Phase 3: Chapter 49

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For the first time in Ralph Langley's life, he was afraid to go home. Sure, he'd been home a mere twenty-four hours earlier, but he hadn't really been present at all in the last month and a half. He was half awake, half aware, living half a life. He couldn't remember the last time he actually looked either of his parents in the eye. He couldn't remember the last time he actually listened to a word they said. He couldn't remember the last real hug he gave or received, excluding Jack of course. He couldn't remember the sound of his teachers' and classmates' voices. He couldn't remember the last time he even payed attention to a grade he received on a test or quiz. He couldn't remember what it was like to stand in his own room, sit in his own desk, or engage with another person and actually feel something.

The stupidly elegant ring of the Merridew's front doorbell sent anxious shivers down Ralph's spine. Jack met his gaze as the younger boy's eyes widened with fear. His dad was here to take him home.

"Come on, don't be weak" Jack's smug voice penetrated the silence as he clapped his hand encouragingly on Ralph's back. "And if you are too weak to stand, I'll be there to break your fall."

Ralph knew that Jack's intentions were often genuine but sometimes his blunt, harsh choice in words were more harmful than they were helpful. Ralph felt his anxiety spike as he considered whether Jack was making a cruel joke or actually trying to help.

A minute later, Ralph was opening the front door, Jack standing guard behind him.

"Hey, kiddo" Jeffery smiled down at his son warmly, and Ralph looked directly into his eyes for the first time in a long time. Ralph felt tears welling behind his eyes, and out of sheer embarrassment, he wrapped himself around his dad, hugging him tightly, his face buried in the man's shirt.

Jack watched as Jeffery too started to cry, squeezing Ralph closely, rubbing the boy's back. Although Jack would never say it, but sometimes he hated Ralph; hated him and his little house, his tiny starry bedroom, his inability to scrape enough money together to pay for his own bus pass. Jack hated him because even though he seemingly had next to nothing, what he did have was everything Jack didn't and everything he'd ever wanted. He had a mother who stayed and a father who loved him enough to hold him when he acted out instead of shipping him off to military school.

"I'm so sorry" Ralph cried softly, his voice muffled in Jeffery's shirt.

"I know" Jeffery squeezed him firmly again to comfort him, a sign of his belief and trust in him.

Ralph pried himself off his dad and lifted his head to meet his gaze. Jeffery looked down at the troubled kid in front of him, relieved that he still recognized that smile on Ralph's formerly hollow face. Ralph pulled away a little, turning around just enough to look at Jack. The emotional brunette stretched an arm out to him, a wordless request for him to join them. Jack shook his head with a warm grin on his face, but caved after a moment, moving in to hug Ralph. Jeffery put a hand on each of their shoulders encouragingly. Ralph felt compelled to stay like that for as long as possible; holding Jack close alongside the much needed support of his father.

"I'd be happy to let you adopt him, if you're willing" Paige joked as she bobbled her way down the grand staircase.

All three of them lifted their heads, turning to look at her as she stepped off the last stair. Both Jeffery and Ralph were laughing a little at her joke.

"Shut up, you'd miss me too much" Jack ridiculed his sister back, an evil confidence about him.

"Hardly" Paige scoffed with a smile as she passed through the entryway and wandered off into the kitchen without stopping or looking back.

"She would" Ralph agreed, meeting Jack's eyes as the blond nodded at him in agreement, both boys beaming with light laughter.

"Ready to go, pal?" Jeffery asked his son.

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