asked his son as they made their way down the hall.

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