Chapter 41

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Out of options, the two teens followed Bendy out of the tower and followed him where they wanted him to go. Henry tried fighting against the vast Ink Demon relentlessly wanting to get free. Bendy would only get more frustrated and grip him tighter. "Stop trying to resist me now. You asked for this." he hissed. Rosa and Parker could only exchange looks wondering what they could do in this situation.

Finally, the three of them arrived in a completely new room. There were four pipes in the room in the corners and tons of Keepers, Butcher gang members, evil Lost Ones, and other creatures that would've been a part of them. Seeing the scene made Parker's stomach sink while Rosa glared into the eyes of their enemies. Upon their arrival, their captured friends were pushed into the front of the room for everyone to see. They cheered and screeched upon seeing them.

All of them were restrained by Ink Webs made by the Ink Spiders who trailed along the walls. Bendy laughed as they struggled and made faces at him. "Allison!" Rosa cried, racing to her side. She fell to her knees and hugged her friend. Allison relaxed slightly from the comforting grasp but knew there wasn't anything good for them. "You should've run! There's no hope now! AGH!" Henry shouted, being squeezed again. "Don't go around giving people the wrong ideas. You know all about that don't you? If there's one thing everyone can understand, it's that you shouldn't go around poking your nose in places you shouldn't. Of course, you never stopped going around doing that." Bendy taunted them.

Alice saw the Ink Demon and slightly shrank back. She didn't say anything as the Ink Monster got in her face. "You're supposed to be my other companion? What a joke... The only thing you ever cared about was yourself," he stated. Alice bared her teeth at him. "You're one to talk. If you were in my power, you'd be eating those words! I would've made you into a corpse by now!" Alice snapped back. Bendy laughed at her while turning to Sammy the musician.

"My own follower? Such a surprise. Why would you do this much just to be noticed by someone who didn't care about you? Surely Joey would've taught you that lesson by now. Yet you still let yourself get into such a pit of despair that you managed to get yourself stuck in here. How did someone as smart as a musician, get trapped down here? Were you that stupid enough to fall for the Ink's trap? You're pathetic." Sammy shook his head and peered down at the ground, not able to say anything.

"Not to mention this one here just ran. All you know how to do is disappear from the first sign of danger, don't you? What a coward. Always saying that you're going to be "outta here" the first chance you get. But you're still here, right? Such a disgrace. And the only thing you're good for is picking up after people." Wally looked away and shook his head. "I work hard. Everyone here worked hard!" he retorted. Bendy pulled away and turned to Tom who tried to put himself in front of Allison. He hit the gruff wolf out of the way, making him hit the ground with a thud. "TOM!" Allison shouted.

He didn't get the chance to get up before Bendy used his powers of the ink to lift him from the ground with shadow wisps wrapping around him. He grunted as he stared into Bendy. "And you! You created the thing that trapped us all in this hell! All because you didn't want to destroy something that had been a change in history! Why didn't anyone just get rid of it?! Oh, wait... I know why... Because all of you were greedy and cowards! Don't tell me that at some point no one didn't think this machine was dangerous! Don't you see the hell you put us through? And that poor woman... I know you love her... Wouldn't it be a shame for you to lose everything you've ever worked for? Well, trust me, you're gonna know how it feels... Just like this one."

Henry winced in pain as he felt the demon squeeze again. He cried out and looked at his other friends. Buddy looked down afraid of seeing his friend in such distress. "You created me knowing that that monster would've used me in any way he see fit! Then what?! You leave like nothing ever happened! Didn't anyone tell you what was happening? Why else do you think you got a letter?! I'm embarrassed that you fell for a trick that you should've seen coming! And you just threw me away! You feared me like everyone else! Fine... You all want to be afraid? I'll let you be afraid of me. The rest of you were just in the way of my true mission anyway. Everyone inside this studio will remain here in the darkness as I've intended for decades! No one out in the real world is safe! My wrath will be known! Bring me the tokens! Bring me the cast! Bring in the orb!" 

All of the servants were cheering and jeering as they headed toward the animated crew. Tom, Wally, Sammy, and Alice were seized by the arms and dragged to the front of the room. Allison, Audrey, and Buddy tried doing something to grab onto their friends but it didn't work. Rosa and Parker were seized by their arms so they couldn't fight back.

Parker's backpack was then harshly ripped off of his back by Butcher gang members who scattered his items across the ground, only caring about the tokens that Bendy had requested. "Get your filthy hands off of them!" Rosa shouted, only to have her arm squeezed. Parker tried to retaliate before being smacked with a rod.

Bendy motioned for them to put them on pedestals inside the room. A light turned on illuminating the one thing that started it all. The Ink Machine. Eyes widened seeing it this close in person. Three of the Keepers rolled a ball in front of Bendy who used his giant claw to cut the thick ink out of the way. "I know everyone's been wondering what became of that rejected businessman. The one con artist that even deceived me. The one who took everything from all of us. I'll tell you..." The ink's consistency disappeared and left them stunned.

Out of the ink womb was the creator of the whole company. Joey Drew. "Now things are truly getting interesting. Isn't that right Audrey?" Bendy hissed, looking at the young girl. She glared at him. Allison was confused just as much as the others. "Oh... They don't know?" Bendy replied. He then began cackling. 

"How inconvenient for you! Should I tell them all the horrible things you can't escape about yourself?!" he asked them. "I've got no reason to be ashamed. Being the daughter of Joey Drew doesn't make a difference when the weapon in front of you is ending the world anyways." she replied, unfazed by his attempts to taunt her. No one said anything in response. They knew it wouldn't be important up to this point.

"What a shame... At least you are honest. Everyone will join me soon. Now for the final step to complete darkness... Feel my wrath humanity... I will make fears and dreams a reality once and for all."

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