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Final Author's Note

Wow! I can't believe this story is finally and officially completed! I started this story on November 24, 2022 and here I am on March 5, 2023 wrapping it up after over 100 chapters! I am in awe of how much time I spent writing and researching for it. The last three+ months of writing has been such an incredible journey, and writing this story has added so much joy to my life. I was certainly not expecting it to flow this well, or to go into so much depth about Jack and Ralph's relationship, the boys' recovery post-island, or about each of the character's lives and personalities. It has been such a treat to write this, and I am so looking forward to moving forward with the sequel story on the trial very soon. I hope you are all as excited to see how the trial and the boys' lives play out as I am.


First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who took time out of their days to read my work. Whether you read one chapter, snippets of the story, or the entire 100 chapter story more than once, I am eternally grateful for your support.

Special thanks to everyone who favorited this story, and added it to their reading lists for later! We all have busy lives lol, so I'm happy to leave it here for many future reads. Your favorites and comments mean the world to me! Thank you for being such a supportive audience.

I also want to thank the people who made this story possible, even though they're definitely not here reading it haha! Special acknowledgment goes to Sir William Golding who hand-created each of the characters and the story on the island that brought my ideas to life. He is such a wonderful author, and the original 'Lord of the Flies' story is definitely worth a read! Also credit and acknowledgment goes to those who took part in the creation of the 1990 film that inspired my plot, the personalities I played off for the boys, and the character and setting descriptions of Phase 2. To all those involved in producing the film, many thanks and credit is due.

Moving Forward

I will pick up where I left off with Ralph, Jack, the other boys and supporting characters in my sequel story: 'After Before and After.' Keep a look out on my profile for when the first chapter will be released! I have a lot coming up with school in the next couple weeks, but the sequel will definitely be put in motion this month. Many thanks in advance to my readers who will follow us to the sequel story. I mostly write for myself because I enjoy writing and the characters, but I also do it for each person that reads. Be sure to keep a look out for the first chapter in the new story if you're interested in seeing what happens next!

With that all said, 'LOTF: Before and After' has officially concluded.

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