Chapter 30

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"Bendy Land? How big is this place?!" Parker exclaimed taking in the full room. "I'm not going to lie. It's gotten bigger and bigger than the last time I've seen it. Don't ask where we got the funds from because even I don't know." Bill told them. "For all we know, Joey probably smuggled more than he could handle. He always was a conman! Oh well, it's not like we can do anything about that now. We must keep moving forward!" Constance declared. "When in God's name did they put this in?! Where did they even find the time to keep working on all of this?!" she added on. "You're asking us like we know. I might've helped Joey out with some things but this isn't one of them." Sammy told them.

Bill shook his head as he searched around. Suddenly there was a screech with a sudden cough coming into the mic. "Attention all Keepers, Searchers, Spiders... There are intruders inside the area who are not welcome here. I've managed to keep our home safer for much longer than before. This is our sanctuary... and they've threatened our lively hood. Find them. Bring them to me! Bring them to my lair! I want to end these days of Joey's creations trying to end us all. I'll never rest until they're all dead. Don't stop until they're here in front of my throne. I won't be so nice."

The speakers that surrounded the group screeched once more as they were dismissed.

Hisses and whispers filled the room when the message ended. Creeks and moans followed as Sammy and Buddy ushered everyone into booths randomly placed just for them. Searchers came out from the puddles, Keepers crawled out from around the corner, and Pipers, Fishers, and Strikers also hobbled toward them from unknown places. "Holy cow! How many are there?!" Bill shouted fearfully. "Too many! There's gotta be a way out of here! Constance! You remember this area right?!" Sammy yelled. "Uh- I think so!" she cried out. "This way!" The group raced to the other side of the Bendy Land set up where a gate was barely cracked open for someone to slide under. Everyone else slid underneath the opening. "Sammy- help me!" Parker urged as he tried pulling it down to the end. The huge door slammed shut as the army of creatures began banging on the doors. They backed away knowing they were trying everything in their power to get inside.

"Quick! Help me move this!" Sammy ordered, heading over to where a small dresser was. "I'll never get over the fact that it's been five years since the last time all these creatures gathered around to try and sabotage our lives." he grumbled once more. They stacked up anything they could find against the doors without having to think about it more. Seeing that it was piled high and they were still banging hard against the door, they backed away clutching their weapons. "How long do you think it'll hold?" Bill questioned concerned. "Not for very long. This is only a section! Check the room next door to see if there's anything else we can use! We've gotta do anything that slows them down, even a little bit." Brant ordered. Rosa and Parker raced off down the small hall which led them out into the main section.

They were met with a table that sat out in the middle of the room ready for them. "C'mon, help me out!" Parker told her as he grabbed one end. Rosa held it at first and began lifting it with him. As they moved, there was a light that came on the more they moved around. Rosa paused in her spot. Parker noticed this and became annoyed. "Rosa! C'mon, we've gotta help!" he snapped as he tried pushing the table to get her attention. Still, Rosa didn't react. She continued to stare up at something.

Behind Parker, something about the classic fair ride behind him was odd. It suddenly began to move with two doors opening up. Behind the doors, a face appeared and showed there had been someone living in there. Without warning, one of the "arms" of the ride began to lift high up into the air. The one that had lifted then came down rapidly towards Parker. This alerted Rosa and she dropped her end of the table, racing towards him. "PARK!" she shouted, lunging into him, pushing him out of the way in time before the ride's handle came down onto him. Just as they moved, the ride completely crushed the table they were trying to move, leaving a pile of wood.

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