Phase 3: Chapter 54

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There was no telling how far Jack Merridew might go if he didn't have to worry about getting caught. This applied in most situations he found himself in, including the present one. He held himself up a little over the trembling body of Ralph Langley on the last free night before school would start in about thirty-six dreadful hours.

Jack continued to fidget with the hem of Ralph's boxer briefs for only another minute or two before he decided that there was no way to brace the younger boy for what he was about to do. Ralph was certain to overreact, and there probably wasn't a way to minimize it. But if Jack did it now or some other time, it wouldn't have made a difference either way. So Jack took the current opportunity he had to shift so he was covering most of Ralph directly atop his damp underwear. Naturally, the younger boy began to convulse intensely, crying out so earnestly it sounded like he was in a grave amount of distress.

"It's okay, it's okay" Jack assured him as his hand covered the bulk of Ralph's hardened sex. Jack was startled by the length of him, he'd been expecting Ralph to be at least a little smaller. Ralph was still smaller than Jack himself, but still, the older boy was pleasantly surprised. He held his hand still over the younger boy's penis as Ralph squirmed, to allow him a much needed moment or two to adjust to the feeling. Jack softly shushed him as his other hand caressed the skin of Ralph's upper chest and neck to calm and comfort him. Eventually, after a prolonged few minutes, Ralph finally calmed beneath Jack's touch, and his dramatized cries quieted slowly but surely.

Ralph succumbed to the electrifying feeling of Jack's hand resting gently between his legs. After a struggling moment of adjustment, he finally found comfort and enjoyment in it. As his quickened heart rate began to steady, his breathing still intense but controlled, he decided he could've stayed there like that forever. He felt an apparent and pounding throbbing sensation between his legs, but Jack seemed unbothered by it. After only a few blissful minutes of peace, Jack began to stroke his hand along the length of the other, causing Ralph to return to an alarmed, convulsive state of moaning and squirming beneath his touch. Jack began to shush him sympathetically and kiss his neck to help ground him, to little avail.

After a mere few seconds of stroking, Jack felt the contraction followed by moisture beneath Ralph's briefs, a sure sign that the younger boy had ejaculated as he continued to tremble aggressively. Jack, having finally reached the high of the torture, pulled his hand out of Ralph's pyjama bottoms to relieve him. He could hear the violent sound of Ralph's beating heart, his chest rising and falling heavily as he struggled to catch his breath. Jack brought his damp hand around Ralph's lower waist, his other one still caressing the skin of the boy's chest and neck.

"You alright?" Jack chuckled as he wondered whether Ralph was yet capable of producing a comprehensive response.

"Yeah" Ralph said in a breathy, heavy whisper. The brunette continued to scratch at Jack's back a little, but much more lightly now. Jack felt the stinging sensation as Ralph's fingers gently traced over the throbbing wounds he carved out on Jack's back minutes earlier.

"You lasted a lot longer than I was expecting" Jack laughed a little.

"That was like twelve seconds" Ralph shamefully admitted, but he too was chuckling a little at himself.

"I was betting on less than six" Jack laughed against the warmth of Ralph's chest.

"Asshole" Ralph slapped him gently across the side of his head and Jack continued to laugh almost too loudly.

"So how was it?" Jack asked curiously after he finally stopped laughing.

"Intense" Ralph admitted after a moment spent searching his brain for the right word.

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