Phase 3: Chapter 53

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There were notebooks, pencils, stacks of paper in clear plastic wrappers, binders, boxes of markers and pencil crayons, erasers in packs of threes, multi-coloured folders, and a lock for a high school locker; everywhere.

The brand new school supplies were scattered in organized chaos across Ralph's bedroom floor. The boy had been in the midst of packing and preparing for the first day of school that would arrive too soon a day and a half from now. His brand new backpack was propped up against the wall Jack Merridew currently had him pinned up against.

Ralph feverishly pressed his lips to Jack's, wishing the blond boy would press his body closer to his, enclosing him completely between Jack's body and the wall. Jack's hands were firmly on each side of Ralph's waist, which he used to subtly but forcefully pull Ralph's body closer to himself as the heat rose quickly inside him.

"Jack" Ralph moaned between vigorous kisses. Jack ignored him, pulling his own lips from Ralph's to begin his venture down the side of the shorter boy's neck, down to the neckline of his red sports t-shirt.

"Take it off" Jack demanded firmly but quietly.

Ralph, having been distracted by Jack's hands on his lower back, thrusting their bodies closer together, paused in confusion. "What?"

"I said take it off" Jack repeated, bringing a hand up to pull on and snap the neckline of Ralph's shirt against his hot skin. Ralph, finally cluing in, adhered to Jack's request. After he tossed his shirt aside, Jack closed the gap between their bodies abruptly and liplocked himself with Ralph again.

Ralph felt his skin tingle where Jack's hands reconnected with his waist, travelling up and down his sides intriguingly. He couldn't control the way his breathing was picking up in pace. Everything around Ralph turned into a blur. All that was left was him and Jack; the older boy's tongue teasing his swollen lips, his electrifying hands caressing the length of Ralph's waist, the closeness of their bodies, the pressure and warmth of being chest to chest with Jack Merridew.

Jack removed a hand from Ralph's waist to reach over and turn off the light. The room was suddenly unlit as it was shortly after 2300 hours (11 PM) and dark as the deepest navy blue outside Ralph's window. It was pitch black inside with the exception of the glowing stars providing a mere, insignificant amount of light from their place on the ceiling.

Jack replaced his hand back on Ralph's waist right before aggressively pulling the boy closer to him. Ralph tensed up at the sudden, unexpectedness of it but quickly sank into his allure for Jack. Ralph's own hands pushed firmly against the small of Jack's back in an effort to rid himself of the imaginary gap between them.

Jack, feeling Ralph's urgency, broke from the kiss and moved to plant one on the skin beside Ralph's ear. "I'm right here" he whispered to assure the desperate boy who was practically clawing at him as if he might be whisked away at any moment.

"It's not enough" Ralph whispered back, through heavy and unsteady breaths, turning his head to kiss Jack's cheek gently but eagerly. Jack let him kiss and trace the outline of his ear with his lips and tongue, sinking into the ecstasy of having Ralph's mouth explore his own aching skin. Jack was often so consumed with dominating, with getting an uncontrollable, surrendering reaction out of Ralph, that he sometimes forgot how good it felt when he let Ralph try things to make him feel good.

Although, Jack thoroughly enjoyed it, he could never let it go on for too long. He could certainly release the reigns a time or two everytime they did this, but he would never hand them over. He had to always be in control, clear-headed enough to ensure Ralph would never hold much power over him and his body for very long.

As Ralph continued to kiss and suck on the skin around Jack's ear, the older boy let his hands glide up the front of Ralph's torso, over his abs up to find the younger's nipples. Ralph shivered uncontrollably when he did, surprised and aroused by the sudden, sensitive touch. Ralph moved to kiss Jack's neck in an effort to muffle the inevitable sounds escaping his lips, pressing his face into the crook of Jack's neck as he struggled to stay standing on his own two feet. His legs shook beneath him as he wished Jack would both stop and keep going at the same time.

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