Phase 1: Chapter 8

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The first two weeks back at Bainbridge Military Academy flew by fast. Ralph and Simon eventually smoothed the tension between them and the friendship returned to what it once was. Jack was still a source of conflict between them, but they tended not to talk about him when they could help it.

Ralph had been pushing his squad really hard in the training sessions they had in the first two weeks before the trip. Captain Benson started working directly with the boys again in preparation for it as well. He mentored Ralph in leadership and gave him all the tips and tricks in dealing with conflict, slow learners, slow movers, and squadron management in general.

During the last week in Bainbridge, the entire Unit 8 squadron took a two-day first aid course, and a military base training safety course. By the end of the week, the entire squad could've attended to the common injuries they may encounter on the base in their sleep.

As Ralph packed his bags for England, he realized how tired he was of constantly packing up his life in suitcases and backpacks. Simon was on his side of the room, packing too, when there was a knock at their dorm room door.

"Come in" Simon called out. His friend, Dylan, opened the door and greeted both Ralph and Simon.

"I just wanted to say goodbye one last time" Dylan addressed Simon. "It's not gonna be the same around here without you."

"I expect you to advance to sergeant major by the time I get back" Simon said to his friend.

"Sh-yeah, right!" Dylan laughed, and Simon with him.

"I love you" Dylan said suddenly, wrapping his arms around Simon. "Kick England's ass for me, alright?"

"I love you too" Simon said softly, squeezing his friend against his chest. "I'll call you when we get settled in our rooms on the base, okay?"

"Okay" Dylan agreed, "I'm gonna wait up for you so you'd better call."


"K well, I'm gonna go say bye to Sam and Eric" Dylan decided as he waved one last goodbye to Simon.

"Ready?" Simon asked Ralph after he'd done the last of his packing.

"As I'll ever be" Ralph declared.

Ralph stood at the front of the line of his 40-boy squadron outside the academy, all in their identical uniforms. A moment later, Captain Benson pulled up in the coach bus; the Bainbridge Military Academy logo plastered in giant letters on the side. The doors opened, like those on a regular school bus, and Ralph led his squadron on. They had lined up in order of rank, and so Ralph and Jack were first into the bus, and sat together in the very back seat. The rest of the squad followed in behind them, filling up the rest of the seats. Once they were all seated and settled, Captain Benson begun the two or so hour drive to the military airfield up in Fort Benning.

Jack must've been up late, Ralph concluded, because he fell asleep twenty minutes into the bus ride. His head fell carelessly onto Ralph's shoulder. The cadets at the front of the bus produced most of the noise over the course of the drive. Ralph pulled out the blue East Point Soccer sweatshirt from his carryon bag that sat on the floor at his feet and draped it across Jack's lap as he slept.

Ralph pulled out his Walkman from his jacket pocket and put his headphones over his ears about an hour into the drive. He played his five favourite songs on repeat to drown out the endless noise coming from the younger cadets.

About half an hour before they reached the airfield, Jack woke up. He glanced down at Ralph's soccer sweatshirt draped across him like a blanket and chuckled softly but warmly to himself. Ralph was leaning his head against the window, lost in whatever song he was listening to. Jack tapped his shoulder, and Ralph nearly jumped out of his skin.

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