Chapter 29

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Only snores filled the room. The long journeys made everyone tired, draining much of their energy. They spent much longer than they should've slept in their new quarters. Parker drew in his notebook to pass the time with Rosa not too far from his side. She decided to lay next to him while watching him draw enjoying the way he drew pictures while trying to enjoy a moment's peace for once in her life. Parker groaned as he traced along another picture of Rosa's eyes. She stared at it before interrupting his process. "For the record, my eyes are more outstanding than that." she told him, fluttering her eyes.

Parker looked over at her. He smiled and adjusted his drawing accordingly and wiped away the pencil residue. "There, better?" he asked playfully. "Yes, much!" she smiled. Parker placed the journal down and stared back up at the ceiling. Rosa moved closer and sighed. He looked at her worriedly hearing the way it came out. "Hey, what's up?"

Her gaze averted up to get a better look at him. "I just... I just wonder... A small part of me is hoping that... Allison is looking for us... But... I doubt she is. I mean why would she? Just existing in this place puts your life at risk. It puts everything you have left in you at risk. When I came here, all I wanted to do was find my grandfather and then get out of there with everything left in me. Now, look where that got me. I only had Allison who had my back once I found my way around here. I just didn't have anyone else to go by since I hardly knew anything about this place. Other than the rumors of a stupid studio. But here I am with you and everyone else down here." she replied.

The two turned to their sides to face each other better. "Park... to be honest... you're all I have left besides our friends now. There haven't been real people down here since I came. I'm surprised I even found you in time before it was too late. If I hadn't met you, I'm sure we all would've been in a very different situation right now." Parker snickered. "Well, the only reason I'm alive right is because of you!" he smiled. She blushed and beamed. "I guess you're right. I'd do it again if I had to." Rosa told him happily. "Rosa, you really need to rest. You've been through a lot lately." Parker urged her. Rosa scoffed and yawned. "Yeah, I guess I should. You should too you know. You're not the only one who's going through this journey."

Rosa closed her eyes and settled down in her spot while slowly falling asleep. Once she was out, Parker closed his eyes and made himself comfortable on his spot trying to take his mind off things. In the middle of his sleep, he felt something gently hit him which caused him to open his eyes to see what it was.

To his surprise, he saw that Rosa was snuggling into him unintentionally, staying there without moving. He didn't mind and enjoyed the comfort of someone who truly cared about his own well-being. Parker minded himself before quickly falling asleep again.


Everyone except the two teens woke up before them and gathered themselves together. Buddy ultimately regained enough strength and wondered where they were the entire time. "Don't worry Bud! We're in a safe place that Sammy suggested we go to!" Constance told him. "Well, if Sammy managed to get us here, I guess that tells me he did something right!" Buddy chuckled. "Hey! Just because I'm cold and shallow doesn't mean I can't be generous and helpful at times. At least I'm doing something other than falling through floors." Sammy retorted. Buddy softly smiled and touched the back of his head. It was still tender for sure.

Bill came over and took a small peak of where he got hit the most. "I would say take it easy but down here that's hard to do. Especially after you hit your head multiple times." Buddy shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his overall strap. "Where are we?" he questioned. Brant walked over and sat down. "Apparently Sammy has more than one sanctuary to keep things stored so we're here." he told her. "I'll be darned. But why didn't you just venture on? I would've woken up eventually!" he cried. "Do you realize what this place is?! If they noticed you injured someone would've tried to snatch you up. And by someone I mean Alice." Constance told him reassuringly. "Well, it's nice to know you guys care!"

Sammy sat up and stretched from his sleeping spot before standing up and bending back to stretch out more. He groaned and looked over to see his other companions awake. "Oh my gosh. You're awake! I'm so relieved!" he gasped as he raced over to hug his friend tightly. "I'll never get why you're so worried about me despite having an ego bigger than his own head!" Buddy responded. "Don't make me change my mind about you." Sammy warned. Buddy sighed and looked over to see where Parker and Rosa were. That's when they noticed that the two of them were sleeping side by side. While everyone else was amused and awed by their young shenanigans, Sammy grumbled and walked over. "Oh- no! Sammy don't!" Constance pleaded with him.

But of course, he didn't listen. He shook Parker awake despite the young teen being very reluctant to wake up. "Five more minutes." he mumbled and stayed asleep. "No, wake up. Or I'll throw you out the nearest door." Sammy warned. Parker's eyes fluttered open as he came face to face with the musician. "Oh, Sammy, what's up?" he asked as he woke. "You tell me. Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked annoyed. Parker was confused until he looked to his side. Rosa was still snuggled up to him and holding onto his jacket. Parker held back a cry while looking over at Buddy and Sammy. "Can't you just get her off?!" he pleaded. "Just wake her up!" Sammy snapped. Parker nudged Rosa gently waking her up. "Hey, get up, we've gotta get going!" he told her.

She stretched out and yawned while looking up at the others in the room. "What's going on? I just woke up." she questioned confused. "Ugh, just get up!" Sammy urged with Buddy following after the others who were going towards the door. The group once more went out there trying to find somewhere else to travel.

"C'mon, I think we've found another place where we can explore for a bit." Brant told them as they kept walking. Together they made it to a large area with sofas, a booth, and a stairwell. On the wall leading up to the stairs was a scribbled-out message. It read Come See Me! With an arrow pointing upstairs. All of them except Brant and Bill went upstairs to investigate. Parker and Rosa saw a table with tons of pictures and notes spread everywhere making a chaotic mess everywhere they looked.

Picking up several of the photos, Parker only noticed one common theme. They were pictures of a theme park that never happened. "What was this even for? Did Joey have some sort of passion project?" Rosa questioned. "Hardly. More like he was trying to be incredibly "enthusiastic" to the point where he only shot himself in the foot. Put us all in a deeper hole that he couldn't dig himself out of. Too bad it didn't put him completely out of commission because here we are!" Sammy ranted once more. Buddy shook his head. "You hear me, Joey?! I'm still here! AND VERY MUCH ALIVE!" Sammy yelled angrily. Parker picked up one picture that showed what looked like a pendulum fair ride. He folded it up carefully and put it into his pocket.

Constance managed to find something else. It was a switch. She pulled it down with some force and heard something open up in the back. Walking out into the original space, she saw Brant and Bill waving their arms trying to tell her to follow them. "Uh, guys, I think there's something that we need to see." she told the others.

The newly opened-up area led them into a new section that suddenly illuminated when the door opened for them.

BENDY LAND! was written on a banner inside the new place. LAND! was scratched out and replaced with HELL. Another random Lost One sat on top of a fair set piece and gazed at them sadly. No reaction. Just sat there without saying a word. Then it hit them. They were in a new area that Joey had also abandoned.

"This is the theme park. This is Bendy Land."

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