Phase 3: Chapter 65

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Four and a half days before September 6th, Jack Merridew sat with his back up against the headboard of Ralph Langley's bed, his blond head of hair pressed firmly against the wall behind it. The fourteen-year-old brunette sat in his lap, his legs folded at the knee on either side of Jack's. Ralph's body was entrancingly close to his own, leaving only a mere inch or two between their pounding chests.

The glow-in-the-dark stars lit up the otherwise dark room ever so faintly. Ralph wore nothing but navy and white thin-striped boxer briefs that came down to his upper thighs. Jack too removed his shirt at some earlier time in the night, but his plaid pyjama bottoms were still on beneath his metal brace. Jack pressed both his hands firmly against Ralph's bare back, subtly pushing the boy's body closer to his own. Ralph let himself be drawn closer to Jack. Ralph ignored the inevitable discomfort on his right side pinching at his bottom from sitting directly atop the top part of Jack's metal knee brace.

Ralph became so engaged, sucked in, consumed by the thrill of Jack's skin against his own. He lost himself in the ecstasy of Jack's hands wandering hurriedly across his melting skin. The older boy gently tickled the skin up Ralph's back, over his shoulders, down his arms, up his stomach and chest, down his chest, back to his stomach, down to his shaking thighs, til they slid off at his knees. Ralph giggled joyously as Jack's fingers danced back up his knees, repeating the same frivolous process again but in reverse. He became giddy with pleasure as Jack magically found a way to pay dire attention to every part of his body at once. Ralph sunk into the way Jack's electrifying touch crawled swiftly up his chest and to his neck, both Jack's bony little hands stroking each side of the younger boy's face. Ralph was melting; melting so fast he could've dissolved right then and there. And he would've been completely okay with it if he had.

Ralph was in far too deep, his mind far too occupied by the imperious physical stimulation to notice that Jack had taken his right arm out of his sling in order to initiate it.

The more aroused and engrossed Ralph became by Jack's domineering touch, the more aroused and engrossed Jack himself became at the sight and sound of it, at the notion of his ability to take complete control over Ralph's concentration, his body, his ability to self-regulate. Nothing made Jack's heart skip a beat faster than Ralph surrendering to him, handing over the reigns to him, trusting him to manage his physical and sexual wellbeing while Ralph was too overwhelmed to do so himself. Jack fed off Ralph's responses to his actions and his touch. The more Ralph surrendered to Jack, the more Jack surrendered to his own arousal.

Jack used the tips of his fingers to briskly trace down the front of Ralph's trembling torso, his heart pounding at the sound of the younger's skittish laughter.

"You like this?" Jack whispered the question despite already knowing the answer. He simply wanted to hear Ralph say it.

"Mhm hm" Ralph confirmed in an unsteady mumble. His voice was as shaky as his body was. He continued to breathe heavily and inconsistently.

All of a sudden, Jack stopped. He brought his left arm down by his side, his healing right one he kept hovered close to himself.

"Why'd you stop?" Ralph quietly whined.

"Because I can" Jack smugly reminded him.

"But why?" Ralph repeated like an upset child.

"You want this?" Jack knowingly asked as he brought his left arm up to gently tickle Ralph's right arm, up and down, for a split moment before dropping it back down.

"Stop torturing me" Ralph whined impatiently, reaching out and pawing at Jack's chest and shoulders eagerly.

"Beg me" Jack ordered firmly and suddenly, much to wide-eyed Ralph's surprise.

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